#280 BBB 01-28-10 56

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(6tH} 85&-0911 I 1205) 75S.361t'


Circuiation ;; 3502

nllIlllIllllI'IIII' i iII '11'1111

BB~~ffers checklist to help Don't pa} too much up- front

(usually nO! more than U)and
avoid home contractor scams never pay the entire balance
The Better Business Bureau rather than those who COme until the jobis completed satis­
(BBB) ccintiTIues"to receiw through to\\U; factorily.
comp1aints from consumers Don't be pushed into quick BiliMoak, PresltientlCEOof
who have difficulties \"ith con~ decisions; the :\fusissippi BBB cautions.
tractors/s<.:r."ice prm iders per­ Ask for references ... not from "spurious contractors lL)uallv
fonningrepairandmaintenance his favorites. but from his last prey on the elderly. They ope;­
Se[YlceS arOlmd their homes. thn.~ customers; ate door-to-doorom~rin!l home
The BBB Sen-Ing Missis­ Verif)·lieenses and insurdIlce repair SeIY1ceS that ar~ often
sippi offers these tips to help in coverage directlv \\ith the agen~ needed by senior adults. Since
avoiding home COntractor des; don 't ~ copies at face it is often eas) for them to pro­
scams: value; \ ide quick and eas: on~the-sJX>t
Beware of door-to-door Contact me BBB to check on sen-ices. homeowners often
salesmen making lUlSolicited the company's reliability and make declslons without check­
contacb: complaint history; ing out the company bdoH:
Get straight answers to your Get e,,-'l)'1hing in writing and agreeing to proposals,"
questions; read it carefully; never sign COn~ Consumers are urged to
Be \ViiIJ- if the contractor tracts with blank spaces: check the reliability of busi­
won't accept a check or '\YantS Check fimding source'S rather nesses with the BBB Sen ing
the check made out to him in­ than just accepting fmancing ~ iss iss ippi on 1inc at
stead of his company" arrangements offered by the w\\:!v"m~hbb,org or bv callinQ
Deal \\im local bu~inesses contractor: and 8~987-8280. • ­

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