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Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. Qualifying Exam Energy and Fluids ‘Thermodynamies and Heat Transfer Question - 1 Hour In this problem I am looking for you (1) to be able to identify the important physical processes that affect performance, (2) to have some judgement on what processes are important, (3) to be able to reduce the processes to an analytical model that allows you to say something quantitative about the performance of the system. I will be looking for evidence of mature engineering judgement more than I will be looking for the "correct" numerical answer. As such, you should document clearly your thoughts, assumptions, etc. Note that I cannot grade what I cannot understand, so be clear with descriptions, equations, etc. Show me what principles you are applying rather than just writing equations down. Sun O 800 Wim42 Solar Photovoltaic Surface baobab iababddbalall Insulated Backing Cooling Tubes ‘The efficiency of solar photovoltaic panels depends strongly on panel temperature, with the efficiency decreasing as panel temperature increases. This effect is strong enough to lead one to consider some kind of panel cooling strategy. Consider a flat, horizontal panel that is 1 m* in surface area. The sun is 60° above the horizon, and provides a solar flux of 800 W/m*. There is a mean horizontal wind speed of 3 mvs at the site, and the environment is at 20-C. ‘The pane! has a 90% absortivity of radiation at solar wavelengths, and it's emissivity for thermal radiation is 0.8. 1. Find the equilibrium temperature of the panel when it is tumed off (i.., no electrical work is. extracted) and when no cooling is applied. 2. The efficiency of the panel is given by the following equation: nan, - eT Here, the efficiency is defined as the electrical power leaving the panel divided by the power of the incident solar radiation, expressed as a percent. 1j=24%, £,=0.25%/°C, and T is the panel ture in °C. ‘When the panel is turned on, find the new equilibrium temperature and the electric power generated. 3. A source of cold water (10°C) is available that could be used to cool the panel. Copper tubes are placed in the panel through which this water can be passed. Sufficient water is passed through the panel to drop its average temperature to 20°C (i., the outlet water temperature is 30°C). Find the mass flow rate of the water and the electric power generated. oD Energy and Fluids Qualifying Exam Question Professor Gessner Autumn Quarter 2003 Note: This exam is to be taken on an open book, but closed notes and no crib sheet basis. Consider a circular cylinder fitted with a relatively long, concentric piston, as shown in the figure below: 0,061 wen Carp wat), Paeinr® LOL kPen. Tatra 1S 8C cyhndor Alorfice diameter) a ‘The piston weighs 0.05 N and falls slowly with a constant velocity of 0.1 m/s down the cylinder. This downward motion is resisted by viscous effects on the air in the 0.001 mm gap between the piston and cylinder, both of whose surfaces are smooth. ‘The temperature of the air throughout the system stays constant at 15° C as the piston descends, and flow exits through a small orifice on the chamber wall. The pressure ‘on the top of the piston is atmospheric pressure at 101 kPa and 15° C. Other pertinent data are as shown on the figure. Answer the following questions for the condition when the bottom of the piston has not yet reached the orifice location. State all of your assumptions before doing any > calculations. (a) Is the air pressure in the chamber constant or does it vary with time? If the chamber pressure is constant, calculate its numerical value in kPa (absolute). (b) Is the exiting orifice flow rate constant or does it vary with vary time? If the exiting flow rate is constant, calculate its numerical value in m’/s and the exit diameter of the orifice in mm. At some instant of time during its descent, the piston is “pinned” (fixed) in its vertical position and the orifice is plugged. At that time, leakage flow, begins to ‘occur through the small gap between the piston and cylinder, and the chamber pressure, initially at the value calculated in part (a), decays so slowly that quasi- steady (steady-state) flow conditions can be assumed for a given pressure differential between the top and bottom surfaces ofthe piston. Calculate the air flow rate through -the gap in (mm)"/s at a time when the chamber pressure has decayed to 50% of its initial value. Dynamics Qualifying Exam Question — 11/7/03 ‘The 18-kg wheel shown in the figure has moment of inertia J equal to 0.6 kg m? about its center of, ‘mass G and radius of 0.25 m. Itis initially at rest. itis subjected to a clockwise couple moment of 20N m and rolls without slipping, determine its angular velocity after its center G moves 0.15 m. The spring has stiffness k = 146 N/m and is initially unstretched when the couple moment is. applied. k= 146N/m ye Moment =20N'm Pha Qualifying Exam Systems, Dynamics and Design ‘Autumn 2003 Sis {E M ‘Mass-spring-damper system, >f ‘Consider the mass-spring-damper system shown above. The tension in the spring is proportional to the extension of the spring, ‘and the proportionality constant is K. Te tension in the damper is proportional to the time rate of change of the extension of the ‘damper, and the proportionality constant is B. vis the velocity of the mass, measured positive tothe right, p is the position of the ‘mass, measured positive to the right fis an applied force that, when i is positive, pulls the mass to the right. (@) Determine a state model ofthe dynamics ofthis system of the form a & Yy» i. the state of stress and strain at Point p in Fig. 2, Express Torque T (=T,) in terms of G, Gr, yD Yue - 3) After torque T reaches T,, (2) in the above, then, the bar is unloaded elastically so that at the end of the unloading, the applied torque T=0. Can you sketch the distribution of the residual shear stress across the cross section of the bar at the end of the unloading? t _-1 Yy Vmax Fig. 2 Fig.3 PhD QUALIFYING EXAM Nov 2003 DESIGN QUESTION TIME =} HoOR NotEs. THIS EXAM 15 CLOSED BOCK ancl CLOSED NOTES. PLEASE SHOW ALL WORK AND STATE ALL ASSUMPTIONS YoU MAKE a eens #\ The fugue befss Shsos A) An Unnelebeet bar omc 8) a notched bar ¢ the Cvoss Aech™. Both bars Same mincmuie woe machined from BIS) \0Se Cofel-dearm eel. for each bar, eshmate a) vale gf stwhe Ooeel P Causing fracctue| cue —b) Valse f abternetig onial Doel +P shat eseuld evewhielly couse a fadigue Failure (efter perhaps Ito S million ay cles) a) four pou &) Sue poude CF cA) (Pat clomersions a wm) e A SIGN. 1s. SUPPORTED. BY A-ROD Of OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF. L20.PM..... DIMENSIONS oF... cTHE. MEW PRE 229 % OTS MM... AND, LowER. E2GE. of. THE. SIGN. (ss. THREE “METERS. ABOVE. THE GROOWD ASSOME THE WIND.JS BLOWING | INTa. THE PAGE , AWD “THE WIND. PRESSDRE IS vs k & (a) -C-SiK POINTS) WHAT. 15 THE MARLMOM = SHEAR STRESS OME. Red AT. POINTS A,B, ole ? Cb) .C-fon... PAINTS). - ReD_1S.. MADE... FROIN. AISL 10s. COLD DRAWN STEEL. WTA. . AN... YIELD... STRENGTH oF Sy = 280 \T_4s_DESRED_-To_-KEBE. THE. mae LeR@esT.SNEAR. STREss.. BELOW. THE SHEAR STRENGTH S5.C= Say. A FAeTOR of SAFETY oF ome 20. Is. THIS, CRITERIA SATISFLED_ FoR THIS ROD 2 F_.WeT, WHAT _ Would You do To samsFY IT? . . cc) e co) ( Five” Pests) peveRses Now ASSOME THE Wind MANGES DIRECTION Jo TIMES A DAY. Hevd LONG. De YOU ERPECT SEW To REMAN STANDING 7 THis sien AND THE ROD’) Cnecee tT THE WEIGHT OF THE -ssouypun un 941 PU ZH on 22 8 g-sh-v 3uNd ss00pe fn 7 pus =v O20 oA Aap vyesoxhco ects 1° iden 1a porous znbuere g-gh-v 2UNSH ‘ssouyong ou 811 PUB ZV syeip = 2 2104s LON = 20 OH pn 19 sa}NBUEIN! PRUPION ysi-v Bund (penuaueo) Jy siope3 YONNUEOOD feong tours. 464 : avaed aso sng'9 0051-4 1g6t 5089 intoy omen) ANS 1} BOOKS BED. “ami : - es e vou 90 so vo oo eo ue — a) =1 Grol OW = %2 ‘Bupucg u OOK ‘osuonsuen © yim 104 NBUIPER @-Si-v RNS -peouyonn oun 811 pu Ip — m) » v BION Vis 1Sb-v RIND x suoype4 uoyenUeDy0 ‘sseng yeone.0eu, JO SHED Si-v TeV a TABLE A-20 Mechanical Properties of Some Hot-Rolled (HR) and Cold-Drawn (CD) Steots ihe Strengths Listed Are Estimated ASTM Minimum Values in the Size Range 18 to 2 mm (to 11 in. These Strengthe Are Suitable for Use With the Design Factor Defined in Sec. 1-9, Provided the Materials Conform to ASTM Re or A568 Requirements or Are Required in the Purchase Specifications. 'it js Well to Remember that a Numbering ‘System Is Not a Specification. See Table 1-1 for Certain ASTM Steels] SEE eee ‘ 2 ° renbue veto . ' . SAE ANDIOR PROCES” STRENGTH, STRENGTH," ELONGATION IN. REDUCTIONIN. — BRINELL uns no. “ag'NOo” SING” “MPaWos) “MPs kos ine AREAS" _HARONESS i000. 1006 HR 30043) 17028) 30 ss 6 cb 330448) (280081) 20 6 95 Gio» 1010 TR 320447) 18026) 28 0 95 cb 370453) 300088) 20 “0 10s Gioiso” nos HR MDGS) 190275) 28 0 101 cb 390456) 320187) 8 0 un Gio 1018 HR ass) 220.62) 28 0 6 cb W064) S705 5 0 146 10201020 HR HDS) 2100) 2B 50 M1 cd 47068) 38005 3 “ 31 10100 10% HR 470062807.) 2» 2 137 : cd 52076) 440168) 2 35 vag Gia 1038 HR 0072) 2709.5) 8 40 13 cb 55060) 460 67 2 38 18. Gio 1040 HR 520176) 290.42) 8 0 49 co SH) 80) 2 38 170 Gioso 1045 HR 57008) 045) 16 «0 163, co 6) 53007 2 35 179 10500 1050 HR 620(90) $40 49.5) 5 38 19 cb 90100) $80 84) 10 x0 im G06 1060, HR 68D) -3705 2 0 201 Gis 1080 HR 7012), 4201.8) 0 25 29 109501095 HR___#30.020)__ 460 66) 10 25 248 “Source 1986 SAE Hondo p. 218 FIGURE 2-1 2-2 FIGURE 2-2 Bascs 26 MOHR’S CIRCLE Suppose the element of Fig. 2-1b is ct by an oblique plane at angle 6 to the x axis as Soran io, This secon is concerned with he stresses ¢ and which at upon sro gee age, By summing the forces caused by al the Suess Components 02870, the sresses and 7 are found to be ata, % am BEL 4 HAE cos 26 + ty Si 26 2 23) pierentitng the first equation with respect to 6 and setting the result equal 0 zero gives tan 26 = 4) union (2) defines vo parla ales for the angle 24, one of which defines the ean eesooal sess oy and the oter, the minimum normal stesso, These two stess 27 stresses are called the principal stresses, and their corresponding directions, the princi- ‘pal directions. The angle @ between the principal directions is 90° ‘ina similar manner, we differentiate Eq. (2-3), set the result equal to zero, and ‘obtain tan 2 = 2 rm @s) Equation (2-5) defines the two values of 2¢ at which the shear stress 7 reaches an extreme value. i is interesting to note that Eq, (2-4) can be written in the form Dray 605 2H = (0, — 3) sin 26 Dry €08 2b sin 26 = @ Now substitute Eq, (a) for sin 2¢ in Eq, (2-3). We obtain po TS Me IF 5 5, cos 20=0 a6 Equation (2-6) states thatthe shear sess associated with both principal directions is zero. Solving Eq. (25) for sin 26, ina similar manner, and substituting the result in Ea. (2-2) yields on Be en ‘ : Equation (27) tells us thatthe two normal suesses associated with he directions ofthe two maximum shear stresses are equ. Tons for the two principal suesses can be obtained by substituting the angle 22 from Eq. (24) in Eq, (2-2). The result is ata, [eae oy = BAM 2 (EH) 28) Ina similar manner the two esteme-vale shear suesses are found to be wh yaa 29) ‘Your particular attention is called to the fact that an extreme value of the shear stress may not be the same as the maximum value, See Sec. 2-3. ’A graphical method for expressing the relations developed in this section, called a Mohr's circle diagram, is a very effective means of visualizing the stress state at a point and Keeping track of the directions of the various components associated with Plane stress. In Fig. 2-3 we create a coordinate system with normal stesses plotted “Hong the abscissa and shear stresses ploted as the ordinates. On the abscissa, tensile (positive) normal stresses are plotted t0 the right of the origin © and compressive 5-20 Mateos 21/ can be obtained with plastics is very great. The influence of many factors, such as cost, ‘moldability, coefficient of friction, weathering, impact strength, and the effect of fillers and reinforcements, must be considered, Manufacturers’ catalogs will be found ‘quite helpful in making possible selections. NOTCH SENSITIVITY In See. 2-14 it was pointed out thatthe existence of irregularities or discontinuities, such as holes, grooves, or notches, ina par increases the theoretical stresses signifi cantly in the immediate vicinity ofthe discontinuity. And Bq. (2-48) defined a stress oncenvation factor K, which i used with the nominal stress to obtain the maximum resulting stress due tothe iregularity or defect It turns ou that some materials are not fully sensitive to the presence of notches and hence, for these, a reduced valve of K, can be used, For these materials, the maximum stress is, in fact, nun = Kyo (528) where Ky is a reduced value of K, and og is the nominal stess. The factor Ky is commonly called farigue siress-concentration factor, and hence the subscript f but Wve shall find many instances when its use is indicated where only static stresses are presen. So itis convenient to think of Ks astress-concentration factor reduced from I, because of lessened sensitivity to notches. The resulting factor is defined by the equation cp < maimum suess in notched specimen ‘ {= ~~ Suress in notch-free specimen @) Notch sensitivity q is defined by the equation x ® where g is usually between zero and unity. Equation (b) shows that if q = 0, then Ky = 1, and the material has no sensitivity to notches at all. On the other hand, if q = 1, then K,= K,, and the material has full notch sensitivity. In analysis or design work, find K, first from the geometry of the part. Then specify the material, find q, and solve for Ky from the equation Ky=1+qK,-D (5-26) For steels and 2024 aluminum alloys, use Fig. 5-16 to find q for bending and axial loading. For shear loading, use Fig. 5-17. In using these charts itis well to know that the actual test results from which the curves were derived exhibit a large amount of scatter. Because of this scatter it is always safe to use Ky=K, if there is any doubt ‘about the true value of g. Also, note that q is not far from unity for large notch radii. “The notch sensitivity of the cast irons is very low, varying from 0 to about 0.20, depending upon the tensile strength. To be on the conservative side, it is recommended that the value q = 0.20 be used for all grades of cast iron FIGURE 5-16 Notch-sensivty chats for stools fand UNS A92024-T wrought at: ‘minum alloys subjected 10 r- versed bending of reversed axial toads. For farger ich radi, use the values of g corresponding to Pease (4mm), [Reproduced by permission trom George Sines ‘and J. £. Waisman (e0s.), Mets! Fatigue, MeGraw-Hil, New York, 17958, pp. 296, 286) 5-21 FIGURE 5-17 Noteh-sonstvty cures for mater iis in reversed torsion. For larger notch rai, use the values Of @ ‘coresponcing 10 r= 0.16 in (4mm. Failure Prevention 218 Noten ati 7 o os 10 15 20253038 7 —— siete = Alum. alloy o 5 ote ai Statistical Results When the notch sensitivity q is obtained from Figs. 5-16 and 5-17, the resulting value of K, from Bq, (5-26) may be treated as the mean value. The coefficient of variation then depends upon the type of discontinity, Table 5-5 can be used to find values for the steels INTRODUCTION TO FRACTURE MECHANICS ‘The use of elastic stress-concentration factors provides an indication of the sverage Jood required on a part forthe onset of plastic deformation, or yielding these factors otek ads, mm os 401520 2S 03S dO oa \Quenched and drawn ste (Bhn > 200) od anne eel (Bh < 200) a4| Notch sent @ ‘tui soys og Noten radius in SHEAR STRESS THEY Max, 6-7 Steady Leading 243 If we order the principal normal stresses as oy > 02> a2, then the maximum- shear-stress theory predicts that yielding will occur whenever or 4 - wey 5) [Note that this theory also states that the yield strength in shear is given by the equation Szy = 0.505, 6) ‘To develop an even better understanding of this theory, we repeat Eq. (2-11) for the three principal shear stresses here. These are mee me BO 7) Equation (6-7) shows that failure is predicted when any one of these three shear stresses is maximum. Suppose we decompose the normal principal stresses into the ‘components a= oir ot on = oh + 0% @ a= 05+ 0% such that ® “The stresses in Eq. (b) are called the hydrostatic components since they are equal. If it should happen that oj = a} =o = 0, then the three shear stresses, given by Eq. (6-7), would all be zero and there could be no yielding regardless of the magnitudes of the hydrostatic stresses. Thus the hydrostatic components have no effect on the size of, the Mohr’s circle but merely serve to shift it along the notmal-stress axis. Its for this reason that the yielding criterion for the general stress state can be represented by the oblique regular hexagonal cylinder of Fig. 6-18. Figure 6-19 illustrates the theory for biaxial stresses. THE STRAIN-ENERGY THEORIES ‘The maximum-strain-energy theory predicts that failure by yielding occurs when the total strain energy in a unit volume reaches or exceeds the strain energy in the same volume corresponding 10 the yield strength in tension or in compression. ‘The strain energy stored in a unit volume when stressed uniaxially to the yield strength can be found from Eq. (3-33). Thus Sy E @ With the help of the triaxial stress-strain relations in Table 2-1, we find the total strain Steady Loading 245 - FIGURE 6-20 (ter ement win ial stresses this element undergoes both vor ume change and angular so ‘ion (2) Element under hycrostatic tension undergoes only volume change. (c) Element has angular cistoton witout volume change. be subtracted from them, resulting in the stress state shown in Fig. 6-20c. This element is subjected to pure angular distortion, that is, no volume change. Equation (b) gives the total strain energy for the element of Fig. 6-20a. The strain ‘energy for producing only volume change can be obtained by substituting oy, for 1, oz, and 0 in Eq. (b). The result is 30% spa- @ If we now substitute the square of Eq. (c) in Bq. (d) and simplify the expression, we get -2 4 (01 + 03 + 08 + 20,02 + 2003 + 20301) 68) “Then the distortion energy is obtained by subtracting Eq, (6-8) from Eq (2). This gives 1+ {se = 07 + (02 = 95)" + (oy = et] 3E z [Note thatthe distortion energy is 2er0 if @ = 02 = 0 In words, the distortion-energy theory predicts that yielding wil! occur whenever the distortion energy in unit volume equals the distortion energy inthe same volume ‘when uniaxially stressed to the yield strength. For the simple tension test, let 0; = 0, 2 = 0 = 0, The distortion energy is 9) a 6-10) # 10 wy Setting Eqs. (6-9) and (6-10) equal to each other gives {ze = 03) + (on — 037 + (0 ~ or" o z 1) ‘Therefore yielding is predicted to occur when ozs, 6-12) ‘The stress a should be called by a special name, because it represents the entire stress state 0, 02, and 3. The preferred names are the effective siress and the von Mises stress, after Dr. R. von Mises, who contributed to the theory Yon MISES OR DSTLTION ENERGY THEORY of FAILURE 7-8 TABLE 7-3 Conditions Affecting the Endurance Limit Failure Prevention 282 where the constants a and b are found from Eq, (7-6) using Sw and 3. Since Sy= 1G, 63). the procedure is to solve Eqs. (7-12), (7-10), and (7-11), in that order. "The reverse problem is that in which S, and S,, are given as before. With an alternating sess variate o, given, the problem isto find the corresponding value ofthe Iie N. It tums out that N bas a lognormal distribution and, in many cases, occupies @ large portion ofthe log N axis. This problem canbe solved graphically or analytically ENDURANCE-LIMIT MODIFYING FACTORS We have seen that the rotating-beam specimen used in the laboratory to determine ‘endurance limits is prepared very carefully and tested under closely controlled condi- tions. It is unrealistic to expect the endurance limit of a mechanical or structural member to match the values obtained in the laboratory. ‘Marin* classifies some of the factors that modify the endurance limit, and these are shown in Table 7-3. To account for the most important of these conditions, we employ ‘a variety of modifying factors, each of which is intended to account for a single effect. Using this idea, we may write Se kakskckdkeSe 7-13) where 5, = endurance limit of mechanical element ‘Sz = endurance limit of test specimen i, = surface factor ky = size factor k= load factor ky = temperature factor K, = miscellaneous-effects factor 1 Se's 0:504 Sut AW Sue ¢ 200 ksi Sefztoo ks Surface Factor ka Aer Sut 7 200 KSt “The surface of the rotating-beam specimen is highly polished, with final polishing in the axial direction to smooth out any circumferential scratches. The modification fac- tors depend upon the quality ofthe finish and upon the tensile strength. To derive @ formula for ke, 2 total of 39 data pointst for various surface finishes were examined. ‘Teweph Marin, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Moterials, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cis, NJ, 1962, p. 224 {Dota source: C. G. Nol and C, Lipson, “Allowable Working Steses,"* Sacer for Experimental Sires ‘nabs, vol HL, no, 2, 1946, p. 49. Material: Chemical composition, basis of failure, variability Manufscturing: Method of manufacture, heat ueatment,freting corrosion, surface condition, Environment; Corrosion, temperature, stress state, relaxation times Design: Size, shape, life, stress state, tress concentration, speed, fretting, galling Suq = Vrs Tewsite STRENGTN & TABLE 7-4 ‘Surface Finish Factors Variable Loading §— 283 SURFACE FACTOR @__—_eXPONENT FINISH fost MPS > Ground 134158 -0.085 Machined or cold-drawn = 2.70 4.51 0.265 Hov-rolled wa 9707 -0.718 As forged 39.9272. = 0.995 This formula k= aSt, 4) where 5,, is the minimum tensile strength and a and b are to be found in Table 7-4, Size Factor ky ‘The size factor has been evaluated using 133 sets of data points.* ‘The results for bending and torsion may be expressed as (4) in O11S452in Bd ams 715) (Ay we asessimn For larger sizes, ky varies from 0.60 to 0.75 for bending and torsion. FFor axial loading there is no size effect. Therefore, use ed 716) (One of the problems that arise in using Eq. (7-15) is what to do when a round bar in bending is not rotating, or when a noncircular cross section is used. For example, what is the size factor for a bar 6 mm thick and 40 mm wide? The approach to be used here employs an effective dimension d, obtained by equating the volume of material stressed at and above 95 percent of the maximum stress to the same volume in the rotating- beam specimen.t It turns out that when these wo volumes are equated, the lengths cancel, and so we need only consider the areas. For a rotating round section, the 95 percent stress area is the area in a ring having an outside diameter d and an inside diameter of 0.95d. So, designating the 95 percent stress area Ap gan, We have Aosta = E1d? ~ (0.954?) = 0.0766d" an 4 “This equation is also valid for a rotating hollow round. For nonrotating solid or hollow rounds, the 95 percent stress area is twice the area outside of two parallel chords having Mise, op. eit, Table 3. 4See R. Kuguel, “A Relation between Theoretical Suess Concentration Facior and Fatigue Notch Factor eeduced fom the Concept of Highly Suessed Volume,” Proc. ASTM, vol. 61, 1961, pp. 732-748. FIGURE 7-8 (a) Soli round; (b) rectangular section: (2) channel section (a) widecange section. Failure Prevention 204 o © 1 spacing of 0.95D, where D is the diameter. Using an exact computation, this is ‘Ag ss = 0.0105D* @ when rounded, Setting Eqs. (7-17) and (a) equal to each other enables us to solve for the effective diameter. This gives d, = 0.370 (7-18) as the effective size of round corresponding 0 a nonrotating solid oF hollow round. ‘A rectangular section of dimensions ft x b has Ao se = 0.05Kb. Using the same approach as before, we have d, = 0.808(hb)"> 7-19) “These sections are shown in Fig. 7-8 together with @ channel and « wide-flange or I-beam section, For the channel, 0.05ab axis 1-1 0.052xa + O.1y(b— x) axis 22 @-20) Acsse ‘The 95 percent stress ares for the wide flange is _ { 0.1001, axis 1-1 Avs = o.0sba ty > 0.025a axis 2-2 on) Load Factor k. “The lad fctr is given by the equation 0923 axial loading —=—‘Sw = 220 psi (1520 MPa) | xa loading Sy > 220 kp (1520 MPa) * me a2 1 bending 0.577 torsion ané shear TABLE A-18 Geometric Properties Append /04 PART 1 PROPERTIES OF SECTIONS A= area G = location of centroid 1, = [ 2 4A = second moment of ares sbout x axis ty [= ie mm a at ak 08 d= [Pan [2s yee = tp mane of a at oho B Rectangle pil’ Hollow circle AnZwr- 8) a= GOr-d) Inno Qualifying Exam Design and Manufacturing Group August 03, ‘The existing mechanism used to power a mechanical system has failed. You are considering whether to repair it or purchase either new hydraulic cylinders, new pneumatic cylinders, or new electric motors to operate the system. Shown below for each option are the capital costs, annual operating costs over the ten year life of the system, the probability of failure during that ten year period, and the cost of repairs if failure occurs. capital cost | annual operating | probability of | repair cost (S) 8) cost (S$) failure ‘repair existing - 800 0.30 2,000 new hydraulic 5,000 300 0.01 30,000 new pneumatic 4,800 500 0.05 16,000 new electric 6,000 120 0.10 14,000 Use'a decision tree to determine which option has the least expected cost. Use a discount rate of 10%, Explicitly state any assumptions you make +i)" -1 (+i) Uniform Series Present Worth Factor Turin = GeometricSeries Present Worth Factor Present Worth Factor Department of Mechanical Engineering 2003 Autumn Quarter PhD Qualifying Exam, Mathematics 11/7/2003, 3:30 pm f(x) defined over an interval 0 < ¢

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