#280 BBB 12-24-08 25

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Clrculanon= 2550

Be Wary Of Discount
Medical Coverage Offers
&SGescalari!iu healill thrfollo\x~gquestio~~:
care m s k and all ;:.pes of \%h'at is t h e annutl!
budget pinches, zo;l;umers cost of the plan? Dr,n't be
are Inore frequently look- s\x-ared bv esageerated
ing into medical discount 6 a b i n ~claims
prn,wnd~il'ds E .iwu? to I l l a t m e the benefits
save nloneF and ease cost
burden-. .I!tho~gh rhey .
ofthe discount?
What products and
ma: he 8n atrraciive op-
tion, the Better B;siness
Bureau i B B F Z 3 d e s con-
senices are ax-ered?

Which are not cov-

sumers&~e cautious by Which local heaith-

doing their t.zsezrc11 and care proxiders and facili-
asking the rizht questions ties accepr t h e discount
kforr s.+?g up. card?
According to Rdl Noak ' \i7hom do I call if I
Resident'CEO of the 1IIis-, h a r e problems with the

medical cards may seem .

sissippi RBS. "tli.counr discountplan7
Can I cancel myulem-
!ikr a great < ~ h yt n cur bership at any rime? Ifso.
hen1rhcal.f costs. bur con- is [!]ere a cancellation fee.
s u m e r s can find them- and nhar is the refund pcl-
seIres n::;kirlF bad deci- ic:-?
sion? on these plans that Before making aqv pur-
end up costing a lot nlorp chase decic~ons.comume~s
than rhe? save. The BBB should firat check out the
h a s received c o m p l a i ~ t s company mitl: the BBB -
5 0 1 ~ 1peopie who signed up online a t nwxrns.bbb.org
for these discount pro- orb~calling~O0-9F7-82RO.
grams and WEE extremely The BBB has been sen- '
djmppinted uirh the lack ing Mississippj consumers ;
of mnvemer~ceand sax* sincp 1964 by providing
~.edized,.- valuable pre-purchase
Before signing up for company information a s
any discount medical care a e l l a s assisting con-
or cnrd prop-an, the pJRB sumers s i t h business con].
adnses consumers to tik plaint issues.

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