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General Description ‘The Maxim IGL7106 and ICL7107 are monolithic anal to digtal convertors, Ty have vary Figh input imp lances and requre no external splay deve cut. On board actwe components include polarity and aight ar fre, sagmont decoders, vollage reference ard a clock ‘eu. The ICL7106 wil decty dive a nonmultpiexed Saud esta! display (LCD) whrsas he [GL7107 wild rectly dive a common anode ight emiting Gade (LED) ‘Sepia \Verstity and accuracy aro inherent features of these rverers, The cu ope. convoralon Tashegue auto tmatcally rect interference signals common in nus fl emaronments, The true tron put and reference fre pata issul when making alometne moasure: ments (ohms or brdge Warsducers). Maxim has added a Zororinogrator phase tothe [L706 and IOL7107, elm: ating overrange hangover and hysteresis effects. Fira Ijsthese devices offerhigh accuracy by lowering rollover ror fo eas tan one count and fe reading dit fo less than TV. Applications ‘These devices can bo used in a wide range of cial panel rhetor appieatons. Most applications, Rowever, > Solve the measurement and display of analog data onductance Garren Resstance Spoed ‘Temperature Material Thickness Typical Operating Circult means Ly cas E oe Maxim MAXIM 3% Digit A/D Converter Features ¢ Improved 2nd Source! (See 3rd page for “Maxim Advantage") ‘ Guaranteed frst reading recovery from coverrange + 0n board Display Drive Capabilty—no external ireultry required Cepek 7106 LeDact7 107 ‘¢ High impedance CMOS Differential Inputs @ Low Nolee (< 15nV p-p) without hyst overrange hangover ‘ Clock and Reference On-chip ¢ True Differential Reference and Input ‘ True Polarity Indication for Precision Null Applications ‘© Monolithic CMOS design Ordering Information (PART Tew. RANGE ——PAGKAGE ——] TELOWBL —OGto +70C — WO ead Paso OP OBGJL OC to +TOG #0 Less ERDF. TELNIOSGOH Co +70°C 44 Lena Piste CR TGL7I06CID OC» FOC Dice TGLTO7CPL eC TOC a0 Land Plastic OF TCLHO7CIA Co +70°C a0 teed CERDIP TGL7IO7COM °C to +70°C 44 Lead Plas Chip Caro TCLHO7CID OCW» +706 De Pin Configuration Mazio Integrated Products + "LOLL/9OLLTON 1CL7106/7107 3% Digit A/D Converter ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS. NT. wy. voy Tugs sen pdeenreeecamas yee PERM Ra ing mE ‘Reterence Input Vottage (either input). Vt toe ‘ i are ow ties may cae apy vel ented me ept cure Ante 9A ‘Note 2 Onentenang trans dees mse wth a soba rts ce Se ‘Ses ee es ta" vn ary fart rae Tae yo eg ‘imum nrg crates eon eas mya ron iy nersinnied caret ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS wes) (CHARACTERISTICS ‘CONDITIONS Cr Zero input Reaaing a 0.0¥ 0007 [0008] 000 6 Bigta Reacing Fa Seale = 2000 Fatematve Reading i= Vner wee] searia0n | 1008 nee = 100m Failover Evor bleronce vn Van = Nin = BOBO 7 5 a Counts ‘eacing for equal postive and gate reaaing near Full Scale “ineanty (Max aovaton rom | Ful sale = Gm a 7 Goons best erg net or tl sca = 2000¥ ‘Gamman Mode Rejection Raho om = “1 Vn = OV @ We ‘Notes Ful Seale ~ 200 0m ‘Nose PRR valoe not excaedad Un = OV © we Beto me Fol Seale = 2000 Trout Leakage Curent n= 7 ww 2 Zero Reading Dut vn=0 02 T wre OF Ta< 70°C ‘Scale Factar Temperature a= 1950 T 5 Bene Coticent oe tas T0°e Ee Ret Oper ViSupply Curent bees not [vn=0 ofa ma include LED cuetent for 707 supp eurent 7107 ony oe [8 A ‘Araiog Common votege With [25K between Gammon & | 24 | 26 | a2 v respect to Por Suppy" Pos Supe Temp. Coat of Araiog Common —]25kI1 between Common & | w Pemre |_wam respect to Pos. Suppiy’ | Pos. Supply “08 ONLY view =a a 5 cl v PicPx Segment Dive Votge, PicPx Backplane Dive Votage Note 5 7107 ONLY visor 5 rr) ma Segment Sinking Curent Segment votage = 9 cop! Pn 1 {Pin 19 ony 10 1s ma es eee apogee ah ba Pa Ea TOT TAG ask a TH ‘Rene cease oe arse pro of copra 80/080 at bo Th rato st 37 ‘kospue eam tow eal met’ sa eon ed se ashe soy er cance 2 = oe MAXIM MAXIM 3% Digit A/D Converter ‘¢ Guaranteed Overload Recovery Time ‘ Key Parameters Guaranteed over Temperature 4 Signiieantiy Improved ESD Protection (Note 7) 1 Negigible Hysteresis © Low Noite ‘¢ Maxim Quality ana Retabilty ‘ Increased Maximum Rating for Input Curent (Note 8) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS: nico concn ots Asotin Rag nat ae ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: cpectceor tin oye cn PARAMETERS conbmon —— [iw 96 aT [ ereineat essing Wars Oby pul Sane Ta = 25°C (Not 6) 000.0 +6000 © +0000 Digits | I Foye foenate wy) | 0008 Some i900 j aes Re Wars Vie age = Joon Tp eee Beet we seer 1a | Dp | 1 Pee Sree thone wy ee_fasrtno Toor | rely Talon Ear OFarcemn | y= ty = BOT ‘Scngioreanneemns | "ena gaed) 1 +t | cours Cine. devant) ‘Fae BO ies eon srseaitne Ciutat 20007 = ‘Connor Mods Racor] Voy == Wg = OF : Pan ihn i 2 | ww Tae Peralta Vi Mee) Hibs = amomy 6 wv Trp Leakage GT Yor 8 ‘Ta = 25°C (Note 6) 1 10 pA | eonen bm [Rao Reaing om Ww t 7 nx rwo mses) ot vec_| | Seas ar Tomowae Tae 180 Saat oR we 181 pmee ca bet onl Sat | Sopp Curent ‘ne Tboes ot nde LED curent Tease oo ta! a (Seria ba we "Spy en Feng Set Toaog onmon Vote tah PLoS arn tae a 7 | Raeaoanernay Son Ssh Temp Con o arly arian Pt someon Corman % mare) | coseen Pos Sse ete Sey _ Tis Go Nie) Weve =W z Ta {AB Sopmcttve vag, | | | Peau satane She tage | | To onp=sgnan Skea Caan | Y= Ba ct) wa ‘Geet Sennen Notas = av esa oe on | aw ost Fat Pi Votnga "Wit Reape 7 {4 v. ‘yer Resvery Tine Viger on 1 7+ | mre Laren YT _ | easyrenenen YT Ne 7 ise ceagre owas Ghat ESD wt xen of 2000 ea to or SH 883 Aemad 20961) Nowa nt otene ry astm ry we onde mw cated nhs ee en aco ps Noles Renew of mesa os sane a see. MAXIM . ZOKL/9OFKLZION 1CL7106/7107 3% Digit A/D Converter (EE) Analog Section Figure Shows the Block Diagram af the Analog Secton forthe ICL7196. Eacn moasuremontcyso ls Oided ito four phases: 1 Auto-Zoro (AZ) 2. Signal inograte (INT) 3, Reterence De-intograte (01 4 Zero integrator (2) Auto-Zero Phase Thee events oceur dung auto-20f0. The input, INH and IN-LG, ae dsconnected trom the pins an internally Shorted to analog Sammon. The reference capactor 1 charged tothe roforenco vllag. Ain ist, a feedback loop is closed around the ystom to charge the ao-zer0 Capactor Cxz to Compensats for offs! vltages in the Compara, butor amplifier an optaey The herent ‘alse of the systom datermines tho AZ socuracy ‘Signal Integrate Phase “The intoralinpt igh (NAD and input low (IN-LD) are Gonnactog to the eternal pha, the inleyna) shor fe Moved and the auto-zar0 loop Is opened. The converter {hen integrates the ciferetia! voltage botwoon IN-HI and IN-LG Tora ted tna. This ferential voltage can be within a wise common-mode range (wirin one ol of ‘ther supply 1 Romever, the input sghal nas no return wih respect tothe opavarior power supply IN-LO can be tied to analog comren to estan the orrect connor ‘ode volago. The pola othe integrated signals de termined at the ond 9 hase Reference De-integrate INH s connected across the previously charged rel. fence capacitor and IN-LO is itemaly connected to ana to commen ‘crcuty wits to chp eneures that the ‘pact will be connectos with te corect polanty to ‘ause the Intogrator output to rotun 19 zero. The Input ‘Signal Gotormines the time requirod fr the out to re {un to 2079, The dial roacing cigpay od Vi % 000 x Fae Wann OT yee ae Zero Integrator Phase Input low is shorted to analog COMMON and the rete. fence caoacto Is chargod to the reterenco voiage. A feedback loops eised around te system ‘0 ut high causing the inlogrator outfut o return to zara. Th ‘hase normaly last botwoen 11 ard 140 clock pulses butis extended to 740 clock pulsse ator a neavy ove Farge conversion, Differential Reference Tesiercec ontnemtmy hegre Stents ane ceas Sau Briain lancet caret Speech et st iis a toghiaecersighar ss feeioom eats sire aa Eee nie aeuitasanr Seem ue eerumet ae ir MAXim 3% Digit A/D Converter LL Rare 8 Ang Seton CLA OELTOP applications. The integrator output can swing within O13V of ether supply without logs of inearty ‘Analog Common ‘Tho primary purpose ofthis pin is to set the common: made vatags for battery operaion, This is use when Using the 1627106, o for any system whee the put Signals are floating with respect ‘o tho power supply A ‘alage of approximately 2 BV lass than he postive Sup Bis st by hs pin. The analog common has Some of the sttibutes of a rotorence votage. I the total supply voltage large enough fo cause the zener fo requ (©7V}, the common voltage wil have a low output In Pedance (approxmataly 15n}.a temperature costcant St typeally Boppm/"C. and a low volage coetient Coots) Tho itera! heating ofthe 1CL7107 by the LED isola diwors degrades the stay of Analog Common. TM Bower despeted by the LED taplay eevars changes lwih the spayed coum, herby chang ine masta ie af he de which num ros 8 sal change in tho Analog Common volage, Tas comainston of Ya abl poner dsspaton, thermal resistance, and omer ‘ure cooficent causes = 25-60). increase ir noe ear ful sale. Another effect of LED display sive pow raisspaton canbe seen a the Wanaiion Betwoon a Salo reading and an overload conaton, Overoad 4 tow power dssipation condton since tho Ove last sige Pleant igs fe Barked in Ovoraad. On theater hand, & near ful scale reading such as. 1999 has many seq. Tmonts tured on ands & high power desipaton Cond {on ‘The afrence in powot desipaton between Ore. ica and fal scale may enuse 87 Ior win nogatve temperature cooficent reference to cycle betwoon over toad and'a earful seala Gepiay as ho de atetratey Reals and cools. An IGL7i07 wih a posive TC reer nee mil exe hysterasiundar ese conditions: once ul into overoad by a voltage ust barely more than fl eas, he wotags must be roduced by several counts Betora the IGL7407 wil come out of overoad MAXIM None ofthe above problems are encountered whon us ing an extarnalreterence. The ICL7108, with slow pow. fr dissipation, Nas none of these problems with elhor fan extemal retorence or whos using Analog Common During auto-zero and reference integrate tho interna! in put low is connectod 19 Analog Common. I IN-LO is ferent ftom anaiog-common, common-mode voltage ‘sts n tho system and a taken care ol by the excalot ‘GM ofthe convertr. n some appicatons, however, IN-LO willbe sat at.a fixed known voltage (e.g. power ‘supply common), Whenever possible analog common ‘shoud be tod fo the sare point, bus removing the cam mon-made valiage tem the converter, The same holds {tue forthe reference voltage. It conveniont, REF-LO shoud be connectod to analog common. Ths wil re move the common-mode voltage rom ina referance sys tom. [Analog Common i interaly ed 10 an N-channel FET ‘nat can sink 3omA or more of curent Thi wil old the ‘Analog Common voltage 2.8V below the postwve supply {oynen a Soures' tying to pul the common ine posts}, ‘Theres only 104A of source curren, awover, £0 COM. [MON may oasiybe ted to a more negatve valiage, tmus Cversng the internal reference Test ‘wo functions are performed by the test pn. The frst is using this pn as tho rogatve supp for extemaly gener: ated segment civrs or any other annuntiators the user ‘ay want to incude on the LCD. Ths pin fs coupled To the interaly generated sigtal supply trough S00!) resistor. This appicaton is ustatod in Figures 8 & 6 2 lamp tests the second function. All segments wil be {urmed on and the splay shoud read = 1868, whe TEST i¢ puted righ (VP). Caution: Inthe lamp test mode, the segments have a constant de voltage no square wave). Tas ean bur the ECD itettin rs made for several minut, ZOKL/904KZIOI 1CL7106/7107 3% Digit A/D Converter Digital Section The gigital eection fr the 1CL7106 and ICL7107isilus- trated n Figures 8 and. In Figure 8, an iiernal digital ‘roundis generated from a 8 sonar diode and a largo P- hannel souree folower This supply 's made sl to ab 010 the largo capactve currents wren the back pane (GP) vatage i stoned. The BP tequoncy is ealeulates by dividing tho clock roquency by B00. For exampia, wit acock trequency of 48kHz (8 readings per second), the Backplane wil be a 60Hz square wave wih a nominal lampiude of 5V. The segmenis are given at the samme frequency end amplitude. Note that theso aro outa Phase wnon the segment is ON andin-phese when OFF Reglgitle de voltage exists across the segments in e+ ther case, ‘The ICL7107 is idantical tothe ICL7106 except that the backplane and divers nave boon replaced by Nohara Ssegmont swore, The ICL?107¥e designed 1a rive com. fon anode LED's wth atypical segment current of mA, Pie 19 (ousans cig autpt) sks curr from Mo LED Segments, and nas a 16mA give capably “Te ovary inccation is “on’ for negative analog inputs, for both the ICL7106 and ICLT107. I desea INH! and IN-LO can be reversed giving a “on for postive analog inputs. System Timing ‘Tho clocking creuity for the 1CL7106 and ICL7107 is iMusated in Figure 7. Three approaches can be used: 1. Acrstal betwaen pins 39 and <0. 2. An external osilat connected to pin 40. 8. An RC osclator using all tree pins, ‘The decade counters are von by the lack frequency divided by Tour. This requency i then further vided 0 form the four conver-cycle phases, namely. signal inte- grate (1000 counts), reterence de-integrale (to 2000 unt), auto-2or (260 t0 2080 cours) and zero tena for (11 to 740) ‘The signal integration should be a multiple of 60H to Aacheve a maximum relocion ot 80Me pickup. Osclator Froguencios of aOht2 okie, 4acriz GDkrlz 8OKMe ‘e0kti2, 240kte, etc, should be selecied. Similan, for S0Hz tejecton, oscliator fequencies of "200K, ‘ookie, oezsktix, SokMe, 40KH2. otc, are appropnat, Note that d0iti (25 reacings/ second) wil eject BOR 50 and GOH (also 400 and 440H2) Autoer0 receives the unusod porton of roteance dantograte for signals less than full-scale. A ‘compiote measurement cycle fs 4.000 counts (16,000 clock pul 3), independent of input vatage. As an axamale, an of lator requency of 48x woud be used To obtain veo Teotings per second. Maxim 3% Digit A/D Converter «(OO ot + O08 mi co Fase 8107 pa Stn MAXIM ZOLL/90FLTION ICL 7106/7107 3% Digit A/D Converter ‘Component Value Selection Auto-Zero Capacitor ‘Toe noise of the systom i influenced by the autozer0 apastor For tho 2V scale, a 0.047 F capactor Is a8 {ual A capactor sie of 0.47,F ve racommended for 200m ul scale wher low aol operation fs very i Borant. Ove to the. 21 phase ef Maxim's ICL770607, Nose can be reduced by Using a larger auto zero capac tor without causing hymerests or overrange hangover Brobloms soon nother manuicturers IL 71067 which 49 not have the 2 phase Reference Capacitor For most appicaions, a 0.1uF capacitor is acceptable. However, a larg value ls nowded fo prevent rollover o. ror where a large common made votiage exists. the FEF-LO pin g-rot al analog common) and. @ 200m Soale fs used. General. the ol ver eror wil 89 Pold half @ count by using a 1. 0uF capactor Integrating Capacitor To ensure that the integrator will not saturate (at approximately 0.3Y fromarther supply}. an appropr: ale integrating capacitor must be. selected A Nominal 22V fulscale integrator ewing fe accept Able for the IOL7106 or IGL7107 when the analog Common is. used asa reference. A nominal =25 to 4 volt swing is acceptable for the ICL7 07 with a 23 Supply and analog common tied o supply grouna Thenominal values for Cmvris0.22uF fortnrae reac Ings per second. (48kHz clock). These values snoula bbe changed In inverse proportion to maintain the game uiputawing taierontosellarortrequencies ‘The integrating capacitor must have iow dlslectc ab sorption to minimize inealy errs. Polypropylene &8 Dacitors avo rocommended for this application, Integrating Resistor ‘ha integrator ang tho bulfor amotfor both have a class ‘output stage with 10014 of quiescent curent 203A of hive current canbe supplied wih noglgible nan-enearty. ‘Ths resistor should be lrge enough to maintain the ar piles in the inear region over the entre input votage ange, The resistor vale, however, should. be low {enough thal undue leakage vogiremonts are not psced fon the PC boards Fora S00mV scale 847K resistors ‘commanded (2V soale/ 470K), Oscillator Components [A 100K. sesistor s recommended for al ranges of e- ‘quency. By using the equation = 08/RC. the cakac. {or valve Can be calclsted. For 48Kr2 clock, (9 read ings/second), the oscilator capacitor plus stay capac tance should equal 1009. Reference Voltage ‘an analog input voltage of Viy equal to 2 (Vper) is ‘ured to generate ul seals output of 2000 cous, Thus fox 2V and 200m scales, Vege should equal 1V and 00m ospwctvoly. However: there wil oxist a scale factor oor than unty between the input volage and the iaial reading n mary applications where the A/D IS Connected toa transducer. ‘Asan example, the designer may ike fo have aul Scale reading inaweighingaystem wien the voltage from the transducer Is 0.6830 The designer snouts Use the Input voltage directly sho select Vner at Q.34TV instead of dividing te Input dovin to 200m. Sultable values of the capacitor snd integrating Testor would be 0.22uF ata 120K¢1 This provides forasiightiy quieter system end.algo avoids a divider Retwork on the Input Fe ICL7707 ean accept input Signals up to 735V with “QV gupplies. Another Advantage of this system oceurs when the digital Teading of zero is desired for Vy 2 zero. Examples are omperature anc wslghingsysiems with varable {are By connecting the voltage Yransducer between Vinspositive and common, ancthe variabie (or xed) offtet voltage between common and Vin negative. the ottsst reading can be conveniently generated 1017107 Power Supplies ‘The 10L7107 is designed to operate trom = 5¥ suppis. Howoter, when a negative supply ha avaliable can bbe generated from a clock cut with twa chodes, fw Capacitors, and an inexpensive IC. Rater to Figure 10, ‘Aitenalvely a ~V supply can be generated using Max i's ICL7G00 and two eapecstors. ‘A negative supply isnot roquited in selects applicators. ‘he eondtons to use a sng 5 sippy aro © An extemal reference is used, The signal is ess than + 1.5V. ‘ The input signal can be referenced to the center of the commonmode range of the corwerter Soo Figure 16, at Tt = | E 4. Fane 13 Ganong Neve Soham» 5Y MAXIM Applications Information Heat generatad within the ICL7107 IC package dua to the sinking of LE alay cuvont Fluctuating chip tom. perature can cause a display to change roading I he Internal votage reforence i use. reducing tne power Being ssipated such varitons ean be reduced. The ICL7107 power dssipaton is reduced by roosting the LED common anode votage. The curve tracer lusaon ‘showing the ‘wlaborstip betwoon the output cuent ANd {he autut vollags or typical 10L7107 is seer n Fgura 17 Noto hatte typical L707 tpt 92 (pom), se the typeal LED has 1/8V across it (@mA Sve cur Fenian te common arodo ss connacted to 1 5V. Mab tum powo? desipation I B.A x 9.2» 24 segments — 6£2mW ‘Once the ICL7107 output voltage #8 above 2V, the LED Currents essentally constant a output vollage increas (es Ponnt 8 llustates thal reducing he ouput voltage by O:7V resute in 7.7m of LED current, (ony Se reduc tion). ‘The maximum powor desipaton is @ rodsclon of 28a 9s ealulatod by T.7mA x 25V x 28 sogments = 462mi¥d As itstratod in Figute 12, recuced power dissipation is ‘easy fo obtain. Th can be accompeved by placing & thor a 5:1f1resistor o a 1 amp dode In sores wit the ‘Seplay (but oti sores wath the TCL7107)Pomt © of Faque V8 ihusvates that a resistor wil reduce. the ICL7107 outpt vatage whos al 24 segments are "On ‘The autgut votage sil increase. when Sogments ar turned “Of”. On the other rand, the diode wal su in 8 ‘elatively stoady outpt voltage, arsune Pomt 3. The re- SSslor not only teduces the ehange in power dsipston as the display changes, but also lis the maximum Bower dsspation Ths s due {0 the fact that a8 lower Sogments ara "On". each “On” oulput stops more vot age and current. Tho resstor c¥eult wil change about 230m when changing from the bes! case cfs seg. monis, "111" dapay, to worstcase of a "1860" dis Bley. the resisor fe removed, to power desppation Exango Wil be 47omW. The resistor, tharelore wil ‘ue tne ofect of aaplay sissipaban on reeronce vole ‘ge sit by abo $06 AS moce segments are tuned off, the change in LED brightness caused bythe resistors most unnoticwab ‘Gogo may be used instoad ofthe reat is mpOr tant to maintain a steady level of spay Bnghiness, MAXIM 3% Digit A/D Converter Vocmenr | | LL (gee 1 787 On Car Ca Vag 2042/904LTII 1ICL7106/7107 3% Digit A/D Converter Typical Applications SBI a Sa as pe sa ND ge Pt ie oon et Fen 17 THOT wh a 2 Ea Bn RS Vs a Te) Sgn Soe eh we MAXIM 3% Digit A/D Converter _____________ fypieat Applications oe 22 Patani Ot aera, * encarta MVEA hm aw 21 BCD Ot am 7 agra ee MAXIM nce 23 Sree Enso Cann Der LOLL/9OKLTON 1CL7106/7107 3% Digit A/D Converter lini iosins is Sane iets Ya oct i Pin Configuration Maxim Integrated Product, 510 N.Pastorle Avena, Bunmyvaln, CA 94000 (400) 797-7000

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