October 142015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam

October 14,2015
To become victorious in your endeavours what should you pay attention to?
Bhagawan clearly explains to us today.

Dharma is the moral path, which is the light; the light is bliss
(ananda). Scriptures convey that Dharma is the essence of
spiritual wisdom (jnana). Dharma is characterized by
sacredness, peace, truth, and
fortitude. Dharma is yoga (union); it is truth (sathya). Its
attributes are justice, sense control, sense of honour, love,
dignity, goodness, meditation, sympathy, and nonviolence. It
leads you onto universal love and unity. It is the highest
discipline and the most profitable. All this unfoldment began
with Dharma; this is stabilized by truth (sathya). Truth is
inseparable from dharma. Truth is the law of the universe,
which makes the sun and moon revolve in their
orbits. Dharma is the course, the path, the law. Wherever there
is adherence to morality, there you can see the law of
Truth (sathya-dharma) in action. In the Bhagavata too, it is said,
Where there is Dharma,there is Krishna; where there are
both Dharma and Krishna, there is victory.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 3

Reining in your senses is the growing in wisdom. Baba

14 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Awpxy lkSW nUM pUrw krn leI quhwnUM,ikhVIAW cIzW v`l iDAwn dyxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr
nwl smJauNdy hn[
au`qr:Drm hI A`iDAwqimk rsqw hY,ijhVw pRkwS rUp hY Aqy pRkwS hI AwnMd hY[Drm gRMQ dsdy hn ik Drm hI
A`iDAwqimk igAwn dw incoV hY[piv`qrqw ,SWqI Aqy scweI,hI Drm dy gux hn[Drm hI Xog jW imlx hY Aqy
ieh hI scweI hY[Drm hI ienswP hY,ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwauxw hY,ie`zq dw AwBws
hoxw,ipAwr,ie`zq,cMgwpn,swDnw,hmdrdI Aqy AihMsw hY[Drm hI mnu`K nUM,sMswrI ipAwr Aqy eykqw v`l lY ky
jWdw hY[iehI ,swirAW qoN izAwdw AnuSwSn Aqy bhuq lwBkwrI hY[ieh swrw ku`J,Drm kwrx hI pqw lgdw hY
Aqy scweI nwl hI siQrqw AwauNdI hY[scweI,Drm qoN v`K nhIN hY[scweI hI sMswr dw AsUl hY ijhVw sUrj Aqy
cMdrmW nUM Awpxy c`kr (Awribt) iv`c GumwauNdw hY[Drm hI rsqw Aqy AsUl hY[ij`Qy vI mwnv mu`l hn auQy

hI,ScweI Aqy Drm hoNd iv`c huMdy hn[gIqw iv`c vI ieh iliKAw hY ik ij`Qy Drm hY,auQy ikRSn hn Aqy ij`Qy Drm
Aqy ikRSn hn,auQy hI ij`q hY[(Drm vwihnI A`iDAwey iq`n)[
ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwaux nwl hI,bu`DImqw dw ivkws huMdw hY[(bwbw)[

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