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Narrative Structure

Todorov and his 5-stage theory

Todorov came up with a unique theory to attempt to explain how
writers and directors all commonly follow a specific guideline
and plan when writing a script without even knowing so. There
are 5 stages, which only 3 of them apply to my opening
The first stage of this theory is when everything (at the
start) seems normal and casual, where there seem to be no
concerns or worries to the audience. This is known as the
The second part is known as the disruption of the
equilibrium, which is when a problem arises. The content and
happy mood that is portrayed at the beginning is lost.
The third part is known as the conflict which is when the
protagonist recognises that the state of the equilibrium has
been disrupted and disturbed.
The drug taker is sitting on the floor, however he is choking
and coughing up mucus and spit, as we realise he is
overdosing. It is at this point we realise he is a heroin
addict as we see a needle on the floor. This is the
equilibrium as it shows what would normally happen when a
person overdoses on heroin.
Disruption of Equilibrium
The drug taker realises there is a problem when he hears a
voice coming from near him. When he lifts up his head we see
that it is one of his dark visions that have arisen from the
darkest corners of his mind. His evil side starts to torment
and make light of the dark situation, which in return,
frustrates the drug taker.
When the drug taker finally realises that his dark visions are
disturbing and agitating him, he tries to fight back against
them, by resisting the urge to do what his evil side says,
which is cut out his own tongue. After moments of tension and
suspense, the drug taker succumbs to the constant bombardment
of threats, as he cannot do anything to prevent this climax,
due to his weak mind after years of substance abuse.

Roland Barthes and his Theory of Five Codes

The Hermeneutic code Is the way the story avoids telling the
truth or revealing all the facts.
The Proairetic code Is something the audience knows and
doesnt need explaining.
The Semi code Is something that the audience recognises
through the use of connotations.
The Symbolic code Is something that symbolises a more
abstract concept
The Cultural code Is something that is read with
understaffing due to cultural awareness.

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