Reading Torch Test Comprehensive Lesson Plan 2

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Lesson Plan (Comprehensive)


Reading Torch Test

School of Education
Professional Practice (Primary)

Duration of
Year Level: 4

60 Minutes



Topic and Focus: Literacy

Area: Reading Torch Test
Learning Focus: Literacy Comprehension
Assessment Strategies: How will you identify what they have learnt and how will you record or note this?
Students contribution
Students Background Knowledge: What is your starting point what do the students already know, what have
they done before, how does this connect to or build on their existing knowledge?
Reading Response questions
This builds on their other activities they have done before regarding understanding texts they have read, getting
the students to observe more when reading text, taking more onboard.
Resources and Materials:
Worksheets of Reading Torch Test
Teacher Focus:
Observing students comprehension of the two stories, with the first contain more information and the second they
are filling the gaps with information that have understood and read in the first worksheet.
Students complete these worksheets as a minimum to provide us with some more information about where their
Literacy skills are at.

Stage of

Student Action /Tasks

What will students be
doing? Explain how the
students are expected to

Stage 1
How will you
engage and
stimulate the
interest of the

The students actions for

the beginning of this lesson
will to listen intently about
what they have to do with
the worksheets and once
finished using initiative and
carry on with tasks that
need to be completed
(written on the board)



Differentiated Learning
What changes to learning,
instruction or teacher focus
may be needed to cater for
individual differences?
For this section my
instructions need to be
clear, straight to the point
and to not deviate.
I will need to refrain from
talking too much so
students remain focused on
the instructions.

Teacher Action
What will you do during this
time? What prompting
questions may you need to
prepare? How will you monitor
student progress and needs?
This task require minimal
explanation at the start
outside the basis of name,
dates and read both stories
through twice, this acts as a
pretest so students need to go
into without any modelling or
major guidance because I am
assessing their standard in
comprehension and literacy

Stage 2 Body
of lesson
Describe each
distinct task in
the order to be

The students will receive

both worksheets at the
same time. They both focus Minut
on the same story however es
they are told from different
point of views.
Students will read both
stories twice to then start
filling out the second
worksheet based on the
information they have read.
Students when/ if they
finish this task will continue
doing activities they
havent finished, with
number 1 priority being the
centenary activity.

This task is individual

task, so no talking at
all during this activity
to anyone on their

I will keep a closer

eye on students who
struggle more with
understanding these
tasks, and provide a
little more modelling

Unfortunately this
task cant be varied
for more visual

I will walk around the room

providing assistance to
students who ask or might
seem lost on a section, to
provide guidance.
I will restrain from giving too
much away because this is a
pretest so we want the task
done as accurately as possibly.
Write up on the board the list
of tasks that need to be
completed when they have
finished the Reading Torch
task, this will hopefully
minimize repeated questions
and distractions (not knowing
what to do so they begin to

Stage 3:
Provide a quick discussion
This is a chance for
of how people felt with the
students who struggled
How will you
task, what areas they
Minut more than others to express
draw the
might have found
what areas they had any
findings of the challenging.
issues with but also those
higher achieving students
together so
to h=ear about if they found
that the
it straight forward, or
students can
challenging in their own
evaluate what
they have
Stage 5:
Students to make sure
work spaces are ready for
Do you need to the next lesson, and the
Minut ----prepare the
sheets are handed up to
students for
the front (one person per
the next task?
table collect these).
Reflections on Student Learning: What did you observe about student learning?
student feel good about himself or herself as a valued learner?

I will guide the discussion, and

randomly pic a wide range of
students (variety of learning
standards) to help all students
see what aspects others might
have found challenging and
relate to them.

Instruct students to get one

person from their table to hand
up the worksheets, making
sure the name and dates are
placed on the top of the
What did you do to make each

Comments on Future Lesson Directions: Are there areas you need to go over or move beyond?
Reflection on Lesson: How was the timing or the flow of the lesson? What other observations did you make?
What were the positive points of your lesson?

Follow-up: Were there other areas you feel you could concentrate on in the future for your own learning? Are
there any issues (content, questions etc) you need to follow up with students?
Other Notes

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