Portman Job Review

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PERFORMANCE REVIEW: U.S. Trade Ambassador Rob Portman FROM BUSH'S ‘MAN IN THE HOUSE’ TO U.S. TRADE REP. “Dggpite the|plain inflicted on his home state, [Portman] has voted in favor of every major free-trade for NAFTA, which Cost More than 50,000 Ohio Jobs. Portman still maintains “there Of jobs created.” jr 3150 vo1e575 11/17/93] fconamic Policy inst, 2/20/05) [Tole Blade, 1/15/08) Portman Repeatedly Voted to Fast-Track Trade Agreements at the Expense of Worker Standards, Economic Implications (8 3008, yoe-370, 7/26/02} HR 3005, Ves, 12/06/01) [HR 3005, Yate £80, 12/06/01] [CQ Commitee Coverage, House Ways and Means Committe Markup, HR 3005, 10/09/01) [HR 2621, Yate 466, 9/25/98) [CQ Comuttee Coverage, House Ways and Means Commitee Markup, HR 2621, 10/08/07] 1876, Uote232, 6/32/93) Portman Opposed Helping Workers Whose Jobs Have Been Outsourced 827. vaies7, 34205) Portman Voted Against Prohibiting Taxpayer Dollars From Being Used to Outsource Jobs [69 Committee Coverage, House Budget Contmittee Markup, Con Res 393, 3/17/04] UNDER PORTMAN'S WATCH. Portman’s nomination is a “slap in the face to the U.S. domestic manufacturing base.”- U.S. Business and Industrial Council: (coweskiy 3/19/05] More than 17,000 Ohioans’ jobs shipped overseas during Portman’s time as USTR (2005-2006). ohio Policy Matters, 2007], The US. trade deficit skyrocketed 6.49 percent to an all time high. Rising trade deficits impede economic growth and job creation, cutting our nation’s GDP rate of growth by one half of one percentage point each year or on average, reducing annual growth by 15 percent. (us census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics, Retrieved 5/13/09}(0hio Policy Maters, 2007] Ohio and U.S. manufacturing weakened because of the escalating trade deficit, accounting for the loss of between one-fifth and one-third of U.S. manufacturing sector jobs since 2000. Between 1998-2007, Ohio lost more than 220,000 manufacturing jobs. on Poey Mater 2007] Staggering trade imbalance with China soared from $161 billion to more than $200 billion leading to widespread job loss in Ohio manufacturing. Portman failed to effectively address China’s continued currency manipulation of the Yuan (as much as 40 percent), which is responsible for nearly 3 million Americans losing their jobs since 2000. pug Ridder 4/13/06; USNews and Word Report 4/26/06; The Holywood Reet, 2/15/06; Census Frelgn Trade Statistics, wen. census. eo) PORTMAN’S RECORD. Portman's trade policies are “disastrous” to America -Then-Congressman Ted Strickland jpaitan Daib-News 11/24/05; “Quarterbacking” CAFTA, which increased trade deficit by 4 %: “Quarterback” of CAFTA Portman argued: “We'll have a trade surplus as a result of this...estimates are...up to a $700 million trade surplus in the first year,” but the trade deficit increased 4% from 2005 -2008. (pbs, Newstiour with jim Lehrer, 6/23/05) [US Census Bureau, Freign Trade Statstles, Retrieved 5/18/09 J. [CNN, inside Politics, 7/28/05) Portman Proposed Cutting US Farm Subsidies By 60%. In an attempt to revive negotiations at the WTO Doha Round talks, Portman offered to reduce subsidies to farmers in the US by 60 percent. “(Western arm Bows, §/20/2006]

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