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There are
loopholes in
'do not call'
Consumers are reportmg
an increase in the number of
unwanted phone calls they
are receiving even after reg­
istering their phones (land
lines and ceJls) on the Do
Not Call List.
Although this registration
initially eliminated most
solicitation and marketing
calls, there has been a recent
The Better Business
Bureau ~(BB!ll Serving
Mississippi. --as part of its
Identity Theft Prevention
Program, offers the follow­
ing information regarding the
national Do Not Call
The Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) reports
that there are some loopholes
to the Do Not Can List wbicb
allow such calls to bypass
the restrictions, These
By making a purchase
from a company. a business
relationship is established
which allows the company to
circumvent the Do Not Call
This relationship allows
continued contact from the
company for up to 18 months
after the last purchase, deliv­
ery or payment date.
However, you can ask the
company to stop calling, and
they will be subject to a fine
of up to $11 ,000 if they do
not honor your request,
A business relationship is
also created with a company
if tbere is any inquiry or
application made to it.
This type of relationsbip
exists for three months, and
the company can call you
without penalty during that
period of time even if you
request them to cease their
Often there are disguised
information links included in
online inquiry/order forms
which can lead you to
request "free" information on
a product or company,
This then allows the com­
pany to circumvent the Do
Not Call List because a rela­
tionship has been established
with the company.
A phone number can be regis­
tered on the national Do Not
Call Registry online at
For more infonnation, con­
lact the FTC at 877-382-4357.

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