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Magazine draft ideas

I have decided that I am going to use the masthead “disillusion”

Sample Font for masthead

Disillusion - Algerian
Disillusion – Copperplate Gothic Book
Disillusion- elephant

Disillusion- Engravers MT

Disillusion- goudy scout

Disillusion- Showcard gothic

Coverlines, coverstories and pull quotes

Coverline – Arial Black

Coverline – Berlin Sans FB Demi

Coverline – Britannic Bold
Coverline – Copper Black
Coverline – Gills Sans Ultra Bold
Main body text in articles

Text- Calibri
Text- bell MT
Text- Bodoni MT condensed
Text- bookman old style

Text- palatino linotype

I have decided that for my magazine masthead I am going to use the font copperplate
gothic book.

For my coverlines and coverstories I am going to use Berlin Sans FB Demi

For my article font I am going to use the font Bell MT

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