#280 BBB 09-24-09 58

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Clrculallon =2550
As tMe"''number of busi,
nesses discovering the bene­
fits of hiring customer servo
ice people ro work from their
homes is increasing, mQre
and more consumers are in­
terested in becoming a part
of this growing segment of .
the work force.
The Be~Busine8s Bu­ I
reau (BBB) seiVing Missis­
sippi ofl'ei'Sthe following in­
formation to consumers in~
terested in employment that
involves working from home:
• Potential employees
mllst prove that they are
qualified to perrorm ail of the
required daily tasks.
• Usually include the
j)IOC<l8S of sending a resume,
filling out an application, and
participating in a telephone
• Most positions require
working certain shifts each
day, covering shifts during
evcIrings and on weekends,
and being available for on­
site training.
• Employem generally re­
quire a dedicated phone line
for work pu:rpos<>!, a comput.
er with high speed internet
connection and a private
work space in the home.
BBB PresidentiCEO Bill
Moak cautions, ""'hen look­
ing for an at-home job, be
sure to verify that the job is
legitimate. This can be done
by visiting the BBB web site
to determine if any com­
plaints have been filed
against the company. You
should also research compa­
nies online to determine hnw
long they have been in busi­
ness, what they offilr ro cus­
tomers, and tbe types of
work-alrhorne positions they
typically offer."
To check on a company:
visit their web site; check
with any industry-related
regulatory agency; contact
the BBB serving Mississippi
online at www.ms.bbb.org or
call their Automated Re·
sponseLine at 8O().987-8280.

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