Django Unchained Research Paper

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Nick Kuhn

Research Paper Rough Copy

Mr. Probert
29 March 2015

In the movie Django Unchained characterization, plot, and Point of

View are important elements in creating the storyline and characters which
are the core of the film. Django Unchained was released on December 25,
2012. Django Unchained has won two Academy Awards for best Original
screenplay, and was one of the most popular movies of 2013. It also is a very
accurate depiction of what slavery and slave trade was like.
Quentin Tarentino is the director of Django Unchained. He is a very
famous and popular Director. He also is a screenwriter, cinematographer,
producer, and an actor.( Quentin
Tarentino is the director of many other films. His two most popular works are
Django Unchained and Pulp Fiction. Quentin Tarentinos films are
characterized by non-linear storylines, satirical subject matter, and violence.
( Tarentino won the academy award
for best screenplay in 2013.

Quentin Tarentino usually appears in his movies, mostly just as an

extra. In Django Unchained he appears for a short period of time as an extra.
He plays an employee at the LeQuint Dickey mining company.
Jamie Foxx plays Django in the movie Django Unchained. Django is a
slave who has recently been separated from his wife at the beginning of the
movie. Dr. Shultz is a bounty hunter and needs Djangos help to identify the
next person he is hunting. Django agrees to help Dr. Shultz mainly because
he has no choice. Django successfully helps Dr. Shultz find the people he was
hunting, and Shultz grants Django his freedom.
In the movie Jamie Foxx rides the same horse throughout the movie. It
is actually Jamie Foxxs own horse that he said he got for his birthday. The
horses name is Cheetah and Jamie says he rides him very frequently(Foxx).
Leonardo Dicaprio plays the antagonist, Calvin Candie, in the movie.
Candie is the slave owner of Djangos wife Broomhilda. Candie plays a big
role in the ending to the movie. Dicaprio said that this was his first role as a
villain since he starred in The Man with the Iron Mask in 1989(DiCaprio). He
wasnt going to take the role until Quentin Tarentino convinced him to.
During the climax of the film Calvin Candie explodes in a fit of rage
while Django and Dr. Shultz are trying to get back Djangos wife. While
filming this scene Leonardo Dicaprio slammed his hand down on the table
and accidentally broke a glass. He never broke character(Tarentino) and kept

going on with the scene, so he could incorporate the accident into the
material. He could pull this off because he is such a good actor.
Christoph Waltz plays Dr. King Shultz in the movie Django Unchained.
Christoph Waltz won the award for best supporting actor for his role in the
movie. Christoph Waltz acting in the movie was one of the reasons Django
Unchained was as popular as it was.
Dr. King Shultz is a German Bounty Hunter disguised as a dentist, . Dr.
Shultz says that he despises slavery(Waltz) and after Django helps him he
grants him his freedom. Dr. Shultz and Django end up partnering up. At the
end of the movie Shultz devises a plan to help Django get his wife back. The
plan fails and Dr. Shultz is killed, after he kills Calvin Candie.
Samuel L. Jackson plays Stephen in the movie Django Unchained.
Stephen is also an antagonist. Stephen is also a freed slave like Django, but
still works for Candie on his plantation. At the end of the movie Stephen
notifies Candie that Django and Dr. Shultz are trying to scam him. Stephen is
later killed by Django because it is his fault Dr. Shultz was killed.
The movie opens with Django walking with many other slaves. At night
when they are resting a man comes up to the slaves and their owners and
introduces himself as Dr. Shultz. Dr. Shultz states that he wants to buy
Django. Djangos owners say that hes not for sale so Dr. Shultz kills one of
the owners, and kills the others horse. He takes Django and unchains the
other slaves and lets them kill the other slave owner. Dr. Shultz tells Django

that he is hunting the three Brittle brothers, who were Djangos old slave
owners. Dr. Shultz tells Django that if he helps him then he will buy Django
his freedom. Django agrees because Dr. Shultz says he has no choice.
On the way to find the Brittle Brothers Django and Shultz stop in a
town. They go into a bar and the owner tells them to get out. Dr. Shultz tells
the owner to get the sheriff. The Sheriff comes and tells them to come out.
Dr. Shultz walks out and kills the Sheriff. After that the Marshall comes and
Shultz explains that the Sheriff was actually an undercover criminal.
Once Django and Shultz get to the Brittle brothers plantation, Dr.
Shultz says he wants to buy a slave. Django goes around the plantation and
identifies the people they are looking for. He then has a flashback to when
they were whipping his wife. He gets angry and kills two of the brothers.
Then Dr. Shultz comes out and snipes the third brother who is out in the
fields with other slaves. Dr. Shultz then has to explain to the owner of the
plantation how the people they killed were undercover criminals. Dr. Shultz
and Django collect the bodies and then leave unscathed.
Big Daddy, the owner of the plantation, organizes a group similar to
the KKK to hunt Dr. Shultz and Django. They surround Shultzs wagon, but
when they realize no one is there Dr. Shultz blows up the wagon killing the
majority of the group. They all scatter and Dr. Shultz has Django shoot Big
Daddy. Dr. Shultz then says the boys a natural.

Django and Dr. Shultz are camping out in the mountains after this and
Shultz learns that Django has a wife that he was separated from. Dr. Shultz
asks Django to partner up with him for the winter. Django agrees, and Dr.
Shultz says that when winter is over they will get Djangos wife back. After a
long and profitable winter Django and Dr. Shultz come down from the
mountains to Mississippi.
Django and Dr. Shultz learn that Djangos wife, Broomhilda, is at the
largest slave plantation in the south, Candieland. Dr. Shultz explains to
Django that Candie will know something is up if they just try to buy
Broomhilda. Shultz says that they will pretend to be into the Mandingo
business, since Candie is into slave fighting. Dr. Shultz says that he will
pretend to be a rich slave owner and Django will pretend to be a Mandingo
fighting expert.
Candie doesnt take Django and Shultz seriously at first when they say
they want to buy a Mandingo fighter. But then Dr. Shultz says that he is
willing to pay a large amount for a Mandingo fighter, then Candie takes them
seriously. Candie tells Django and Shultz that he will take them to
Candieland, his plantation, to see it and talk about selling Mandingo Fighters.
When they get to the plantation Dr. Shultz says that he wants to talk to
Broomhilda, because she speaks German. Dr. Shultz then tells Broomhilda
that he and Django are trying to get her back. Then Django and Broomhilda
see each other. Candie prepares a big dinner and Django and Dr. Shultz tell

him they want to buy Eskimo Joe, his Mandingo fighter, and Broomhilda.
Candie is reluctant at first, but then Dr. Shultz makes him an offer he cant
refuse that he joyfully accepts.
Stephen, one of Candies workers who is a free slave, sees Broomhilda
looking at Django. He knows that Django and Dr. Shultz are trying to scam
Candie. He tells Candie about the scam and he is outraged. Candie threatens
to kill Broomhilda unless he is paid the price offered for Eskimo Joe. Dr. Shultz
agrees, but is very angry. Dr. Shultz is looking in Candies library, when
Candie comes in to talk to him. Dr. Shultz gets even angrier, kills Candie, and
then is killed by one of Candies men. Django is captured and sold back into
slavery. He tricks his owners and kills them. He then rescues Broomhilda, and
goes back to Candieland. While there he kills everyone, including Stephen.
Then he blows up the entire plantation.
In the movie Django Unchained characterization, plot, and Point of
View are important elements in creating the storyline and characters which
are the core of the film. Django is one of the more popular movies that has
been released in the last five years, mainly because of its accurate depiction
of slavery.

Works Cited

N.p., Web. 30 Apr. 2015. <>.

N.p., Web. 30 Apr. 2015. <>.

N.p., Web. 30 Apr. 2015. <>.

"Django Unchained Movie Mistakes, Goofs and Bloopers." Movie Mistakes.
N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. <>.
"Django." Entertainment Weekly's | Entertainment News | TV News |
TV Shows | Movie, Music and DVD Reviews. N.p., n.d. Web.
30 Apr. 2015. <>.
facts on django unchained. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
"Jamie Foxx: 'Django Unchained is Supposed to Make You Angry' | Film | The
Guardian." The Guardian. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
Tarantino, Quentin, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein, Shannon McIntosh,
Michael Shamberg, James W. Skotchdopole, Stacey Sher, Reginald
Hudlin, Pilar Savone, Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio,
Kerry Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, and Walton Goggins. Django
Unchained. DC Comics, n.d. Print.

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