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Tiny Chambers/POBF

Phone: 980-343-5992

Principles of Business & Finance

I would like to welcome you to Principles of Business and Finance. I am very excited about having the
opportunity to guide you through Principles of Business and Finance and look forward to a rewarding
semester. Principles of Business and Finance This course is designed to help students master skills in the
areas of business concepts, leadership skills, communication skills, technology, money management and
banking, credit, savings and investments, insurances, and careers in business and marketing. Emphasis is
placed on the integration of various skill areas, such as: mathematics, communications, social studies,
science, critical thinking, higher-order thinking, cooperative learning, and workplace values. Work-based
learning strategies appropriate for this course are school-based enterprises, internships, and cooperative
Getting the LOOT (Grading)
Grades will be determined based on the following:
Tests 70%

Quizzes, Daily Grades/Projects/Starters


It is your responsibility to get all notes and assignments, as well as make up all tests and quizzes within five
days of missing class.
Grading Scale




Below 60

No Excuses
Organizational habits are a must in our society. In the world of business if you are late
with your work, your employment could be terminated. Late work is not accepted in
college, either. All work is expected to be turned in when due. If you are having
trouble, please see me to discuss your options.
Tools Needed
3-ring binder
Notebook paper
#2 pencils

Tabbed dividers
3 x 5 index cards
Highlighters (2 colors)

USB Flash drive

Black or blue pen
Signed Internet Agreement

Please try to have all materials before the end of the first week of class. If you
encounter difficulties in getting these items, please see me as soon as possible.
Tips for a successful semester
1. Use different colored ink for notes taken each day of the week. Read through your notes each

2. Write down important concepts on index cards. For example, vocabulary, ideas, descriptions.
Use these cards to study.
3. Outline material studied in class.
4. Come to class every day.
5. Bring all necessary materials to class (notebook, pencils, etc.)
6. Check class website for updates weekly (Google Classroom)
All Hands on Deck!!!
Attendance and punctuality are necessary for success in school and on-the-job. Procedures for attendance
include the following:
Regular attendance in class is expected.
Any tardy will require a student to obtain a tardy slip from the Sign In/Out kiosk. A written pass from
a teacher will be LIMITED, while a pass from an administrator is accepted.
If you know you are going to be out, get your assignments in advance.
Excused absences allow you to make up any work that you missed. However, it is your responsibility
to get and complete these assignments.
You will have 5 days (one class week) to make up work. After this time, missing grades will be
recorded as zeros. *Notebook work may be obtained from fellow classmates.
All missed tests/quizzes should be made up after school. Tutoring period may
also be used to make up classwork and/or tests.
Mischievous Cardinals
Hopefully, we will not have to deal with this topic on a regular basis because we are all young ladies and
gentlemen and will behave as such. However, in the event that discipline problems should arise, the
following protocol will be used for minor infractions:
3 Strikes
1st offense: Verbal warning to student
2nd offense: 1 minute after class and Call Home
3rd offense: Call Home AND Referral to Administration
*More serious offenses will result in automatic referral to administration.
We will follow the 3-strike rule (above)
No scented products should be taken out, put on or sprayed in class!
Students will only be allowed 3 bathroom passes this semester so they should be used wisely
and only when needed unless there is a doctors note on file with the nurse here at the school.
Remain quiet during all announcements!





Code of Ethics Contract

I, ________________________, agree to:
Be Present:
Come to school!
Stay on task.
No sleeping or personal grooming in class.
Be Prompt:
Be on time to class.
Be in my seat, quiet and ready to work when the bell rings (have notebook out, work on starter.)
Make up missed work in a timely manner (5 days.)
Be Prepared:
Bring all needed materials to class.
Take care of all personal matters before coming to class.
Have a tardy note if I am late.
Bring in homework assignments and have them ready to turn in.
In class discussions
In group activities
By completing all class work and other assignments
Be Polite:
Remain quiet when others are speaking.
Respect myself and others.
Not use profanity.
Take care of school property.
Stay in my seat until the bell rings.
Be Positive:
Keep a positive attitude.
Try my best.
I have read and am familiar with the information in this newsletter and agree to the terms stated in the Code
of Ethics Contract.
Student: _________________________________

Parent/Guardian: ______________________________________

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