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(2011 specification)

Candidates observation


Sheet number 1 of _____
Student name

Pritesh Ramesh Bare _

Place inspected Welding Consumable Manufacturing Unit_

Hazards and consequences

Student number


Date of inspection 07/ 09/ 2013

Control measures
Immediate and longer term actions


Wear Plate Manufacturing Plant





Overhead crane hook in loadingunloading bay no.1 doesnt have

safety latch/ pin which could result in
sleep of slings from hook throat and
fall of the material. It has a potential
of severe head injury or fatal.

Immediate action
The safety latch/pin should be put immediately and no
material shall be lifted without the fixing of latch to the
crane hook. Substitute bays to be use till the completion of
the fixing of safety latch/pin.
Longer term action
Ensure that inspection of all safety devices in overhead
crane are part of periodic maintenance schedule and
effective monitoring of its compliance.

Plasma cutting machine no. 2

operator was handling hot cut plates
with the help of cotton hand gloves,
which is ineffective in protecting
palms of the operator from hot
surface of cut plate also has a
potential to catch fire and may cause
burn injury too.

Immediate action
Cotton hand glove needs to be replaced with leather/
Kevlar hand gloves
Longer term action
Risk assessment of plasma cutting operation is to be
review and monitor that it is being use effectively.
Ensure that new employee should be instructed for the use
of right PPE for right job.

A contract worker was carrying out

painting work of air & water pipelines
at the height of 5 meter by climbing
on ladder and without wearing safety
harness. It has potential to fall of the
person from height due to slip of
ladder or misbalance of the person. It
may also lead to musculoskeletal
disorders due to overstretching while
trying to paint more area by standing
of one position (ladder).

Immediate action
Ladder is meant for access & egress and should not use
for working. It should replace by mobile tower scaffold or
scissor lift to be used. Worker should wear safety harness
while working on it.
Longer term action
Risk assessment of painting at height work is to be review
and monitor that it is being use effectively. Ensure the work
permit system is being followed effectively and monitor its

One newly installed CNC welding

machine was not protected with
welding (Protective) screens like
arc/radiations may harm eyes of
other employees, visitors etc.

Immediate action
Welding screens to be put immediately around the
machine. Machine should not put in operation without
providing protective screens.
Longer term action
Risk assessment of Newly installed CNC machine is to be
review and monitor its compliance.

1 Hour


1 Month
1 Hour

1 Month

1 Week

1 Month


One welder was doing manual

welding on completed wear plate as
a part of rectification work inside the
wear plate plant without using local
exhaust ventilation which was
causing generation of welding
fumes/ smoke, can harm the health
of the welder as well the co-workers
in the plant.

Immediate action
Local exhaust ventilation is to be provided for manual
welding work area also change the direction of welding so
welding fumes/ smoke will not spread inside the plant.
Longer term action
A separate welding booth/ area are to be provided with
local exhaust ventilation system for any manual welding
work. Risk assessment for the manual welding is to be
reviewed and monitor the compliance.


Each welding heads of Welding CNC

machines are connected with fume
extraction system followed by Air
pollution control device which
absorbs generated welding fumes. It
get filtered through bag filters before
discharging into the environment

Good Practice observed. The system is taking care of As per the

employees as well as Environment. Only thing is to maintenance
maintain on regular basis for better efficiency.


A heap of wear plates were kept on

the ground in the walkway leading to
south side emergency exit. It may
lead to panic due to blocked
emergency route in case of

Immediate action
A heap of wear plates should be removed immediately and
walkway needs to be clear.
Longer term action
A separate storage rack is to be made and as soon as
plate is unloaded from CNC machine it should go to the
storage rack.
Ensure that no material should keep in the walkway and
emergency exit is always accessible.

There were several cases of melting

of safety shoe sole of CNC welding
machine operators. After interviewing
few of them it came to know after
completion of welding on MS plate
for unloading the plate from machine
operator have to climb of a plate
which is hot causing the melting of
safety shoe sole. It might increase
the consumption of safety shoes due
to frequent replacement and failure
to this can lead to a burn injury to the

Immediate action
PU sole safety shoe should immediately replace with Heat
resistant Nitrile sole safety shoe.
Longer term action
Undertake a Wear Plate unloading risk assessment to see
whether automation in the process or change in the
procedure to eliminate direct human body contact to the
hot plate can be done.
Ensure that new employee should be instructed for the use
of right PPE for right job.


1 hour

3 Months

1 hour

6 Months

1 Week

1 Month

(2011 specification)

Candidates observation


Sheet number 1 of _____
Student name

Pritesh Ramesh Bare _

Place inspected Welding Consumable Manufacturing Unit_

Hazards and consequences

Student number


Date of inspection 07/ 09/ 2013

Control measures
Immediate and longer term actions


Teromatec (Flux cored wire) manufacturing Plant



Single Head Draw Bench machine

have inadequate fixed guard which is
ineffective to protect a person from
the impact of rotating wire in case of
breakage also have chances to get
caught in between the pinch points
of the rotating parts of the
equipment. It may lead to severe
injury due to impact of rotating wire
and crush injury due to caught in

Immediate action
Prohibit the use of machine until the proper cage type fixed
guard installed. Inform the supervisor for present hazard
and instruct for safe operation.
Longer term action
Ensure that inspection of all machine guards is part of the
maintenance schedule and effective monitoring of its
Review the risk assessment to see whether fixed guard
can be replaced with Interlocking guard for better
protection and control on process.

During Blending of metal powders by

Y Blender it is observed that while
loading and removing of blended
powder fine dust is generating and
spread over nearby floor as well as
in the workplace environment. It may
lead to slip of the person due to
slippery floor and sever health
hazards like damage to the lungs.

Immediate action
Floor need to be clean on regular basis to avoid
accumulation of dust and workers who are handling
powders should wear adequate respiratory protection.
Longer term action
Y Blending operation should not carry out in the
workplace with other operations. It should be done in an
isolated area with all necessary protections like dust
absorption & removal system, workplace exhausts, antislippery floors, provision of regular dust removal &
Personal Protective Equipments like dust masks etc.

2 Hours

1 Week
1 Month


6 Months

Stick Electrode Manufacturing Plant


Heavy oil leakage observed below

Extrusion press no.3 which may lead
to an injury due to slip of a person. It
also has potential of fire as it is
readily available fuel for fire.

Immediate action
Spilled oil should be immediately wipe out with the help of
saw dust or cotton waste and keep a tray below the
leakage. Oil soaked cotton/dust should be kept in
hazardous waste bin to avoid contamination.
Longer term action
Review of maintenance schedule and monitor its
compliance. If required increase the frequency of
preventive maintenance. Encourage operators to report
such issues in future. Supervisor should inspect the
machine prior to use.

1 Hour

15 Days





While extruding electrode from

hydraulic extrusion press, the
electrode is coming out with pressure
and hitting the guide disk to rest on
the belt conveyor during this the
parts of wet flux also comes out with
pressure which may cause eye injury
due to flying particles/ foreign object.

Immediate action
All the persons working nearby extrusion presses should
were Transparent Safety Goggle.
Longer term action
A barrier screen is to be provided opposite to extrusion
press hydraulic cylinder.
Risk assessment of Stick electrode extrusion activity is to
review and monitor the implementation.

Near binder preparation area 2

Workers were handling heavy
manually from trolley to weighing
machine which may cause them
back injuries, bruises and abrasions

Immediate action
It is to be lifted by forklift with proper drum lifting
Longer term action
Elimination of manual handling with installation of required
capacity overhead crane with drum lifting arrangements
above the weighing machine which will lift the binder drum
from trolley and keep on the weighing machine.
Train the supervisor for proper manual handling and
ensure the maximum use of mechanical assistance.

Workers who are working at last

position on a continuous stick
electrode manufacturing lines they
were lifting extruded stick electrodes
from conveyor and arranging in
trays. Due to repetitive movement of
body there are chances that they
may suffer from work related upper
limb disorders (WRULDs)

Immediate action
Give the breaks in between the shifts. Job rotation
amongst the extrusion team.
Longer term action
Undertake a Stick Electrode extrusion risk assessment to
see is there any scope for change in workstation design or
any ergonomic improvement can be done

Generation of noise is quite high in

wire cutting machine area, though
operators are wearing proper Ear
Muff/ Plugs long exposure may
cause hearing problems.

Immediate action
Scheduled Job rotation amongst the department. Break in
between the work.
Longer term action
Review of wire cutting operation risk assessment to see
whether any chances of isolation of process or isolation of
operators can be done.

15 days
1 Month

6 Months

1 week

2 Hours
2 months

15 Days
2 Months

(2011 specification)

Candidates observation


Sheet number 1 of _____
Student name

Pritesh Ramesh Bare _

Place inspected Welding Consumable Manufacturing Unit_

Hazards and consequences

Student number


Date of inspection 07/ 09/ 2013

Control measures
Immediate and longer term actions


General Observations




The damaged web slings were using

for loading 12 nos. of Wear Plate
from wear plate plant to truck
standing outside plant near main
gate no.1 which has potential of
breaking of the slings and injury due
to impact from falling of the plates. IT
has high potential of accident as it is
near the main gate where visitor
movement is maximum and chances
of visitor getting exposed to such
hazard is high.

Immediate action
Damaged web slings should be discarded immediately by
cutting it into small pieces and properly tested slings with
C clamp is to be used.
Longer term action
Loading-unloading of material should be done with tested
lifting tools & tackles at loading-unloading bay only, with
the help of overhead crane installed in the bay which will
isolate the activity from visitors and risk will be reduced.
Ensure that inspection of all lifting tools & tackles are part
of the maintenance schedule and effective monitoring of its

Electric cable was laid loosely on

ground for working on maintenance
table at ground floor near goods lift
no.1. It has risk to trip and fall of the
person. The trailing cables also
present the risk of electric shock if
mechanically damaged or improper

Immediate action
Put a cover over cable or reroute it from overhead which
will clear the walkways in front of Goods lift.
Longer term action
Install additional distribution board near maintenance table
to eliminate the need for long trailing cable.

It was observed that during reversing

of forklift the reverse horn was not
worked after interviewing the forklift
operator it came to know that the
reverse horn is on switch which he
forgot to on while reversing. It might
have resulted in the severe injury to
pedestrians due to struck by forklift.

Immediate action
Operator is instructed to on the switch without fail before
reversing the vehicle. Supervisor is made aware of hazard
and asks to monitor it properly.
Longer term action
Reverse horn should be linked with the reverse gear and it
should work automatically with gear. Separate switch is to
be removed.
Refresher training should be to operators for the safe
operation of Forklift

manufacturing floors are equipped
with HVAC system. It removes hot air
with excess fumes, smoke etc. and
supply fresh cool air inside the plant
temperature 3 degree less than the
outside temperature. It provides
comfort and healthy workplace to


8 hours
1 Month

1 Hour
15 Days


1 Month
15 Days

Good Practice observed. The system is taking care of

employees health. It not only provides the comfort but
increases the productivity.
Maintenance is to be done on regular basis for better As per the



List of trained First-aiders & Fire

fighters are not displayed in the
manufacturing plant. It may take time
to avail help during the emergency

Immediate action
List of trained first-aiders & fire fighters to be displayed in
all prominent locations of the plant.
Longer term action
Maximum number of persons should be trained in first-aid
and fire fighting and well communicated to everyone in the
It should be properly communicated to new employees
during Safety Induction.

1 Day
As per

During random Circuit breaker

testing it was found that two circuit
breakers at ground floor (one is
behind rolling machine and another
is near plasma cutting machine no.1)
are not working. It is very serious
and may lead to death of a person
due to electric shock.

Immediate action
A power supply is to be disconnected for both electrical
switched and a warning sign should be put.
These switches should not be used until the replacement &
testing of circuit breaker.
Longer term action
Ensure that inspection of all circuit breakers are part of
Electrical maintenance schedule and effective monitoring
of its compliance.


No evidence of Portable electrical

appliances (drill machine, grinding
machine etc.) testing were found. It
may cause electric shock or fires due
to faulty equipment.

Immediate action
Equipment should be check for PAT label and also visually Before Every
inspect before use.
Longer term action
Ensure that inspection of all Portable electrical appliances
is part of Electrical maintenance schedule and effective
monitoring of its compliance.


Hazardous chemicals/ substances

are stored with other material in the
store which may cause harm to new
employee who is unaware of the
hazards related to chemicals. Also
there are chances of reaction if two
incompatible materials come in

Immediate action
Identify and labelled all the hazardous chemicals present in
the store.
Longer term action
Review of risk assessment of hazardous chemical storage
and ensure its compliance.
Separate arrangement to be made for storage of
hazardous chemicals with all necessary precautions like
eye & body shower, Fire extinguishers etc.
Information about hazardous chemicals should be well
communicated to new employees during safety induction.

2 Days

1 week
1 Month
3 Months

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