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Journal #2:

Treaty of Ft. Laramie (1851)

Ft. Laramie is commonly known roughly between the years of 1849-1890. It

was originally known as military post for the western Indian Wars. It was also known
as a place that advocated fur trades and provide shelter to American Indians.
In 1851, the U.S. government anticipated bring the Lakota and the Dakota bands
together at Ft. Laramie in order to establish peace. Doing this would have really
benefited the white settlers because if the bands got along, they would be able to
travel through the American Indians land without being afraid of being attacked.
Each tribe would be assigned a specific amount of territory where each tribe would
Unfortunately for the white settlers, many of the tribes didnt know of the treaty due
to the settlement being strictly done through the settlers and each tribes appointed
chief, which caused the continuation of tribal raids. This caused the settlers to
believe that they treaty had been breached and therefore did not respect the treaty
as well allowing themselves and other travelers to pass by the reserved land
without any remorse.
This caused an outrage to the Santee causing them to attack and raid causing
roughly 30,000-40,000 settlers to flee the area. The government wrote off American
Indians as dangerous and many people who were innocent to what happened were
penalized. The Santee later was afraid they would be penalized as well they fled to
current day North Dakota. Regardless of the peace between the Dakota and Lakota
nations, they were still considered dangerous causing the military to be cautious of
the American Indians.

The History and the Culture of the Standing Rock Oyate. Tribal Historical Overview
N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2015.

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