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sons25 Pressure Vessel Design Sofware | Heat Exchanger, Air Coler, Tar FX Bentley + Pewenus pony Rooowoor * obyenae { Tongeica u yemyne Becvoc + Kouauas occ | ousiir | | Kowragna | Raprwepss | Yenyrw SELECT Bentley AutoPIPE Vessel V8i Gallery ining and Leaming AtoPPE ‘OnDemand Webinars Communities Contact Salt (9 1800-BENTLEY Outside of USA: ‘'610-488-5000 1 Request a CallBack may « ‘Comprehensive Software for Vessel Design AWtoPIPE Vessel powered by Mitoprotl enables fully automate workflows, including complete global codes and applod loadings for Pressure vossels, Heal exchangers, tanks, and ar coolers, a deliver Greater producti, safer designs, cost efacive manufacturing, and Improved project collaboration. iste only application to perform ful optimized vessel design In ‘minutes, ANOPIPE Vessel erates fly detaled engineering drawings fand cost estates in loss than fve minus, Product Osta Sheet Maximize Productivity of Skilled Engi ing Resources + Provides the most productive, costeflectve, and accurate design forthe sale operation ofthe vessel under al eading conaiions + Shortens design tme and rework by eliminating guesswork, and reduces taining me by providing a ‘ingle, e38)-0-080 application fr global projects + Ensures confgence in vessel design, and improves competiiveness trough higher design quali Optimized and Flexible Vessel Design and Manufacturing + Prouldes options for comprehensive, high.ually solitons fora loading and manutacturng scenarios inmnutes + Enables nigh-qualiy designs and racuess manual drawing time and rework, improving compasvencss Faster Tine to Production + Comprehensive, flexible modeling and an wietly + Improves the efcioney of modsling and increases prftabiity {Allows manulaturos to improve productvly and delivery tme and enables easier, move accurate design and analysis 157 1o-uso inlorface enables designers to fnd solutions ‘Advanced Analysis Capabiltios, + Fullfaigue analyss of welded components to ASME VI, PD $600, CODAP, ADW, GOST and EN 13445 1 Motion calculations for offshore and wansportaton design {Blast calculations for emergency desion 1 Linkto Nozzle Pro for FEA of nozzles and attachments 1 Comprehensive iting and rigging analysis evaluated every 10 degrees for onsite instalation Improved Collaboration Across Distributed Project Teams + Ensures greater efclency in supply chain ané greater alignment with engineering companies 1 Reduces teratons and errs, enables betlor dually designs, unifies worlows across a ‘comprehensive so of tools, and improves dala handover operations and mainonance + Provides the ably fo impor data fom ActoPlant AutoPIPE, KTR ASPEN, PROS, Honeywell. anc ‘more, Expert 30 models and 2D erawings to major CAD ane plant design sofware, clucing POS, AAutoCAD, Solidworks, and 3D imodel DGN fles and te MiroStaton and AvtoPtant ‘Support for Global Markets + Provides he abil to design vessels to all major design codes in any region, netuding: ASME VIN dv {ASME Viv. 2 (including ASME code case 2698), Britsh 9D 5500, CODAP, EN 13448, Russian GOST, German AD Merkblater, TEMA, API6S0, ang APIGS% hpuiwww.bortey comin-RU/ProduetsBentloy+ AitoPIPE* Vessel 1 sonsz018 Pressure Vessel Design Sofware | Heat Exchanger, A Cooler, Tank Solutions Related Software {Mining an Metals 2 sTaaD Pre 1 Bentey Navigator Browse htpulwww.bertoy comin-RU/Products Bentley AutoPIPE* Vessel 22.

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