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BBB offers tips on charitable donations

wh~n budgets are tight
RiJgebnd. MS - The Better Top 5 Giving Alternat" es especialIl' during the holiday i
Business Bureau (BBB) Sef\'ing • Toys.Food.OtherItems. season. can be as important to '
:\lississippi. in response to the Many organizations can put "in charities as a cash contribution.
do\\ nturn in the economy that has kind" gifts to good use. Contact Generally the value of donated
had" major impact on the \\ell­ agencies to determine which time is not tax deductible, but the
b,eing of charitable organizations. donated items they need and personal rewards can be great
orr(~r'i some gi'- ing alternatives for accept • Your Voice. Advocacy can
\\culd·b,e donors. •Thrift Shops. The sak ofitems help advance policies and
'-Charities invariably find at thrift shops not only benefits practices that will contribute to a
themseh es in a bind when the the organizations. but it also charity's mission. Although
economl' declines'-' said Bill provides people with limited charities cannot promote political
~I.)ak. rresidemofthe '.1ississippi incomes a place to find reasonably candidates. they can urgeorlobby
BBB. "':-lot only is there less priced item,. for public poliCies that further
funding. butt here are more people • Car Donations. Check on how charitabk causes .
who need assistance. Donations a charity distributes proceeds from For more advise on charitable
of mone' mal' be hard for cash­ car donations to be Suce that the gl\ing view the BBB Resource
strapped- families to provide. but needy (and notth" organization) Library online at www.bbb.org/
there are many other ways people receive the benefits. chari!) .. BBB reports on national
can support a charity and • Your Time. The personal charitable organizations can also
contribute to the season ofgiving.'" rewards for volunteering. be ,i,,,, ed there.

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