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Communication Fundamentals

Sampling theorem
1. A signal f(t) whose spectral density is shown in Fig.1 is sampled using a periodic
rectangular pulse waveform. The width of each sampling pulse is 15msec and the
period is equal to the Nyquist interval. Sketch the magnitude spectral density of the
sampled signal from zero to 100Hz.
F ( )

Fig. 1

[Stremler, 3.15.2]
2. A sampling system composed of an ideal multiplier and an ideal low-pass filter is
shown in Fig. 2.
(a) Let p(t ) =

(t kT ) , and sketch the filter input and filter output for the case

k =

in which T is chosen to be equal to the Nyquist sampling interval.

(b) Let p (t ) =


(t kT ) , and sketch the filter input and filter output for the

k =

case in which T is chosen to be equal to the Nyquist sampling interval.

(c) Lower the sampling rate in (b) to one-half the Nyquist sampling rate, and sketch
the filter input and filter output.
lowpass filter

F ( )

f (t )

y (t )

z (t )

p (t )

[Stremler, 3.15.3]

3. The signal f (t ) = [1 / 2 ]Sa 2 (t / 2) is transmitted through a linear time-invariant
system with a frequency transfer function H ( ) = F ( ) . The output g (t ) is sampled
by an impulse sampler (i.e., a sequence of uniformly spaced impulses) at the Nyquist

(a) Sketch the spectral density of the sampled signal.

(b) The sampled signal of part (a) is applied to a low-pass filter H 1 ( ) with output
x(t ) . Determine and sketch H 1 ( ) for the distortionless transmission of f (t ) .
[Stremler, 7.1.3]
Time-division multiplexing
4. Twenty-four audio input signals, each band-limited to 3.3 kHz, are to be multiplexed
and transmitted using FDM or TDM. The frequency-multiplexed systems allow 20%
over minimum bandwidth for a guard band, and the time-multiplexed systems sample
at 20% over the Nyquist rate. Determine the minimum bandwidth is required for each
method if the multiplexing and modulation used is
(a) FDM, SSB-SC;
(b) TDM, PAM;
(c) PAM/AM;
(d) PAM/PM, =9.
[Stremler, 7.2.3]
5. A certain three-channel PAM system is shown in Fig. 3; f1 (t ) is band-limited to
7kHz and f 2 (t ), f 3 (t ) are each band-limited to 3kHz. Determine the minimum and
maximum values of the commutator clock rate such that all three siganls can be
reconstructed at a receiver without distortion under ideal conditions.
[Stremler, 7.2.4]
3. (b) H 1 ( ) = 1 /(1 )

4. (a) 95 kHz, (b) 95 kHz, (c) 190 kHz, (d) 1.90 MHz
5. 28kHz T 40kHz

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