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NO. PR-10-00898-3, IN RE: ESTATE OF 5 INTHE PROBATE COURT HUGH GRANVILLE ROBINSON, 5 NUMBER THREE OF Decease & DALLAS counry,texas (Om this 15" day of March, 2010, came on to be heard the Applicaton for Injunctive Reliet ( Petition”), filed by HUGH GRANVILLE ROBINSON, JR. and SUSAN ROBINSON WELLS the children of the Decedent, Major General Hugh G. Robinson, Ret, (“General Applicants Robinson”). The Application is supported bythe Affidavits of Hugh Granville Robinson, Jr. and Shannon L, Cox, It clearly appears fom the facts set forth in the Application that Paula Bonita Raymond, aa Paula Raymond Robinson (“Paula”), who contends that she is General Robinson’ surviving spouse, has no right to control the disposition of General Robinson's remains unless and nse prove that she is hesurviving spouse. Accordingly, Paula and Sparkman-Hillrest Funeral Home ('Sparkman-Hillerest’ shouldbe immediately restrained rom burying General Robinson at ‘he Dallas/Fort Worth National Cemetery “DFWNC"). Instead, the Applicants, who are the adult cilren of General Robinson and, as such, have the priority to dispose of General Robinson's remains, shouldbe allowed io bury their father at Arlington National Cemetery (“ANC”), ner his parents andhis brother as was his desire. The Cour finds that the Applicants will suffer immediate and irreparable injury beforenotce can be served anda heaving had because their rights to dispose oftheir father's remains willhave been thwarted and his wishes tobe buried at ANC will have been ignored. The Appicantshaveno adequate remedy at aw because if General Robinson improperly buried at DFWNC he will hae tobe disinterred and moved to ANC, and will not be buried with full ‘TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER ~ Page 1 NO. PR10-00898-3 miltary honors at ANC. ITs, THEREFORE, ORDERED that Paula, Spaskman-tillerest, and anyone scting in concer with them, ae commanded forthwith to desist and refnn fom burying General Robison at DEWNC IT IS FURTHER CRDERED that Paula and Sparkana-Hillerest are ordered to relate General Robinson's body immediately to the Applicants — one or both of them ~ so that General Robinson canbe buried at ANC. IIS FURTHER ORDERED thatthe Applicants’ Request For Temporary Injunctions set forbsringon the 22D dy of March, 2010, a :30_ o'clock Pm. inthe courtoom of he Probate Court Number Thue of Dlls County, Teas, The Clek ofthe Cour is hereby directed to {ssw a Show Cause Notice to Paula Bonita Raymond aa Pala Reymond Robinson to appeat atthe Temporary Injunetion eating ‘The Clerk ofthe above ented Cou shal forthwith, onthe ling by tbe Applicants of he bond hereinafter required, und on approving the same acording tothe In issue a Temporary conformity with the law and the terms of this Order. Resteaining Orde "is ners one iv wt nd tt Applic sian fw i gg Cera bond in conformity aithhetaw inthe amountot ngs Thovsa “oars SIGNED this ] S day ot Mare, 2010, eff "2 “oretock Fre 1009: ‘TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER - Page 2 ened NO. JR 378-5 v2 Re 38 HS Wi csareor 5 wrth coer 2 ; an HUGHORANVILLEROBINSON, =f a : : APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Se oe eee eee errronanen pe eyrernis (“Decedent”). (77) years. A rere belief, she placed or caused »0 be placed in The Dallas Morning News shortly after the Decedent's death, listed her as the Decedent's “bride of twelve years” However, welve years prior to the Decedent’s death Paula Raymond Robinson was, upon information and belief, marred to someone else APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION - Page 1 6. The Decedent owned ral and personal property ofavaluein excess of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). 7. The names and residences of Decedent's heirs the relationship of each hei to the Decedent, andthe true interests of each heir in the Decedent's Estate are as follows! Name and Residence Relationship Address Paula Raymond Robinson 1255 Regents Park Ct 1/2 interest in community Surviving Spouse DeSoto, Texas 75115 property; 1/3 interest in Separate personal property; and 1/3 life estate interest in separate real propery Hugh Granville Robinson, Jt, 8107 American Holly Road 1/4 interest in community ‘Adult Son Lorton, VA 22079 property; 1/3 interest in separate personal property; all separate real property subject tothe surviving spouse's life estate Susan Robinson Wells 401 Quaint Acres 1/4 interest in community ‘Adult Daughter Silver Spring, MD 20904 property: 1/9 interest in separate personal property; all separate real property subject to the surviving spouse's life estate. 8, There is necessity for administration of Decedent's Estate in onder to receive or recover funds or other property ofthe Devedent, 9, Applicants request that Letters of Administration be issued to Hugh Granville Robinson, J. and/or Susan Robinson Wells, or, inthe alternative, toa qualified third person this information is included in and based upon the assumption that Paula Raymond ‘Robinson is determined to ke the surviving spouse ofthe Decedent. APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRAT WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, Applicants pray that citation be issued a8 required by law to all persons interested inthis estate, that Letters of Adminstration be issued to Hugh Grane Robinson ir. andr Susan Robinson Wells o inthe altemative to qualified third person, and that such further elie be granted asthe Court may’ deem to e appropriate. Respectflly submited, CALLOWAY, NORRIS & BURDETTE & WEBER, PLLC scorn Aides State Ber No.: 21044875 JOHN R. NORRIS Il State Bar No. 15093800 3811 Turlle Creek Blvd, Suite 400 Dallas, Texas 75219 214-521-1520; 214-521-2201 - Fax Attorneys for Applicants APPLICATION FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION Page 3

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