Characterizing & Classifying Viruses PE

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Charactterizing & Classifying Viruses, Viroids, and Prions

1. Virus:
2. Write V for virus and C for cell and B for both
a. Metabolize of their own
b. Acellular
c. Do not divide or grow
d. Obligate intracellular parasites
e. Contain EITHER DNA or RNA
f. Contian both DNA and RNA
g. Genome is dsDNA
3. Which of the following is bigger?
a. RBC or bacteriophage
b. Poliovirus or smallpox virus
c. Bacteriophage MS2 or tobacco mosaic virus
4. What is the difference in the morphologies
a. Helical vs. polyhedral
b. Complex vs enveloped
5. What is a virus called in its extracellular state?
6. What happens to virion once it gets inside of the cell?
7. What are 3 ways to identify viruses?

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