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I attracted my audience firstly with my choice of title which was
'Underground'. I chose this because Underground suggests
something new and unheard of, which would hopefully come
across to audiences as they want to know what is new and different
to everyone else, such people like to be first in as a new group.
 I chose the image on my front cover because it shows the band in a
casual setting and in a casual pose, to represent everyday bands
and teenagers that are likely to read this type of magazine and it is
easy for them to relate too. Also age and genders reflect audience
and allow them to identify with them. The shot was also took from
a high angle so it shows the reader that we look down on them,
that they may not be found as big and famous as some other stars.

I chose the colours red, black and white because  these
colours stand out and fit with the indie rock genre of the
magazine, where as with a pop magazine it would be
bright colours like pink, yellow and light blues.
 The use of storylines and language style was chosen to
grab the readers attention straight away. I put the main
story in a bigger font on the front, in the middle so the
reader is immediately caught by it. For example the word
choice that attracts them is Get Stuck in with the band', as
the band is called stuck which creates an enigma of the
band. Then I inserted all the feature stories so the reader
gets an insight into what they will find in my magazine.
 In my contents page, I featured a picture of the band on the
front cover with a page number so the reader can simply turn to
the page, the number is also big to make this easier for the
 Also, I inserted all the main feature stories under the title
NEWS with a heading of the article with a little sentence to
show the reader what they are going to be reading about.
 I also used another title of FEATURES with more features,
much like the news column. This makes my audience want to
open the magazine and find out more. The bold column titles
makes this easier to find news articles. The layout was set in
columns with a picture to the right, with a letter from the editor
just below that. There is a bit of white space to rest the readers
eyes and it is not to cluttered.
 My double page spread was set out the way you usually find an
article in a regular magazine. My headline was bold font, but
didn't take up a lot of space. This uses language to create interest
because it  grabs the readers attention and focus' on the article.
Below that I used a photo because it shows the reader who the
band are and what image they portray, which I had cropped of
the band which took up 2/3 of the page width. My content was an
interview with the band, but set in a journalistic form, for
example 'The band sat their, smiles gleaming...' so it wasn't a Q
and A style so the reader got more information of the band and
saw them in a different way. This type of language creates a tone
that you are actually with the band and you get to understand
them better. I used another image of the other page which took
up the top half of the page, another of the band playing guitar.

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