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Assessment for FireDamaged


The collapse of any building structure is
attributable to two factors: natural hazards
and man-made hazards.
The first one deals with natural
phenomenon , which should be expected to
happen at uncertain times.
The latter is simulated by fire,
accidents and other violent activities that
would cause structural damages thereby
affecting human lives and economic
activities of the country.

Unfortunately for man-made hazards,

particularly fire-hazards, very little
consideration is given to this type of damagestimulating factor on the account that such
occurrences are dependent upon mans vigilant
efforts for fire safety assurance.
Despite the existing guidelines and standards
for testing resistance ability of construction
materials to fire, these are not enough to
ensure that reinforced concrete buildings
especially government structures which are
beset by budget constraints, are spared of such
hazards and damages.

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