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Argument Games

Identifying Arguments
Scavenger Hunt

Identifying Agument Markers

Identify any argument markers:

Challenge 1:

Identifying Reasons & Conclusions

Put arguments into standard form:
1. He's retired
2. Anyone who is retired was a basketball player
----------------------------------------------------------------.: Michael Jordan was a basketball player (1, 2)


Challenge 2:

Valid but not sound

1. Alma College's Swanson Academic Center has three
------------------------------------------------------------.: It is not a skyscraper.(1)


Challenge 3:

Not Valid, Not Sound

1. Empire is a television show
2. All television shows are good


.: Empire is obviously a good tv show (1, 2)

Valid, and Sound

Challenge 4:

State the Term

State the Claim

Find the assuring term in the argument.

Everybody knows

utilitarians believe that the consequences are important

in determining what's right or wrong

Find the guarding term in the argument.


Some utilitarians allow for harm to individuals

Find the discounting term in the argument.

but with individual actions

it undermines the Principle of Autonomy

Identify two of each of the following in the argument for Challenge #4. Write them down exactly as they
are shown.
If consequences are important, then a moral theory is called a consequentialist theory.

If autonomy is important to you, then you might want to look into Kantian deontology or Virtue Ethics.
Most moral decisions can be decided by appealing to Virtue Ethics and either Kantian Deontology or Utilitariani


If autonomy is important to you, then you might want to look into Kantian deontology or Virtue Ethics.
I argue here that Utilitarianism is integral to making good moral decisions.

Argumentative Performative

In conclusion, Utilitarianims is an important moral theory.

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