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= 73511

Giving Back Should Be 1

.-,.? . Of Holiday Spirit
During this holiday sea- Bill Moak, PresidentfCEO of and the shadow page a r e licited (spam) email mes-
son the Better Business Bu-
reau ( B B B has learned of
new, agbessive ways that
the BBB serving Mississip
pi. 'They continue to devise
new and different ways to
sent through the spoofer's
machine to enable the cap-
ture of passwords, account
. Do not click on links
contamed rvlthin a n unso-

cyber scammers use as they mmmit their crimes." numbers, etc. licited email.
'ttrmpt ta stpal money und E-r3rds - In the e- PhishugAiahing -- 111. AV,,~ tilling out furms
prsonul lnfurmatlon. 'Ihw. rnrd tgreetlng card) scam, dividuds have rrportfd re- em;,i~ me.+3Lys that dsk
include the sending of e- meswges are being sent via ceiving email or text mes- for personal mfo'mation.
cards i n email messages spam and appear to be h m sages indicating a problem Log on to official web
that mntain malware (mali- a family member or fiend. with their acmunt. They are sites instead of ?Inking' to
cious software); setting up Genedly, the spam directs directed to follow the link them from an unsolicited
spooling web sites that look the recipient to click on a pmvided in the message to message.
like legitimate commercial link prwided in the email to update their acmunt or cor- Contact t h e actual
sites; and unleashing email view the ecard. When the rect the problem. The link
and phone *attacks" where recipient clicks on the link, actually dire& them to a business t h a t supposedly
individuals receive mes- they are unknowingly taken fraudulent web site where sent the message to venfy
sages asking for personal to a malicious web page. any information they enter its validity
data Spooling - Seawners then falls into the hands of The BBB has been sen.-
'These cyber s m m e r s create false or shadow wpy the scammers. ing Mississippi consumers
will do whatever they can to of a real web site or email in The FBI offers the follow- and businesses since 1964.
steal money and personal order to mislead the d p i - ing tips to avoid falling vic- Contact the BBB online a t
information, especially dur- ents. All network tzaffic be- timtocyberfraud: or by phone
ing the holiday semoq- said tween the victim's bmwser Do not respond to unso- at 800-987-8280.

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