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C I ~ C U I 2650
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Poosing a D AeM=lPPLmk
When consumas Iind them-
selves in n e d of &it couosel-
ing in order to resolve debt
~ m o r d ~ ~ t o s h othe and owrations These should be
b ' e d in writing prior to any
w i a m apment.
Reasonable fees. Set-up fees
issues,it is important to select an for a debt muagemu1 program
advisor that is reputable and should not exceed $75 and
qualified to assist them. monthly maintenance fees
ln conjunction with the should not be more $50.
Association of Independent lk BBB has been pmoring
Consumer Credit Counseling M &markelpIace ~d s e w
Agmcies, the Bps ~usiue&i
.Bureau (BBB) Serving
. Good custouter&ce
record. Check with th . or
ing Mississippi, consumers ond
b u ~ ~ r since
e s 1964.
Mississippi offers the fo~owiog the Attorney GeneralSvSce to To check on the nlinbility of o
-areas of consideration when discova m y oompla4:llistory company, contact the BBB online
, . &, ',

se1ecting a debt advisor: on the company. or w . m . b b b . o r g or by phone

Accreditation by a third Full disclosure of-policies at 80lP987-8280.

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