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‘Volunteering at HELP of Souther Nevada Shannon West Homeless Youth Center Kathleen Jacot Introduction to Special Education 203 Volunteer Community Service ‘Tuesday October 21, 2014 lanier Pal yy Mr epee eri EEL of en de ters Wet wenn enfin a oe —— ‘safest place to be wandering around by yourself the actual center was not bad, It consisted of two eRe ee eae er nee ean terse ie fi otto, Ts act st a stmt sigmatel Teton chia ny yen non yea bos ial ins do ig that was partially organized, 1 had signed up t help out in the kitchen where I helped once with breakfast and once “with lunch. I both helped eook and serve the food with one staff and afew clients. Other than ‘cooking I helped with cleaning the cafeteria and sorting through some of the clothes inthe ‘boutique, The clients vary from emancipated minors age 16 to adults age 24 who are homeless ‘The Center isnot only a place for people to sleep the center also provides counseling for ‘emotional disturbances and drug abuse counseling. HELP also assists the youths in finding job, going to school both for GED programs and higher education. There are also court mandated stays where the center acts asa place for completing probations. The students are allowed off the center grounds as long as they return by curfew. To live at the facility they must apply and accept the rules ofthe center. Some people would rather be in jail or stay on the street than have to follow the rules. There is drug testing, Most of the people staying there were respectful and polite some liked to goof around but none were rude or judgmental, Nolumbeer Pot Outof the 7,573 sheltered homeles people in southem Nevada ther isan estimated 26% that ae families and an estimated 2% who are individual youths (Southera Nevada oomeless Census and Survey). The odds are as an educator Iwill encounter situation where cone of my students is living in homelessness. I shouldbe prepared to deal with and provide as ‘much help tothe student I can as an educator. yes! Picture ofthe Kitehen and Cafeteria I took this while I waiting for chicken patties to finish cooking. Volunteer PQS References ‘Souther Nevada Census and Survey. (2007). Applied survey research, Retrieved October 21, 2014, from htp:/www appliedsurveyrescarch.orp/storage/databasefhomelessness! southernnevada/2007/ClarkCo2007_ Homelessness. pdf Volunteer 234 Service Learning Log (10 Hours) . EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 to-equal 10 hours or more. ed for each type of ser Participation Log: Complete Service Learning Choies Be sure to attach specific additional dooure Your Full Name (pint: 1 Commun San SSRIS spewyrpeotsnvn Mal Salen Aud, Shr Ud Hod ‘estainereeanceon = sn — rae te hcl Seno: aM TKivccmctenserecconnecmanoen Total Hour rows namans sa net stan pnd ‘neat pron ace ce is een ‘Supenisr Signature: wecotenerngtecawemnmeacain —_ Superdanr Phone: ea) BES. SOTA supenisoremat = Sse, oe EE 2s GICs Ageneytipect sevice: Help OF Sobly / SWHYC Sees rman = i cocttteterrinactitent ba, ‘ttm CBN sauder and assigned OCD coopeating teacher ee eee scan SL eaasa ne SipeerNane ee 3.5 houcs |. Gaccione oeeeenomenen eect sce oma sy Agency ype of Serio: Dates) Dates) Dates) “otal Hous: ‘Supenaoe Nama an ‘Superior Signature: ‘Supanisor Phone: ‘Supeniia: ema Vounteer Pa

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