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Dieudonne Musare
Annotated Bibliography on Immigration
1. Frendberg, Don. "Immigration Reform: What's A Mother To Do?." HVACR
Distribution Business (2014): 34. Small Business Reference Center. Web. 3
Oct. 2015.
The article focuses on the issues mostly on how the economy associate and
related to immigration reform in the U.S. and general perception of people in
the U.S. about its effects on the country's economy, jobs and crime. His
purpose of this study creates opportunity for immigrates to develop
personalities and have impact of the economy this country. His Topics
discussed include high rate of baby boomers that will retire in the next five
years leaving large number of employment, lack of skilled workers in the U.S.
and different skills possessed by immigrant workers that are not
interchangeable. And so his evolution was very strong and important,
because he teaches, trains, and gives advice to immigrate
2. Borjas, George J., and Research National Bureau of Economic. Mexican
Immigration To The United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
2007. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 3 Oct. 2015
Put differently, the dominant position of Mexican immigration in determining
the ethnic composition of the immigrant population represents an important

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outlier in the history of U.S. immigration. Research carried out by

social/cultural anthropologists has played an important role in examining
localized dimensions of Mexican migration in Mexico and the United States,
and in elucidating the impacts of global processes in shaping the motivations
of households and individuals in initiating and maintaining the ongoing
human movement and transnational relations between communities in the
two nations .In fact, it is interesting to contrast recent Mexican immigration
to the United States with Mexican immigration a century ago. Mexican
immigration was relatively small in the early 1900s. This article provides a
view of the negative effects of tightening the United States' border. More
specifically, it discusses the booming market for people smuggling. The
stricter rules have led to a higher price to get across the border and
therefore tougher conditions for immigrants once in the United States
because they still owe the smugglers money.
3. Bankston, Carl L., and Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo. Immigration In U.S.
History. Pasadena, Calif: Salem Press, 2006. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost).
Web. 3 Oct. 2015.
During the 1940s, there was much criticism of the rigidity of the immigration
restriction legislation that hampered attempts to deal with the problems of
refugees. The United States experienced major waves of immigration during
the colonial era, the first part of the 19th century. Many immigrants came to
America seeking greater economic opportunity, search of religious freedom
and better from 19th centuries, hundreds of thousands of African slaves

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came to America against their will. This research show America has been a
nation of immigrants, starting with its original inhabitants, who crossed the
land bridge connecting Asia and North America tens of thousands of years
ago. This study shows result of this act and subsequent legislation, the
nation experienced a shift in immigration patterns. This research kept study
how Americans encouraged relatively free and open immigration during the
18th and early 19th centuries, and rarely questioned that policy until the late
1800s. . Today, the majority of U.S. immigrants come from Asia and Latin
America rather than Europe.
4. Kaufmann, Florian K. Mexican Labor Migrants And U.S. Immigration Policies
: From Sojourner To Emigrant?. El Paso [Tex.]: LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC,
2011. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 14 Oct. 2015
This topic presents papers presented at a symposium on Mexican emigration
at the 1977 meeting of the American Anthropological Association. This
chapters focus on mobility within Mexico, while other focus on emigration
and the Mexico-US border. This is an important source articles and reports on
migration and migrants in USA. This article provided general information on
pull factors to the United States, statistics taken from research done in the
United States and Mexico, and also graphics that helped to illustrate the
articles argument. It provides detailed statistics while also summarizing the
general impacts on the economy.

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5."Boehner: No way to get immigration bill to House floor without GOP

majority support." CNN Wire 2013: Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14
Oct. 2015.
Immigration reform is a very difficult issue to Republic party. They don't
intend to bring an immigration bill to the floor that violates what the
members of my party dont agree. House Republicans are likely to suffer a
greater voter backlash in the 2014 elections for wrong immigration reform
bill because they believe for not support illegal immigrants already living in
the U.S. Republic party also understands the issue's political sensitivity and
the impact it could have on Republicans in the 2014 mid-term elections.

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