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Ching Chongs Teas

Mission: To supply the great traditonally made Korean tea to everyone around the world
(including Antarctica).
Vision: To achieve great profit generated from our traditional tea.
Motto: Great profit, great Power.
Type of Economy: Market Economy led by President Reuben & Seyun (partnership)
Raw resources:
Green tea leaves
Black tea leaves
White tea leaves
Oolong tea leaves
Jasmine flowers
Semi-synthetic malleable organics
Location of Head Quarter: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Initial investment: 35 Million Baht
Number of Employees: 634 employees
Quantity: Initial quantity 500,000 bottles/ per month. (quantity will increase depending on the
customer demand)
Quality: Highes quality possible with cheapest price possible (A++ grade tea will be
Cost: 15 baht
Size: 260ml, 570ml, 1.3L, 25L

Levels of Economic Activity:

Primary Activities: Gathering different types of tea leaves and employing employees to run
the company.
Secondary Activities: Brewing the tea leaves into A++ grade tea and making plastic bottles
from the bio-degradable semi-synthetic malleable organics.
Tertiary Activities: Salespeople will go around the world to spreading our products to
Quaternary Activities: We will move on to the western sides of the world to spread the great
taste of traditional korean brew tea.

Seyun & Reuben


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