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Recipe 1: Chocolate Cake:

2 cups of flour, 1 cup of sugar, 2 eggs, 125g Butter, 1 chocolate

bar and 1 cup of milk.
How to cook:
Add all the ingredients in a bowl;
Mix the ingredients with an electric mixer for 2-3 minutes;
Preheat the oven to 180 C;
Pour the batter into the tin;
Bake the cake for approximately 45 minutes.
past participle form of the verbs: added, mixed, preheated, poured,
Recipe 2: Cupcake:
1 cup of flour, 4 tablespoons castor sugar, 2 medium eggs, 2
tablespoons milk, 1 tablespoon butter.
How to cook:
Put the sugar and the butter into a bowl;
Beat the mixture;
Break and egg and add it to the mixture;
Using a tablespoon, divide the mixture evenly into the paper
bake it for 20 minutes.
Past participle form of the verbs: put, beaten, broken, divided,

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