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Topic: English

*Websites and
found on
space website

Duration: 40
Stage: 3
Year: 5/6
Syllabus outcomes and indicators:
EN3-3A- uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to

read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different media and
EN3-2A- Composes edits and presents well-structured and coherent texts.
EN3-4A- draws on appropriate strategies to accurately spell familiar and

unfamiliar words when composing texts.

EN3-7C- thinks imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically about

information and ideas and identifies connections between texts when

responding to and composing texts.

Time guide
5 Minutes

30 Minutes

5 Minutes

Students will advance their narrative writing using correct
grammar and punctuation while also being creative when it
comes to the art components through an interactive story
on new technologies with story jumper, where they will
show the knowledge they have gained about dairy cows.
Activity/ lesson guide:
In todays lesson the students will be working on of
their final lessons activity. This is their final point to
show the information they have learnt about dairy
Students will come into the classroom and go on with
their individual work. They will need to find a
computer or iPads to log onto their learning space.
The students will logon to the learning space and
complete the set activities for lesson three. The
students will use story jumper to make a creative
writing piece on dairy cows. This is an interactive
engaging way to use technology to see what the
students have learnt.
Once the students have completed this activity they
will post their story (narrative) onto the learning
space upload page.
The students will then have a chance to recap the
information they have learnt over the past three
lessons. The students will gather in groups and
discuss the fun facts that have learnt about dairy
cows, showing each other the work they have

Lesson three

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