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Year 11 VCAL: English Assessment Project Alessandro

In this project Alessandro will conduct an interview with his mother

and sisters about moving from Malaysia to Australia. The questions
will focus on some of the themes we have covered in our text study
around refugees, including: the emotions around leaving home and
starting a new life in a foreign country, family and belonging, and
cultural differences.
Alessandro will research photographs and information to accompany
his interview and give a presentation of his project to the class.
To complete this Assessment, Alessandro will need to complete the
following tasks:
1. Conduct an interview of between 8 and 10 questions with his
mother and sisters. This may be recorded by video, or voice
recording, or by hand.
2. Collect photos and information (such as maps of Malaysia,
information about the area/city his family is from, or evidence
of the journey, such as copies of tickets and passports) to
accompany his presentation.
3. Create a presentation and present it to the class. This
presentation may take the form of a Powerpoint, edited video,
or other multimedia form.
- The presentation will run for approximately 5-10 minutes.
- Any information or research included in the presentation
must be written in Alessandros own words.
- Alessandro may choose to include some cartoons or a short
comic strip that illustrate his familys story.
- Alessandro will answer questions from the class at the end
of his presentation.
This project will develop Alessandros literacy skills in the following

Oral skills: Communication, discussion and delivery of

Research: The ability to research appropriate information
and material and reproduce information in his own words.
Structuring of information texts: The ability to structure
information in a clear, reasoned and effective way.
IT and Multimedia: The creation and delivery of a
presentation using a multimedia program and (possibly)
the use of video/audio equipment.

Some suggested interview questions (as discussed between

Alessandro, Yolanda, Deb and Matt):
When did you migrate to Australia?
Who migrated with you?
Why did you select Australia as your new home?
How different is Malaysian culture from Australian culture?
Can you tell me about the area you come from in Malaysia?
What has been difficult about settling in another country?
Did you experience culture shock when you came to Australia?
What do you miss most about Malaysia?
How is the food in Malaysia different from the food in Australia?
How different is the music in Malaysia?

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