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Super Summarizer

Name: Sabrina Ivey

Date: October
15, 2015
Group Members: Morgan Miles, Kayla Jones, Kathryn Smith
Book/Chapter: The Daily 5; Chapter 7
Job: Summarize the reading by looking for key points and linking them
together to form the main idea/summary.
Summary: After launching Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Listen
to Reading, Work Work, Choice, and Check-In, students have mastered
the Daily 5; it has become a daily habit.
Key Point: Choice Students choose what order of D5 activities
which increases engagement and motivation.
Key Point: Check In Students verbalize their choice which
results in immediate focus on their work.
Key Point: Read to Someone increases comprehension,
accuracy, and fluency; explicit teaching and practice is required;
last to be introduced because of numerous foundation lessons.
Key Point: Work Work focuses on spelling and vocabulary;
only lasts 10 minutes instead of the whole round
Key Point: Listen to Reading provides pronunciation and
expression models
Key Point: Work on Writing launch after students meet the
stamina goal in read to self

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