Numbers: I.Match The Numbers With A Line

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Liceo Tcnico Femenino, Valparaso

Teacher: Nadia Rojas L. / English teaching co-teacher: Carolina Cornejo M.


Name: _____________________________________ Date:_______________

I.Match the numbers with a line.


fifty five thousand nine hundred eighty


twenty three thousand five hundred sixty


thirty three thousand nine hundred seventy one


twenty five thousand six hundred eighty


ten thousand three hundred fifty


four thousand six hundred


seven thousand six hundred twenty


twelve thousand five hundred one


five hundred thousand six hundred fifty


ninety thousand nine hundred one

II.Write the correct icon between the numbers (</>or =)

twenty five thousand forty five < twenty five thousand and four hundred five
1. Ninety one thousand five hundred sixty ___ ninety two thousand three hundred forty
2. Five thousand three ___ five thousand thirty
3. Eighteen thousand nine hundred ___ eighteen thousand nine hundred
4. Seven thousand eight hundred fifty ___ seven thousand five hundred eighty
5. Nine hundred sixty three ___ four thousand seven hundred
6. Three hundred thousand twenty two ___ three hundred thousand twenty three

7. One hundred twenty one ___ one hundred thousand

III.Choose the correct answer in the quiz

1) 56.900
a) Fifty five thousand nine

2) 9.887

a) Nine thousand eight

hundred eighty seven


b) Nine hundred eighty

b) Fifty six thousand nine



c) Nine thousand eight

c) Fifty six hundred nine


3) 2.501

a) Two hundred fifty one

4) 340.900
a) Three thousand forty
nine hundred

b) Two thousand five

b) Three hundred forty

hundred one

thousand nine hundred

c) Three thousand five

c) Three hundred for

hundred one
5) 1.588

a) One thousand five

hundred eighty two

thousand nine hundred

6) 77.520
a) Seventy seven thousand
five hundred twenty

b) One hundred five hundred

b) Seventy seven thousand

and eight

c) One thousand one

hundred eighty eight

five hundred twelve

c) Seventy seven thousand


IV. Do the exercises and write the number (in words)

1) Four thousand three hundred twenty one hundred fifty =
2) Twenty thousand eight hundred + four hundred thirty two =
3) Five thousand five hundred + three hundred seventy nine =
4) Seven thousand eight hundred sixteen forty four =

5) Two thousand eight hundred thirty + one hundred twenty =


V. Write the number in English

1) 5.320: five thousand _______________________________________
2) 15.892: _________________________________________________
3) 2.970: __________________________________________________

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