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Part 2 - Characters

1. Pak Kia / Zakaria Bin Mat Saman

He is Zaidis elder brother.
Strict and firm man
When Pak Kia decided to move to Janda Baik after sold his
piece of land in Ketari, he wants to bring Karim, his eldest son
Thus, Karim was taken out from school in order to be able to
follow Pak Kia to Janda Baik.
Even though, Zaidi restricted Pak Kia from doing so again and
again and his wife, Mak Sinah uneasy with it, he still firm with
his decision.
Pak Kia is strict man because every word that he said must be
followed and obey by whole family.
Evidence : But if her husband said move, the family would
move. And if her husband said Karim must leave school, then
leave school he must. (pg.74)
Well plan
When Pak Kia first moved into the jungle of Janda Baik to start
a new life there, he didnt bring all his family members to stay
However, he just brought Karim along as his helper.
This is because the felling, clearing and burning of the land
takes a long time before it finished.
Moreover, Pak Kia didnt own a house at Janda Baik and he
stayed at Jusuhs house at the time being.
Pak Kia let his two others sons to finish their studies before
coming to Janda Baik.
He also planned that when once the jungle is cleared and the
house was built, he will bring his family members.
Evidence : He would let his other sons, Rahman and Rahim,
stay back in Ketari with their uncle until they completed
Malay school. After that, they must move here and be part of
the village life. The girls, Rahimah and Melah, and the little
one would move here the moment the jungle had been
cleared and their house built. (pg.90)
Pak Kia is ones of those men who strongly follow their
ancestors way of life.
He never intended to change his life like Zaidi did but still
working and believes in rice-plant could brings prosperity in
He also planning to inherit the traditional Malay way of life to
his children.
Evidence : Let them inherit the best of the Malay way of life.
Responsible father

Although Pak Kia brought Karim along to Janda Baik by force,

he believes in his son that Karim would be a wise, successful
young man.
Therefore, during the clearing of jungle, he consistently
teached Karim many ways of using tools and life as a farmers.
Pak Kia didnt ignore Karim as he knows that it is he is
responsible to bring Karim to Janda Baik.
Evidence : He was anxious to teach his son the basics of
village life.
Youve sharpened this parang too much on one side. Look,
the blade is the wrong way round, Pak Kia showed Karim the
blade. A blade must not be sharpened this way. (pg.97)
Watch the way I fell the trees and clear the undergrowth.
He strongly believes that Karim will bring changes in their
He will teach and train Karim up until he become a strong and
wise man.
Although Pak Kia taken Karim out from school, he planning on
something else for his son.
Pak Kia also determined to change his familys fate to a better
Evidence : This son of mine shall bring new vigour to the life
of this family. I will train him, teach him so that he will grow
up to be a strong and wise rural man. He and the rest of the
family will live in peace and harmony and not become coolies
and slaves to urban progress. (pg.102)

2. Jusuh
Pak Kias brother-in-law
Dried and wrinkled face, unshaven look and unkempt hair.
Kind hearted
Jusuh helped Pak Kia and Pak Abu to open up their land
Helps them to in felling, clearing and burning the jungle.
Evidence : When he applied for the land, Pak Kia had left it
to Jusuh to choose a good plot for him.(pg.90)
Jusuh spread the land plan on a big tree stump. He pointed
to some of the corners in the plan. (pg.93)
He didnt truly believes pawang but rather seek help from
Allah Almighty by prayers.
Evidence : Jusuh neither approved of nor believed in Tuk
Pawangs flash on insight, but he himself prayed special
prayers for the safety and success of the work on Pak Kias
and Pak Abus land. He believed in the efficacy of those
prayers. (pg.141)
3. Zaidi

He dont believe a rice-field and fruit trees able to support a

He thinks that Pak Kia should applied a land for rubber trees.
Believed that rubber trees plantation will give more benefits
and thus ensure a stable life.
Evidence : For Zaidi, a rice field and fruit trees were no
longer enough to make a village; there must be a rubber plot
as well.
Zaidi reminded...(pg.92)
Do not believe in Tuk Pawang as the villagers do. (pg.114)

4. Karim
Obey to his fathers instuction to be taken out from school.
Listen ans follow his fathers instuction when learning about
the village life.
Evidence : pg.102,103

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