#280 BBB 08-25-09 12

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Circulation = 2105

"LW tax credits,available I
BeMeFRmbtm Bureau
exterior windows, storm ments:
of Mississippi
Ridgeland -The Amer-
doors and exterior doors. Always check the com-
- Roofing and insula- panylcontractor with the
ican Recovery and Rein- tion, including metal or BBB to get their rating and
vestment Act of 2009 asphalt shingles. determine if they are
atin in^
- ~

included new and expanded - and cooling accredited by the BBB.

tax credits for homeowners. I systems, incldiig energy Get several estimates for
Qualifyiag improve- , .efficient central A/C units, projects. Remember that
ments include installing oil furnaces and gas fur- you do not have to use any
wind or solar energy sys- -nates. specific contractors in order
tems or a new roof. -water. heaters, includ- to take advantage of the tax
The Better Business ing energy efficient gas, oil, credit.
Bureau (BBB) Sewing propane and , electric The BBB has bmn sent-
Mississippi cautions con- heaters., ing Mississippi consumers
sumers to be sure that any A complete list of quali- and businesses since 1964
energy saving products pur- fying home improvements by promoting an ethical
chased actually qualify fcr is available online at. < marketplace. A BBB Relia-
the tax credit http:llwww.energystar.govl bility Report on a business
"Homeowners should taxcredits >. can be obtained online at <
keep in mind that having an The BBB offers advice http:llwww.ms.bbb.org >
Energy Star seal does not for homeowners when. or by phorie at 800-987-
guarantee that the product making home improve- 8280., 1
qualifies for tax credits," I
said Bill Moak, BBB Mis-
sissippi President.
The following improve-
ments can qualify for a tax
credit for 30 percent of the
improvement cost up to
$1,560 total for all
- Windows and doors, ,
including energy efficient
skylights, storm windows,

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