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Reflection on the Parent Teacher Student Conference

Nalinee Ramchandani 11C

The parent teacher student conferences were held last week. This is where
we came into school with our parents to have a discussion with our teachers
on how were doing in class. It was essentially the student analyzed their
ATL skills and categorized themselves as a novice, learner, practitioner
or expert in each skill. My parents and I came to meet all eight of my
teachers and the skills I discussed about for the majority of the time was
applying skills and knowledge into unfamiliar situations and give and
receive meaningful feedback. These skills were the two that I felt as if I
needed to improve in most of my subjects. For applying skills and
knowledge, I felt as if I needed to take things I learnt in class and apply
them somewhere else. This would allow me to have a better understanding
on what is being learnt and will demonstrate the importance of what is
being learnt in class. This could be simply using what is learnt in a test or for
PE, where we created a training program to develop our skills; I could use
this if I ever had to train to improve my own skills in situations like a
marathon or run. As for give and receive meaningful feedback, I would
have to learn to ask for more feedback on my work. Doing this would allow
me to understand what is being asked for more deeply and know exactly
what Im missing out on. Not only would I have to ask for feedback but I also
discussed about how I thought I needed to start asking more questions and
speaking up class discussions. I felt this was important because at this
point, I only listened to other peoples opinions. However, if I put in my own
opinions at times, I would get back different perspectives on what Ive said
to the class. This would cause a very significant benefit towards me because
it would help me be more open-minded and have a larger variety of ideas
and opinions to put into consideration. Doing this skill well also helps with
the first skill I talked about apply skills and knowledge into unfamiliar
situations. This is because, if I gained a larger range of opinions, I could
always apply it to discussions in different subjects. Overall, I think the three
way conferences helped me realize that I really needed to emphasize on the
second skill I talked about. Hence, improving in that was the goal I set for
myself after the conferences.

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