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~0~110 s1xth pag1 11ifl be fount! n nussngc

Capt l'Jl 1 of the Yiq.pnius steamer, who

11as HCtntl~ <hut m Uub1 Accordmg to Ius
stol) tlu l:ipnnlnnb \\ere nght 111 shooting tum
and oth~1s -John X en!, a cn1 pcntc1 hn1llng from
l'C)rtlnull, nbo comnHm'tcnt! s Ifc sn1s th< nsurnctwn of the spirit bod~ from th~ 11 1turnl liody
Is ben uhf
lie fl'Jl\ldintl's the "!Inn! nsm recti on' of
'ill ph~ "it nl hol) w t to -Ellen
llnrrlgnn t ~. bern use she left,. bHl. little clnl'hm i11 the c1"1n lift l:ihc tcqucsts a s1ster to
tnke care of the 11 ns the fnthn, she nih ge~ <loes
not do so prop! ' 1~ -t.1lb~it Io11nscml informs
ns that IH lost his enrthl) hod) nt thegtunt fire
111 Chicago - Ehh hlgc Sp11 n), of Anstrniia,
giles n 1 en mit r1 stmg idea of the spfrit '' orhl,
n;; seen from his ~tandpoint -Lizzw Fa rib\\ otth,
thh It en ) ears of a,g<', rc ports d) mg from Ehzabtthpott, ~ J -Irene Pnrkcr halls from I a\1rrncl', :\lass 1m~ an opcrah\e 111 one of the nulls
tlu re 11 1slu s to conunumcate: 11 1\h her sbter
S 1rah -I mcoih l:itchbm~. nilw l l ms old 11 ho
sa\ she II\! 1\ in l:ipunghthl, Ill, talks nuked hke
n chiltl ol that 11ge

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