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Apply Conditional Formatting

Lab 3, Step 5
A. Make a copy of the Sales Data in order to ensure that you have a backup copy of the
original data.
Right click on the Sales Data Tab and select Move or Copy:

Make sure that you click the Create a Copy checkbox and select Move to End:

Click OK. Rename the new sheet Conditional Format.

B. Convert the data list range to a table. Select the range of cells that contains the Sales
Data. Click the Insert Tab and select Tables from the Tables Group:

The Create Table dialog box will open. Make sure that the My table has headers
checkbox is checked:

Click OK. The data will be converted into a Table and the Table Tools tab will open.
C. Select the Percent of Sales Field. From the Home Tab, select Conditional Formatting
from the Styles Group and choose Manage Rules:

Click the New Rule button:

In the New Formatting Rule dialog box, select Format only cells that contain and create
a rule to format cells that are greater than or equal to 100%:

Click the Format button:

In the Format dialog box, click the Fill Tab and select a Green fill color. From the Font
tab, select white as the Font color. Click OK to preview the Conditional Formatting

Click OK.

Add a New Rule. In the New Rule dialog box, select Format only cells that contain
and create a rule to format cells that are between 95% and 99.9%. Format the cells with
Yellow fill and Black text:

Click OK and then add the final rule. Format cells that are less than 95% with Red fill
and White font:

Click OK and then click Apply.

Your percent column will look something like this:

You can sort the data based on the percentage of the Asking Price. Click the filter
dropdown arrow and select Sort by Largest to Smallest. Complete this portion of the lab
by sorting the % of Asking Price in descending order, as shown below.

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