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[RUSH DRAMA SELECTIONS Already Published SELECTED PLAYS OF LENNOX ROBINSON, (Ghosts and inieaduced by Chastopher Murray. Gontnne Putri, The Whitehoaded Bey, Crabbed Youth and ge, The Big. Hous, Drama et Ish, Church Steet, Biblio: ipaphical Checks, SELECTED PLAYS OF DENIS JOHNSTON {Chosen and introduced by Josep Rondey. Conttne The Old Lady Saye Nol, The Moon in the Yellow cr The Golden Cxckoo, The Dreaming Dust, The Scythe id the Suse, Bibliographical Cheelist. SELECTED PLAYS OF LADY GREGORY Ghosen and introduced by Mary FitzGerald. Foreword by Sean O'Cay: Gontaine The Traveling Man, Sprending the News, Kincora, ‘Hyecinth Haloay, The Doctor i Spite of Himself The Gaal Gate "The Rag of the Moon, Derorgile, The Workhouse Tard, Grnin, The Golden Apple, The Story Brovght by Brig, Dave, Lady Geegory om Puywriting and) her Plays, Bion pial Chee. SELECTED PLAYS OF DION BOUCICAULT chosen and with n introduction by “Ancrew Pain Ish Drama Selections 4 1987 COLIN SMYTHE (Gerprds Gros, Bucks. ‘TH CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY (OF AMERICA PRESS Washington, D.C. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS tam indebted to Profesor Joel Kaplan forthe ise of his materi Le boucesult and for his encourging conversation about the er eae Tr wars fascinating evening of geal tlk with Geosge ROUGE dit fine awakened oxy terest in ineteendeeentury ROSeE, and to hm shall always be grateful Mary O'Maley very RESdy Sdnt me her material on hes prodsetions of Bouctcaalt Shaye INTRODUCTION Dion Boucienut, the most prolific of Ish playwrights, had two ‘lleged fathers several eypposed birthdate, and three wives, The East bear dice in mysterious ceumstances, the second, after ‘hety-thee year of mariage, ve children and the death of hei ‘cs son, be abeodoneds the tid, a Young actress on cour with ‘ns a Asuraies he maried bigamouny. Tis private life was & frget for the sometimes vicious gosip of his Vietorian contem- ponies, Yet they athed in hordes to ee his plays. They cused Bi of plagarnns They relished his amare disfogee. They reveled is santion soenc: They condemned him for creating ular ‘heutelty and pandesng to the contamporary taste for f."They ‘halted him as an ish Shakespeare, and at the end cured from AE pays eo applaud new types of social comedy and drama, Lest than forty yen after hit death, few theategoers ed heard of Bouceaul, fatelectuls and erles hungered for the new drama BOE fa the Mle thease movement actos Europe. Only sg fhettce_people and profesional historians of ninetenth-entury ‘Retis Gould remember thie Inch demuge, except, thet i for ‘fb dramatists canny enough to realize he was @ master from ‘Sino they, could leans waters such as Wilde, Shaw, Synge and Orcasey. ‘Re he ousset ite worth remembering Robert Hamilton Ball's wating ‘All atements egurding the easly life of Bouciewlt Ifa BE highy tentare’. This accoune relies on comparison of Tontemportry” accounts, ineading Boucical’s highly coloured SStsblepapiteal writings, nd Modern authorities, wich = the Indipenble biographies ‘by Townsend Walsh ‘and Richard Fauke the concae cited book by Robert Hogan, and chet Cttraining collection f key documens, Dion Bowccaul, She Sheuphreune A. Dovumentery Life, Letters exd Selected Werks, compiled by Sven Bre Molin and Robin Goodefelowe. Teh probe that Dionysiwr Lardner Bouriquot was bom 7 SELECTED PLAYS OF DION BOUCICAULT cine late on 26 December, o ety om the, 27h of that month ca et oe a He was the fourth cd of Anse Mara Dasey 5 2820 in Dipen Dae fally om the Scalp in County edie She ha eried Samuel Smith Bouriquat,o Dublin Wick Sse of French Huguenot stock, on 29 July 1812 in pane Sees eteennt Chureh, Dublin, inthe ext dh yes Se Me ice sone Wiliam, Artwur and George, According to ae as ere an nho worked fora whe atthe ADbey Artnar Duty: ad Ane separated in 1819, By the summer of Toes seame evan tat Anne, pregnant wide Di, had Become dana err De, Dionysive Lardner. Sarl remained a Dublin ae OD gears that he took his family to Loudon in upal 1825; J yuan his busines fled, he returned co Dublin, 182 ot copa i the care of he feily lend, Dr. Tandng. ‘eng oe Ra gave birth to daughter who died in 1831-By Meares ‘Sour fear, Samuel was in Florence, and by August 1 Sak init, living in Athlone. Christopher Cathrop, 1895 was oak Ucqrandson, fas eased that Samuel ded in Bou Eel in whieh Dion appenss 2 legitimate s0n- 1858, envng WE seal proof that he wos the son of Larne Todt Gitraphos Gnd ie carious that Lardner should Dave soe fe oy ler bis ffi with Anne, But Soe Ladner nepported 2h and golather co the boy, i i naturel hat cea ee Seen named afer hi. Nor i Larder’ sopport Dien se aig be trends busines dfaes, Bouceslt Be core etetired to Samnel as his fer and Lardnct st imal ice Larinaredvrce and hie affair with Anne at hs guardian Bes Cow of the bend snster over Dion, Be that lea taco Sy moved sete from school to school #8 B Ruenid a somewhat unpleasant elahood nate ad eke actor Prank Dalton, Dion attended a De oo SRORENE Readery th Dublin, where he was 3 courageous Feet chin BED, he ws atoning Me. Hees peate fighter Late cady ere ke bated Lat, and athe, sen00l Op aayeam an ead Suen Caampons of Ciendon Freer g oeled London Univenity school and met there ib Be ee ety Chater Lamb Kenney. He and Kenney were sere seri of the schoo’ ejsem of slary confinement Frequent vote offenders, But in 1688 Dion went to Dr- fe ea Brnsord and tere daovered, his me, He Jars in esnool production of zoo. Foran aterpece Played Rell 2 duet’ later seworked as Napoleon's Olé Guard Bea'pnyed a the Prince's eaten Landon. 8 vrropucTion ‘efor he could become an acto, however, Dion was apprentice to eines a engineer But he very #008 an a forthe edete 3 Shite under the stage mame of Lee Bforeton, see ee and breed comedy parte at Bota is fist pr Ping at probably Novlolk ip Richard if, but on, 24 Mee TeEs ia Chetenham he played of all things, Sr Giles ee tae tte acung in Cheltenkam, Hull and Brighton, he Cee eta A Lagend of the Devs Dyke was staged is Free se Wbcucber 1688, and Zadgings 10 Let was done = Beh oe Royal Bratch, on 25 Febrarh 1689, Barton Hil the Theat Rove account of ow his Cather, Coses ily gave roe ee eeeE yest chance as an actor, of how Dion watt es Morton land gencfous (0 a fault, nd how Dion left aan ee new play (probably A Lover by Proxy) and Jeti itoducton’ fo the London manages. Tt called later tht, on asval in London, he 100k & ee Vile Steet and submited Lover by Proxy °2 Bart Nhe manger at Coven Carden. Suppsing it 10 be Goats Me orcs Mews read the Pny an lowed Lee ote fe ee, th work, The es ng Moreton Pew rejected the play, but impresed by, ie cane, Mathes, nd Vein gave Bouse ee aa a a igentioned that he Teaby wanted a Gveact Te Pr ouciealt supplied four weeks Inter on = Thurs. sence, Promlacd to read the serpy ten called Out of Towns Mata PGi new author to 1 party the following Sunday rd ies Mess decided to stage the play, Vests supplying Mathew ei, onion darren. During reneanas Bouscalt the et oely, ahs st gat sucess opened at Covent (Ghrden on March 1881 ee verge ouch to the beillance of the catty st Bei Eecace ready mits, and also 10 the novelty Bows pin scenery’ with rel carpet and Yursitre in he Seas tore ie Timer viewer noted che v money, Vieomte Bion ae ae on be ao eed isuee ppencd in iment oe rea Eoar ia 1848, On this goouion he was ved by Ben eons SRE seamed rom his ine in Pass tat Psenchpaywihts ren eaten tte tip fom thee wont pesfommanes, SORESSERSSicd aigant bow the wey English pyr Bouma (tsk formes mp rum, et fre fof tad rhea rst to pes he Dramatic Author Fe A et ier the inesucton af ie French gem sto See cpr ware now ructant to stage his ye Bat Boge, Tad Cals Hew eed the Paice wih Se a 1 Ae eal Shakeopeet plays ‘To swell the box ofce of omg Barend oy wenden hack to tum owt poplar reac acentt blige. in 151 thre were fe, pears Bot ch plays put om in London nckding nother Fae ead fe Mate nomble for fs brat dls BASIE EC Grit ebrry 1058 Rean opened in The Cores butte ee, Om umph Bouceal bas st nce gras Kean roth 22s jucr ning) bo yeti an tell = sew Tre oe eter of these a opposed to Berar, See Bie hed sccess an actor it The Vampire (1852) wich Be er she read that he wrote hs veton i ik Aare ar tide deep, Arne, who tad led her cat 17h ot open ie Stn aE in the ee ng apes fanny and layng every wort ok le, Pape J Ba, hey for cr Loon doer Se emai, had Jae Pncan'e te ay fate Ip 1852 se nd Bouse Teme BRS topes und my even ave ris Agnes 3b Titers Eee cage the broth with het guardian, Keun, Tn AUgUst eRe ARS SCE 1 ihe wy erence soon or EES A cnt Now York, and borowed the fe rom the Moe ier boweca fllowed her tee week fr. Tt ‘etn vt tcc an laeuve prt of the carer ee el and hed chdren Her bua acta, wrote and a SELECTED PLAYS OF DION BOUCICAULT bocame a manage. This fst sojour in Amesica sav the bith of the Aifated eldest child, Dion Wiliam, who was tobe led ia SANs ecedent o few shonthe before his cwenteth birthday. In nstles Boucicault found others wiling to push for authors SES Sieve, together with those of Robert Montgomery Bird 1 Gorge Henry Boker helped’ copyright aw through Congress Sn S°august 1666, Tis mean chat heneeforth Boueiealt would TEane ouldersbieevenue from the pris of hs succes plays SESS Herald farveaching changes in the economic of the ‘hetie and eventually 3 beter deal for ll uma Ga Ba Poor of New York (1881) Boucieaalt exploited the taste {ot poctaalar melodsema he had found to be succesfl in The CESS Grothe: We was leo responding to hls new environment. Be "iied the topleal matedal of New York nancial crashes 2 che wlth the climactic spectacle ofa tenement block on fre ne Weng of the role of the honest ra captain was dismally dmentd, but his topicality and amazingly realists spectacle SENG" hin the applaure of the public and the dolls that ‘SSCompanied itn 1857, Agnes had a daughter, Bve,in New York See, Darley George (Dot) came along in 1898, the yar in SRESHE"oetoroon payed amid considerable conttoreny and WHS eat succeo at the Winter Garden, New York, This was Sippel on 29 Macch 1660 when The Collen Baum opened st REBEL New York ie was the Best real fumph among bis Ih plays, That sumer the Boucicaults el for London, where ota ln the te cle on 10 September tthe Ade for SS SPAN that ime) ean of 278 perlarmances, After conquering BASIE Gs he piey the folowing spring, Bouciule completed PEE IES campaign by becoming lees of Drury Lane on 22 Moe W862, A wealtny man with s sar for wife and « fourth Jans pauice bor ine folowing August, Boucieaslt now spent Ee tbrune on refurbishing Arey’ Armpitheste in Westminster Bdge Rosd a che Theatre Royal, which was to be the centre of Bris Mnment complen, The project wos either ined nor Er SREMNS Boucienlt lot hr money az suey a2 IC he had throwa it ato the Thames, ‘Qu thinking tevouscefulnes came to bit aids he revised ‘TAS Poor of aes York for 4 mania Liverpool as The Poor of Terpool, ind veazed he could do che sume in London and FESRER, The Sensation melodrama was as protean 22 1 vas icbtable: Bouncing confidently back, he added to his repertoire Pech Batunee Arata Pogue (1054s revised 1868), his version of Rip Yon iad (1608) chat made Joseph Jefferson «star on both 12 rnopuCTION sides-of the Adantic, The Flying Scud (1866) that exploited the Scusndons of howe sacing more profitably than if ts author had {ambled atthe tacky and Hunted Down (2866), in whic lving ide his London debut. With to more chilren, Nina bom in February 1867, and Aubiey Roberton, a June baby of 1863, and vreany” gaia, Boucieault seemed the epitome of Victorian ‘Neceas tn partnership withthe Burl of Londesboroug he leased ‘Govont Garden forthe opening on 29 August 1872 of asumptious Spectacular fll of opulent pageantry, co sad scene ‘Biccu It gored in the alliterative le, Babi and Bij. The Combined ilents of Bouciesule and J. R. Manche secured for it STD nu at the end of whic it had il lst about £50,000. “The Becca were meanwhile beck in America Dion om tour sithout Agnes But on 14 November 1874 he opened at Wallach’ New Yor as Conn in The Shaugheaun. This pay gave bi bis ott cffesve roe and hie thied forcune 1 was a smash hit when ‘Fopened the following September in London, But the success was sade bitter by the uotimely death ofthe eldest sen, Dion Wiis, in January 1876. ‘after two brilliant decades, Boucicelt had now written most cof is siguifiant work and established himself = the leading Playwright of his ages He had done much also for the art of Tage management, not only in the explitaion of senstional {ision, but aso in the pains Me took at rebearal und is cone=r for ensemble playing. Taste In the Ite 1870s was changing, RGwever and Boucenalt did not produce the profound Kind of och analysis of fnteaces of eaing that could have made him Snaster of a peater kind of drama. In 1865 he left America for Australia, taking in his company the young actrest Loube ‘Thome whom he marvied thre. He denied that he was eglly Turned aieacy to Agnes, but she dvoreed him in London i TSEE, Once beck in Ametice he found lite interest aroused by Lec work of hs, and contented fimelf with teaching seting End Wwrng svieen, He died of heart attack complicated by feumonia in New Yesk om 18 September 1090. tis sid that oucielt cnee ramarsed tht fir epltaph should ead, ‘Dion ‘Bouciauly his ft nliay’. u Bouciaul was the cleyerest, ott heatealy inventive English speaking playwright of his age His Ish plays lone are good 3 “sELZcrED PLAYS OF DION BOUGICAUL ecugh co make hin he mont reandng play for ud enough > ysement in Vetortn theatre. Robert Brome aes) go shee usa Pe nget nggs, fort has peti, 3 ert Feling hgh sctiment buaneedby ery neo seein poll Fn character in the a plo a oe rl morlant wit He's father dings seheiete Glow ye er sma of the prod teow, Fe ee ee gndon aatirance sad Old Hdd Set a Ps payeeakes back co She Stoo to Com- oune Hear be anicated Pawo. But tat seems fies Fora rate wit Bouncer EBS fo sia soe, of he oder resurgence of ita ema Ae the eine eto rly deta, and lacks ay eoeg7; sore he caiman ee and aco ne mungated ck = Ft ae seme there of «most aobng kind Te iene Ecler astuenc, aking the eve o> ate dene Sear he woud not wat it eed ae Ie Sa the le fom Mn ethan fe as gent ghost, ugh or rete the rand pce noticed by a and ie Te fen comin fou sid ad india concemperny, so Harcourt Cou, the very mie comic Tes of et er ng am agg gure and face. ad See ate te ney ite and te rods race susrhing So Be Or pers somante heroine Dy virtue of EE ackney, mare ay Deghigence, an he wil ut oul et seek of Beets Oy n Rew to make love to er (be lend 2 a Yoo Gceruly in er wan evident in Boucicls of booklet 3 ee rom vhich the Roya Shakerpere cater vn Oe torr L970 sev of the fay he Company 0h Norn oue age ne AES SE ea eh age of edt cams fo bea gntemsn of te daw of Os Sng aly, the“barcfaced wee of & yes sks 6 RPE a subcte forgendemanly eo specu Londen he Po nt apes of te Pay hat Sk Beene Pu ese aed on apeing: and Sally but Machow, Pbying PEZt iy, thee i Bowaeal’s exdbeent Sn BY Ye me Seay ay. Spee, babtelowwe met emis cheraionoF ns thi fos eke jon Mewed ee te ee ign Provence end with bey bbs dispensation of BE Pe he ctor. Her inecious igh ba acitd Daly Fe ong ay ay elem he come spins cp oe sone mig wel ie wiht aa erat huncngy Her Bateau and glows ep u pxiRODUCTION use ais are rich in comedy. When she interrupts Young Geuy's woning of Grace, she announces‘ alwaye like to Be i> Be at ae concer itn az she would advise a jockey. On Bee point of an adulterous elopement with Sir Harcourt, she ‘gabeiy remembers “Ihave left Max ~ pet staghound in Bis Biker 2 without whom fife would be unendurable ~ T could Ee Gamt"Her bean hatly suggests the beast should be sent Ror them inva hamper, provoking her magnificent scorn Hamper! Remoreder manl Go. you love me not! ‘That en Hopgment should hang on 2 hound in a hamper i a brillant Gated invention, and. Wilde mast be eterally grateful 10 Bousiealt for having shown him the way to the fant in = handbag. rom rehcarsls of dhe pay with a brillant cast nd expecieiy from the ideas of Madame Vertis, Boucieault, ashe acknowledged Bike Preface (see page 27 Below), learned how to rewste for ‘actifie actor specie demande of stage dialogue and the stage ‘Bfscts sntiipeted by wonderful seasoned West End actors. There Seems itde tense, hough, in John Coleman's notion that when bmitedy the play war an inchoate maladroit things Mathews Sue Vertis would hardly have bothered to work with ft. They ZR, Douttaules greet. lent, and were not mistaken. Augustin Flue in The Engh Stage berated Boucicaut as ‘plagiarism i Blot working terany-quitlice play and underelued London FSce pany beente he mirundestood it (he thought Lady Gay eled her nasbund a dll when in fact she was using the Sekaame for Adviphus, quite popular in Vitorian England), But RERRaded to the poetry of the theatre in The Coleen Boum 2esSbsted te achievement ofthe Ish plays: "Uns Bouticaul’s TEShad been the fasion to laugh over Irland, never to weep overher Th Ge bet of his enly comedies, Old Heads ond Young Hearts, Bo Sage the complex plot elements very destrously. Fee ae povided ts wih 4 benigly combs old lvgnan Ree Senso to sete an furniture earned thi production the SereGbxion she upholstery school ot comedy’ Dowsteaul remarked Fee Ne play added sere, however, to ls Ueerery than bis Sanya: Some reent ents rank it higher than London PRD, et fn to ld the stage a well and has not been ARG Botl plays have a Regency seting perap because ofthe Tenet eayt reading. or temperament, peshape besnuse of the Sey Ticture end mayuere of the dramatic models for English weap: Bur the come design is derived from the Restoration 6 SELECTED PLAYS OF DION ROUCICAULT there are two love triangles intertwined in the pleasingly absurd SIS fu ue of dngule, mimndertandings and dalogue st wes wrpost, that completely bewilder old Jesse Rural. As Fee erance town eid country mect, but here the sting sere arta the theme i compliated by Ue addition of the Lando, oath aspects for alshough Littleton Ooke hale Ro Ethie he isa "outhemized! barney, tying not foe aly aed to practise m London, while his brother Tom Parca a cue Yorkhireman, rude of speech yet good pa react mbit, and having 2 surplus of “ras though aaa eciah to make i ter, Where Tom is soli rewous Tack oon i dashing and ightheared. The colton of ree Pend ek aly in love ada depth toa comedy in which SEERA Gpucile wit racy aalogue and scenes that, bg oF Boucle fone letter scene when Ltleton teases lady Alice, marten O° gen she gets her revenge; the manervant Boby Sagat a nlltr and dacrouly intoducing the legimate posing a che wore Mepiimate to his own father, the Bar] of Ptea Pempion and Tom Coke explore the pelital theme in Fem eer ee Bom the cute: Litton muses of lass stnetios, 1 Bie dices in is moter, and the paradox that ee Pama Da eduction that preparee im for hin profesion ‘ton 2 Slated in im the tastes of a landed gentieman, which ta alte Sma ortune for one whose inheritance bas been all i indeed ay. Bovelealts satrie bumour, if rang sil ee er Taher than bitter and his taste forthe debons eet Ethan the mordant snarl. When Roebuck confers £0 ae ee See isin lve, Litton’ reply catches the tone Miiae ed up! ow? wugaly with x woman ~ oF fashions, ‘vith yourself yee most charcteditic method was adaptation, core teiant restructuring of sourees, acving at Shrpet ese tncreascd tension and extravaganes of stage effet. He Sido Sivomtage of the ingonultis of spectacle posible in the (eek fal Shane is excking The Corsican Brothers ha riliant Nictoen tof sueture mateling she use of fat in the ply. ee a mprcoed by Grange and de Montépa’s rae Coe Euan pores novel, Les Fires Cores, decided to have Wee RNa ‘he Corsets Brothers opened to pret acclaim 1 eeseSny 1059 atthe Princess Its clever structure deploys S sheer scene tthe end of Act T such chat its stage picture i 16 nerRODUCTION the impact of the simultancty of action featured inthe play. For RS be Boucieale employed the novel sing ghost ap very tae Bal And seenic splendour gre added lustre inthe balizoo SESEIRE cmodinal range ofthe play lifts it above many another ‘$Sicames tension and suspense, villainy and seemly devotion meta enriched by the Tevenge theme complicated by it Sat ements, the raise daigue of he young revelert SePerihe towns the manners of she age andthe comic scene of BOLL [andor led at ending vendetta The igh sense of honoue fend JesStocrate revenge contrasts wth the tval dipute of ihe tied Furthermore the demise of Lovis, dying beautifully, Bere cueplance of his elevated mora sense, and neatly SERQIERihy pony of a new eonilct between this high code se ile for fille, Time so adds depth to the play. Bre ttady of evets is thentelly interesting, but ting i = Sima Taiunr in the action: Sie s matied to the wrong he #00 Senay of the way events have uolded in the workings ae the hour sees fateful, asin the Mowtaron Pay of ne oe antrapuous duelirt, Chatens Renaud, is tapped by eiteapace effec that demands his death in the very place his Fete es This villainy sreover i not merely conventional: TER? Sote honourably tan we might have expected. Bouccaslt Hee i°S patandy cool piece of business wheny after slyly Eat Em's tnt, he_sende her to the rendezvous and eine omats hi watch “Ten mes to four I shall win my GAREY gua preserve my repuladon.” The tonics ae, manfoe FEESth8, Sepsis of cours falls not so much on characte 3 Bouche anger of mood achieved dhrough dalogue snd the Sede ussormadons: A cleverly economical effet aes from Fee aeriscige from the challenge a Montgrons party to the RADE) SUSE he toceat to gve the splentid second act curtain. feat eered that whatever theatial excellence is im The an eg otkors was in the original French play. Yet Fawkes et ot Cetore the end of 1BS2 there were seven ther saintly, Bousiaul’s running sixt-ax igh und gemaining erone agG0 Ne, Kean excelled as the tina Stage effects were Be Tuly managed, To G. 1 Lewes it wat “he most, aris, aR, eiting melodrama remember tohave seen, Queet [amie eno les than five times and mae a wnique sketch of| MESES Situs foe ner Journal I played in London over a period he el see fed is Gogiean tap was adopted by many British Seto She Ghost Melody? rold thousands of copies as sect wae age of caaleda,genemanly melodrama had arived. ” SELECTED FLAYS OF DION BovcICAULT Soalio had te age of staging he sensiiona sion, Bowel, ‘the most inventive nd daring f hose who experimented i Hat ‘rays antcpated the kind of spectacle in te fm busines that ie ilpd to bath auch efete fom the playhouse. nthe United States, Boscesult rapidly acclimated himself to the audiences and the speech patter, He soon had an intl ent gop of Ameseas arses kad wrote about them to the htene et his wok ir important iy She history of drama and theaue in America We hive already mentioned The Poor of ‘Meo York ely adapted te oir environment More indigenous thu Te Octoroom Tiss abeterwatn, ees moreinfamsatory Tauy of Amencan lesen Ie opened on & December 1889, only ur days after the hanging of John Brown for his Abolitionist {ebaljon a Harpers Fey. Bouieult had evel in the Sout, ewig many davbowness and saves. He managed to depict ‘ivcy in its ber ght tnough fe on the Lousiana planation SF play, yee show si i demeaning, moral esene fn the pathos of the sve ction seene. He crafted an exclng and mane action, finding things to blame in both Americ At ‘lun isa Yankee ete de are ao loaded agtinst a southern Trenullty which cold se no way fot Zee, the oetoroon slave mary white geneman, Th unhappy Amescan ending 8 ‘Sppied he ogee withthe slematie demanded by London's SEEN who prefered the pletare of gentleman hero, octoroon recive in harms, backed by the exploding scamboat ~ an Stgumie sean secnes The etry thet made tome of his SE nuperior to that of other writes of ielodeama say be Teen in Bouscauts letter to The Tins: *.. here are feature in Unuy tar more objections than any Wither held. up to NOG, cncention, by she side of wich phys suffering apes: 2EVelge etal Around the bight sndbenutful Zoe, legate Gagne of 2 Judge, Bowccaue buds an aura of guety and ‘city. Allsdy this hallnge orthodox moral vas, When Be Sng hc to fe erste welts he emuine lye for head fe Fechgnae the rghtnet of the match, the melodrama dose Moe'a Bao many case enfore standard Vitor morals i nderminee then totaly, finding fs norms inthe warts and Uectntes of ath to th heart an humane feting, As usual wth Scudceuts be tacks gaping materialism, violence against he steak, end the conventional maraly fs agents use a Sek mask, Tele Toms Cabin baa tested slavery Before oO the Has, and Moyne Rls now The Quadroon gave Bouccalt most of fis ows but the pace, fone ad emotional impact are his ovm. The 18 lynch mob scene is developed to a balan seversl using the {Kv of a camera which socords the murder of w child and thus Incrminates the vilain, Boucicault explored his theme of cast hd race buries with more complexity than he hasbeen credited Gitm and was atacked by some contemporary sevewer Tor hs ior ‘The theme of subject race or nation was ext pursued by Bousisule i his Inch plays. Although he cannot be properly Consiesed a systematic thinker, it would be wrong to overlook {ds deep and genuine concern nls wor, fr alibi coromerile ‘The Home Hale movement made Ireland. subject of popular interest, Yet he had an abiding interet im Robert Baumet and did ‘what he could forthe Tih eae. His plays kept the transatlantic [Rh mindful of probleme in the home land, helped to promote 2 aympathede view of lreand to Eaglsh audiences, as well as {Gong ihe weiter and his wife Inerediply fuerstve Tune in the fheatie. He remodeled the stage Intkman to portray a Tore reals gullery of types What hed once been a foolish, drunken bute of Engle wits he taneformed into a clever, couragecus tnd resoureeful descendant of the wicky save of ancient comedy. David Keaute'sintodvction to the Dolmen Bouciaule puts the ‘oe wel ‘tin his eration of thi dutinedly Tish yet universal haneter — a Mylerma Coppalee, Shaun the Post, or Conn the Shauphesun — thir Bouelesult finaly transcends the Victodan Ivordd And fe ie part ofthis lumph that Ish drama as we know Wrtoday fad ity orgie in Bovelesale” His Truhness and tis fojoumnt in Americe gave him the necessary distance from English [fe to preven hi remaining merely eeatre of fs aritades and 2 technician oft hese “The Collen Boum, the last play Queen Vieira saw in = ‘heute, at partly inspired when ie author bought a sctof steel Engrevingy of the lakes of Killarney, at Booth Rar noted. Pescy Fitsgerle, weting in Principles of Comedy (1870), prised the {onc and flayour et the play as “finely charscerede, couching, Sul national” and prod the sonetion scene ofthe watery cave ‘beatae st wad integral the action repre It."The play Wa first aged in New York on 27 March 1660 at Latra Keene's Theatre ‘Agnes Robertson was Elly O'Connor, she fiehaied git of the tile, and. Boucleslt Myleena-Goppaleen (Myles of the ponies) He had dramatned the climacts cvents of Genld. Gata’: ponderous thiee volume ove, The Collins, to great elect. Bouelcsult enlivened his vententous source, giving it his charac fesse pace, veines of dsiogu, and tension, Overt all presided seLECTED PLAYS OF DION ZOUCICAULT the spit of «new kind of comedy expreing rea affection for he SEG dhoce Ie untainted by Vetovian materia and lan i okt of la popular bade can also be dacemed rae ance as Samuel Lover's tenment of Rory O'More angi Sours reek Bowcieal acd Rory, petops remembered al a scr hd layed him, and possbly Samuel Levers 4 Tyrone Crom the gavel Jack Huon to wassform Mylt Tipperary, Joe oerer in Cts work to the ichly com ogee fram a rine Cavaurte ith audiences. Above all, Bouciaul Bad Jihe Bea fo sage Ina ie in 2 way that wat more enstive lear poy ands people than were the previous eeatments 1 coun mentions of popular commercial theatre with Aa ee eaciament micng cements of melodrams free ore AS In ele new combination. Over all wasalovefor he aad a Iwasa ven deh enough fr further development se esr indeed, war ai 2 source fr is next ih aay, sae ga {Leen The lay, more politcal than The Collen Fern egg of 1798 and features = veson of the Bean, Sade, Wenig. of the Green’ openly stacking opel bala? jqdknd, The pay was suceest Dut the song wa Bee aubverive that the government banned 1 eg ered gen nthe Bris es Reaae gly polnts out Fro Perera some crouble in geting the play Just 23 Be that Boucle Savoie ning performance. I aks mich of the Fane i ef The Gollre aun and offer too sentimental amour 4 cone and patotam, But inthe pice sence Sbaun 3 peme oo frcetuly toe, The tal atthe end of Act Ii he Feat comes Taped sea model by Shave for the Sal in The saul and te wrote the beter play, but Boucenl’s ‘ene temainasuperion. Cae ee routine tate work, Bocicaul returned f0 ni RS Seta with The Shauginoun (The Vagabond) fst bie Hey flack These, New York om 14 Noverber 1874, peter (dx waltine on Boyne Water, a pay about the confct He ad ber woah ter Seoveen a uy a a older and bit i rh yA ye eae ‘osecnalt to change the peso Sige of Jamey Han Fasc a bed Theatealy, was ood aes eee se Boo His new comic atl Coan, he Shaspry Bae tune fr favoure with agdences snd Bouse quchy BSS ul of every fay the ie of every fer he Pere Sj weddings and patterns’ A development f Myles re aa ie ihe define un clown ad resp amastely 20 and permanent creation in the comic repertoie; he is aio the wad Taf comedy inthe play renueectng at his own wake, we JeIe chase ects the ation ike a ‘clownrex-machina’ SRA RIAIR Te he becomes» haunting image of Boucicauls bins, Krause fi tation of his at bat asang the indulgence of 23 dhe to Pe now he can charm more often than not At the end aad es he furs to he dienes ashe begs Moy to go Bll = Pe PIS Mlny tine have you looked over my cs — wi vfs to them ow, and houd out yous hands once Bore yee or Shaughraun? Tough but goodsherted, cae than the ra Peto areound hrs, heis totaly diferent fromthe bastering Bilfoon of a stage Teshiman righty despised by. the best Leh bufoon of ludiences, For bir acting of Cons, Bouciealt war ‘ut by contermporces fr mastery of detain the character Peres he aming and adroitness of hs comedy, and bis charming aati metaneitge In the seaue scene, the gag in whieh Cons Be oom a hogheed and shoo She vilinous inches is Pepe ee of he pent moments of the Marx Brothers ‘A shot shin to rome Of hoginead. Kinchela hows up bis ands, segs, i feed For Ties ery apd fll om hee knees, covering het face fall MONE ns Tite hogahea ses ile ~ advance to Moya, with bet nc tke an extinguisher. The lege of Conn have BESS 2nd er ae rel as eimaves’ Dut in thy sesh masterpecs, Fe ae eh comedy and politcal theme simultancously Bouse snguage sore than Gough stage busines, The tr rove Bld and rh character and speech in the, algae yt ean counterpoint throughout he action. It age se abu tener the feeling for Hieand of one who Fes Beh Tonle, and the angubh of one whos ‘obliged to fom Pole ier of the woman I love’. Even then chords of ae ne sde he scene in whieh Kinchela convinces Robert that sk Lat buts patvote fiend, the ironies and tensions i ae a ee aake ite rclodrama work very powerfully. The mora aa Spe, chfatian and romantic love, honour and love values of felt posse gredy betrayal cruelty, deception, abuse of aera mot as tmp an they sous forty are the fel of she owl = Bot ement of the madience cht occur good melo- RESEAy me are complicated by the Fact that they cu asco8h datos od und clas poundares, as Houiealt dzployed them, © ee dapah end eolou to fis picture of humanity, sere a ackives a tne poetry of the theatre in ee sina ie scene of Cona’s wake. shee that we see leashy Het cenipates Syage and the Abbey pessant drama. a ‘When Conn faces Reilly and Sullivan, the eaminal asoclates ofthe ‘ilu, ne become athe sage symbol, both of comic generation nd of tmurdher alive” in te land. Even the suicidal leap of Harvey Dut at the end ie not mere sensation, but integral to the emotional Gynamics ofthe action: we need his death, though we would not ‘rant foe him Sudgeoned and slashed with peasant scythe, owcicault's enoomous outps a dramatist, ansator, and play doctor gave hiya extraordinary range of dramatic and theatre Convenijons Consider thir together with is fluent energy and personal talent and one hse gone along way towards accounting Forahe ese, vectity and authority of his best Work MR, Booths Pictorion Spectacular Theatre 1850-1010 gives a detailed idea of ‘he sheer technical sl Boueicalt apd his contemporaries deve- ped often to the detriment of leery merit in their spt, TEtncnting the lack ofeach mest ia Bouccault and others, Gorge Rowel, ibis astute and elegant The Victorian Theatre 1792-1914, notes tat London Asturane in its Royal Shakespeare Company ve proves a grea deal more entertaningin performance’. That production, together with the Lye Belfast's revival of Th Coleen Bos and the Abbey Dublin's of The Shaughraan confirm tht Bouciault above all a playwright fr perfomance. is ingenty, ‘Binblenes and deft surcne of touch are unmistakeable, Te Pay Fore collected show that he wat no terry giant; yet he was a ‘raster of stagecraft We should not forget that aman at refined as Hleny James realized, along with Shaw andthe others, that Bouciatls bast qualities had much to teach anyone geninely ested in these, The reson le simple. Bouciault was an intel {gent and highly talented arst. But he worked for audiences he at hocr merely exploited and whoee tate certainly restricted him. [He wats proceed write, ndeceived about his strengths and limit ‘Hons who usually inprovea what he coped. His dslogue ls often itesh oven oder in fone and attude Teas ths dated ess than ‘ny fla colleagues nthe Victorian theatre. Given the eonditons Urs theatre ane the genres svaabl to him, he een bequeathed Gs some, mustrpiecer for performance. And single-handedly Bouticalt gove dreand a thentre io dhe ninetecath e=tury on ‘hich ters could draws Ie bissuecesrors outgrew him intelletaly Und reacted gaia hi he sll as much fo teach, Because a ‘He as hs co respond to life ith more than the intellect Andrew Pekin ‘University of Brcsh Columbia December, 1983 2 GLOSSARY OF IRISH EXPRESSIONS ‘As Angled in The Coleen Bon and The Shaughraun css my pale rancunton sy og Seok my lore Tah hone, ocho ok is! “Ei Slinas my dear och aga etn for ‘eal toa” Tieng roo ying och mara ory Grubs chahl Uneasy macnn fol aneindeloufopee pope (reas of the Liss) ‘olthogue ap ox punch sexthor: my weasue Fhoughrount vagabond tench my ton ‘hale walk ‘wn: fated Boconne: ily goats ‘Palpesn: wandering labourer, hence temp or vagrant Bouckal boy’ and scoundrel colleen: git “threat anyehing elamey oF copploens ponies vntidy ‘rukeon lo tefl jug sthrippens: dhe lst, rch milk Gromachre mciourneen, ants from the cow at milking GlaoumecrrLaneofmyhear, sulish, sucess ight ‘ny dating, right heleh sullsh acre: ight of my ot ay dating heart gore Gouthes without a doubt thure mon dhol: your soul to Regoota awa for lamentation "the devil sear: lament of wall wer stra, weorasthra:oh| tau: Ell, Mary, what sortow! rmachree: my heart seit: bush, quiet! NOTE: Boucicaule's spellings of the Irish words are rough attempts, Nmetines plainly wrong, t9 ve a phonete rendering of these CSapresions for the benefit of setore and readers, The conventional ‘paling of the Irish words da which there x based an be found Bhe fuller Giosaty in The Dolmen Bouceault. 2 ‘THE OCTOROOON; ox, LIFE IN LOUISIANA A play in fve acts "GEORGE PEYTON (i. Peyton's Nephaw,edueee Mr. A. Daveorert tein Eamon, an ju tured home) D TACOReCLOSKY (formerly Oveser of Tere Ms. 7. B Johnston fF tons, but now Over of oe haf of te Exate) = saUEM SCUDDER (0 ankos for Massacharte, oe, Jeph Tetenon how Overs of Fecsbonne, rest on eave Fo) ene andinvecons once» Pootogratlc Operon and bean iti of erry porn) "PETE an Ole Uncle’ once the ete Fugees body Mr George Famieson © fetta tow ae to work, 8) “guNNYSIDS Mater) Mr, George tind SEXFOUCHE a Rich ante) br 1-mLStoddar: | PAUL (a Yolow Boy,» avout of telat uaa’, Ms Tone Busts [nds sowed oo mac ae ks) = RATTS (Captain of the Magnolia Steuer) Hay Pausson ‘COLONEL POINTDEXTER (an Auesonee) Me Ruse | GULES THIBODEAUC( Young Creole Plstes)__—_ Mie. Secor CAILLOU (es Oven) Beck “SUDGE JACKSON (Pane) Me Tree ‘WARINOTED (an latins Chit of he Lepan Tete) Mr. Dion Bouton MRS. PEYTON (Widow a the ae Tue) Mew WR Bake (en Octovon Gi, fe) Miss Agnes Roberson "BORA SUNNYSIDE (e Souther Bee) Mes. ri alee GRACE (4 Yalow Git, Si), Miss Cimber “DIDO (the Coo = Sire) a Duan Mine Wates IL Soweph Feteten a Sun Sender in The Oetoraon bw ofthe plantation Terrebonne, Louies. A branch ofthe Mists t pining though the Baa 4 orb but extansve Pate’ Dein, ram ded with a oranda ond ase few fe from the ground, occupies he fable ond cha, riht cere, GRACE dacovered ating a reaforaeie CHILDREN. By SOLON from house ON: Vahl you boma’ae fy “gt out = gman can't pat fr 90, ting wah ol rou CHTEDREN owe “CHILDREN ta he Banana and ol het fa Bout Enter PETE he Fe sams) he cones mop and pall) Hy ewea may whys ce vt! drop dt banana L mde is yee owt (ie avs CHILDREN shout =the lop over Dating ef eet. F=! “SOLON Dem it lens isa judgment upon de pasaton : (Enter GEORGE from howe) SEORGE: Woats tho matter, Po? fs dam ack rah, a’ sore; sr propery want cain ~ en's tg numero roand when 1 gts tine, Yl some on, sue! "Top, you vrmit "opi ge enough of you in one place! IBGE: Were they all bom on thr xa?” Bicsse: Gon thy nvber wns born ~ Jem ns what da? ~ getaway! Bora here Pe east Wino Teen! Doo tele i a Ceara ‘oso the snp =I coca in, dy sn no count. Dat bee fam out regers mien dere rowed = oy'l come ou sunthin ee (Yan, as Gane, dey war bor her ed ld Pe sfonde one dan eis oh dle ont Sunday. eS What dem tings am ~ pt sway. (Mots Dlow the CHILDREN) Box: ‘ve! Jom dre! What on Terebonne? Done ev, Mass Gear SGmralimasteve dats how doy come ontop of slayer gt 01 $0 yaya aust) (Gntt GRACE, Enter MRS. PEYTON, fom hou) So, Fete, you are pong hos lena tal? ETE Das syn! pb it toc Poel e's alles nfo tit anay ea: Ye iH doy anal estod ike coon on dat ene fence, stout of 0%, Look Sat Dom dati Yat Pete! do you kee? SP: You ne ou eat ts mori, Goo ESGHORGE: 1 wasup boforesayghe. Wo gt the hss sailed, ané sloped dows jee: oc fy ess The Oezoroon a7 ‘he shell road over the Piney Patch, then, coasting the Bayou Lake, set 2he lg sump by Pauls Ph nd ao came home ain, Be: ‘MSP (euphng) You som already friar wh hese of eey spot (Enver PETE ~ emangesbyakfst ete.) s 3EORGE: Jus one month ago uted Pa. Tet ht se ty aT wel fhe for everybody or anybody, to the Judge found th tn tat un He looked i ose what stopped i, nd ule out ig Potege. Sin that says the over, i's only formality “Al ah, ethe Judge, and sway went hourtnd sre athe on of it Yess, a beloved woman, ‘Mo. B: No wondes! [daresay you lft late doten beloved wen ‘ORGE: fei that departed amid univer ud sincere regret. Het yy ‘2d my cuctors equally sonal = ‘MRS, P: Geores, you ae ieorighe. AN! you semind meso much ay ‘be jue. (OEORGE" bles his dear old handing tall vasa of in. Fo ‘si leer came ety quarter. wits rtancy ant word a | forma cavalier ses enc then oe inte postct tat eer ‘0 ofthe foregoing: Ant, when he ded two Yur ag, Tea oe Jnsesothinsand if dda cy ike baby 3 RS. F No, Geore;say You wept ke tan And So You realy kept Hee Souder Wal, ied in New Vor by atin’ with is ese sp eat Fone Hots ands evens wt? Rare ot ae odyssey ke os fesse ‘his fancy, who made him overseer right off, Well, sir, tiioe ths Sets itodoe ts iavrtone tnd npr (GEORGE: Yer: 1kepe the ters and squandered the money. a ‘MRS. P (embracing im) Ak! why were You ot my Sonu aT 30k (ence SALEM SCUDDER) CDDER: Ain el Yer= whee Voceheme mh meemeyzeneoemeaniine i ot grow that the state of hn, jut sat aca i (Gob wihou:) bow ike sai uncle he do mae tho si Oy ORGE Oh, aust! what a ht ay este she STEDDER: Wat, ou! Gum tat you se’ ae eying femal Bi 5s: Er ane bre at il When poe long eee ‘Sct offove behing her Irs god sak ou her Some este nager ot fr on the eight of ho abe a wore iS snsin, you may tke one of mfg and couse neh ‘ERS. Se ated ot op wing baka ow Pel ed PETE! Yo ts. Why, Mia, why do’ you san whe You ba, a SNE ano) Dats elation Yr ree Mr ae Gena, yous en Your anc’ wil i to tee AGE: Subject Yourelated ss to Zou nth "trtat the propery oats ta iste ecsoey secon My dear aan nove Kept ty sen ad eg ‘Sow nw conn th nate li SCEDDER: Yet we do men fin cred td condo, Te ei 2g ook a over ait of Connect ard eed WG tesa understand eecuni th omen For egetoe ‘ane, The Judge crew money Uke Bourbon wy from bre oor ch! what wil acome oe when Tam goa If you hare’t fea, Ifoar hat. Se as had fhe eatin ofa. GH Thane cemarted hse reatnd by th nebo wi ind of you tht sheen daher ofthe Sus, Your ass he loves ce bees her wc. FOE ct Lam rousn sn appr ab Your pte snc ha fo he iss, Be toctomne tan woud hare bon ove ad hal Lona tose, iin ‘The Otoraon ‘ZOE: Nor like» sugar ant ~o dy ated, one woud never think there ‘much snetnss siti SCUDDER: Look here ent sand thet gals stop hes, Lal ag he sight off. (Sees PETE who has set his pal down upatag, and res fo seep ont) [sso nigger ain anep, Fm lamed, Hilo! ics pol from under, PETE end xt") PETE HU! Debbes indo salt Whar’ beste? | (Enter SOLON and DIDO wih ofee po, dey, ee.) ctl SIDE: (to MRS, PEYTON) Yes, mata, Told a mortgage ovr Tereboane, “nsw lth, and petty naar covert ale property, except the des. esta) Fan ma, Mia. (ad) 1 don't ke that man. (arte) lnsclento rl. (elu) You bogued met cl this morn ‘DIDO: Bisse, Missey Zoe, here it be, Dere's« dish of penpans - jut taste, Mas 06 ‘hope Pim not intruding. (Grong and her's nd bananas; dye ons BE tens. ay aepnew, Ms. Peyton. 4 aster PETE: Hole yer tongue, Dido, Whar de coffee? (our out) it dont ata do SKY: On, now dye dos (Offs hand. GEORGE bows col) Asie 55 our wicked ol ies in danger sre tht bck ger, ha ou may rink dat, a's Gaore. (Looks off) Yat hen Mav Sana 2S sn0 Misty Dory, ist dtov up Some of you etry roman ‘oss and take ais, Dida. (Giver her coffe pot tal ond hobble of, Dlowes by SOLON an DIDO) (Ener SUNNYSIDE end DORA) SENNYSIDE: Good dy, ma'am. (Shaler hen with OBORGE. 1h efor break (6e) DORA! Ob none for mts sever tte) Teco de SEXNYSIDE: Aa! Zoe, gure you there! | DORA: Tate my shawl, Zoe, (ZOE help her) Wht good crate he SCNNYSIDE: Tenet, sow, hat in Europe you hare neva mean oe se205fl in pen, or mors polabed fn names, han at gl. ‘GEORGE: You ae night enough Thi oom enpreseing tha opinion i hic aes ty. SEOAGE: It may be considered offensive, SENNYSIDE: (trond) What uy, Zoe, 2 you beara? SORA: Me Berton joking MRS. . My sephew bot Yet aequlated wth our custome in Loulsen, bat he <5 sooa understand ‘ever, sun! Tshall ever ungetand how to wound the feels ght ede castom hr, Thal ever sop ZORA: Zoe dar, what Goes be mean? | 202" I dee inom RE: Excuse me, TU ght s iar. (Goes nate.) BORA (ude ro 208) lth sweet? Ob, dent Zo, the in lov wth anybody? 208 How sania SORA! $81 him, Tun to now; don't say 1a you to engi, but iad out = ‘cake, fame it so nce and hs lote re Prone at eh. ZOE: Tink shal a him tht foo? BORA: So, des wt he woud ats love oe When Be spans a oe a 0 8), 0 get int bazoom sta“ Ione lined with a, ah [EH with obaceo~ and they say ll the women ia Fae werelnfove with ‘ssh [fl thal be = stop femnng me wat nie boots he wot. “ORGE: esde) They do not nose Zoe, (aloud) You don't see Zot, Me Sumy = ‘Coury nbn np Me Epc wl oud) ant Pt oie ou od Sn) St CLOSRY ii i Ted on et What he mtn wie Geos? : SOF etn rom MME) Go, 8 ee 5. rac, attend to ME. Clk. : abet Pept in Encore is courtey; hte, an obligation. We ender 2 otis samen, ot cnr non bt men eh FORGE: Aun In late my ile down tote Aout, Pei promis’ =) crea tat nds dur orto, wey te Newed Yon, ik ns nan Spann Excuse nce Hl Pol (Enos house) 1 (ou) avs Googe, ltr wih WAHNOTEE) DEI thane tain on Song ob orn over 0 swe an rods, hung fn sie say tad of owing one Princald wana tur of the Tose, whe encourage sel. ale bao ses pt work Bee echt a eenpmacets Poe cairnigtiancnt toa ae ee Sanam TE atte ein cece reese gp ms men tron Soe nsamaes nce The Octowon 0S 208: No: Wahnote i gent, net crt and rms her aca oe ‘hs: boy tt he enero of was When Pl wa en dowa ‘ae evan fever the inden one th ts er ae sor ‘Poe fr sl thc coud econ an al tm ral, song Be pian we tons on spat Bt your Wet WAHNOTEE: Sieugh oe : PAUL, He don't understand e senha math w of lin, Frnsh and Meszn ‘watnoee atta nesepas oe isan, ZARNOTEE Wellonenes PAUL Seis wih hi He cll me Omens, hein Mi aNOTEE: Gumtngt ZOD) Nacoota ZOE: No Wanaotes we cn pare Pel PAUL If mene renin, Wabnote wl la Tronne (During ihe dtogue WAHNOTEE has ken Cee an ener Stonte) (GEORGE: Now Tm rnc. (Tris 0 regen Mr gun; WAHNOTE refute to get wep PACL quiet from tom end enone Heh hoe) DORA Zoe nes gaint woth toy nd lve eee wha S85, F Georg, [at spre Pa fran hor ortwo e mt un oe the sng he eames rom New Ole ped pte nt ey nd coxa tet eet — SONSTSIDE! fate he mal upping in he shed his mori 95,2: xpes an impor It om Lvl ea 78 Pa eg EASE [a ota o ae Watt oh, ee a PALE Cone. eh iif 0 inch may oe \HEO3GE: Come Sis Dova let me ster yow my armen SORK Me Gein Ta aa an ria, oD led nt he ORGE: Tha caine oben «deseption of my feminine adventure OA: You ive tee Ino tee? eee SEORGE Two hundred nd forty nie int! te sas you the wort Sama Sot na = oes [SEORGE. 12 poche aauety partin French 5084 I son hears word! Oh You baie mato on {Exit GEORGE and DORA t house) CLOSKY: Sow am fee ate basic aecble ing You ne: oo ae, ai Ua Fuh of New Oe ded he entice [St ss hols ane te freon’ onal itn noapasto Teepe | oral. Her the Peeyune (producing pope) mth te ntvecmen ES Ra ee Ap cet ee oan ty Of: Tarebonne forse SIRS. Ps Terebonne for mle, and yoo, will doubles become ts puch _weLost" ns. Y=, res © secLOSKe Tey wea him oer 50,000 olla IRS. Teannot i he ete in my husband's accounts, bot as. SUNNYSIDE: tr he's chance of there's nots pani 400 Mere who ‘uns. An Suna, how god you ae nett 21 ‘Wal; ma'mel cows tere no lw ala my bidding fr. Tem: Cider, bre fox You, You ak car, Tutt dome go 00 chess aie the plaefor itr ce, bo forthe many BADD == Te ape hee thetanducape, stand niteeting though may be {lef cham forme thos poor people, bora arosnd me, rowing Up 28O% ‘iy heart, have bounded my vw of le; and now to lowe that homely set tov the lack gsm face, oh, SE, peas You should Bee es? to eas do when my par Bf stom away frome -wroLSHey Tel be ones Ba if somebody woul ea my pst fe ay fom me Sony tan uly you bu th face You in such an aired mess hus ¥oe oda be pata out without destck, hope eft ye an ing to The house of Nason Brome, ‘StLieipoay aed rome twenty yess ap in sty husband's eb you, Me, les, Eos doubles detect Zoe, bing ere the Judge's ld des in Be ira (Exit 208 0 howe.) CLOSKY: You don't expec fo recat any of ti ol Gt, 0 yout MRS ts es the a has covered land Lreoived a notie fo ments 55 tht sae sftlement might be antcpaed. = SUNNYSIDE Why, th princi and interest tis bt hes Don ore ches ould in twenty yeu ut it my be yur yet Defoe wil be pal off 2 Mycutst lend you the hele eth, fo Feep Your bane and W008 =0055 (ome, cos, old rend ke my poor Peyton. (Ent MRS, PEYTON and SUNNYSIDE 10 haste) MrCLOSKY: Cun thes i fare hay cut me ~a blows, cone hi Oeeakasu astorny, That met besuse mpendther was’ 05 ‘loteadown Viegas sarplant, rs ngy ol Case, aln® S19 Sows ‘rihelame meat wth them it maker ny Wood vo ot I feel my Be [ireep thee Payton fom hr tion ofthe county Tei presence topsite te egronch aa mo, that ruined them, et, 38 one) OSU come Bett Therese change of Then, iy go hey ae Zoe ‘gun foo them. Dace thet i abe ake pe quiver when Th 2: {RES took me forall im worth “nie ZOE fom house, wit he der.) ‘om tac! do ou know what the anna he od Jade eft you is wo day? sot payene ‘zor: Irs turely worst lve that dctatd iar are he papers and seus. puting other) ic peepor pli Ane owe of hoe Ati Ss ne verorcon ag Act SCLOSKY' Stop, Zoe come nee! How would you Me to rue te oust of the pants on Atchapalgs~ eh? orn the wor, and bay thi ok, and ¥ou tal be sie of Tercbomne (On sede not speak soto mel \SECLOSKY: Why aot? Look tere hee Payton a st, tem a ch, Sine ‘bei TLse you up grand, and wel give thos Ht fie here our du, ‘polos ht we i up wht and gat 9697 yrcuOSK- Wont ee esa? 208: Ler ae pats Oh ry let me go! PCLOSRY What, you wor’, won't ye? Iyoung Guore Peyton was to make you su same ofr, you'd jump ait prety darned gic, I gu, Come, Zoe, Soa’ bes foel, Pd mary ou if cos, but You Know fay oxo ‘bat You want Hee, they, put back dese Peyton ia Teton, ed {Sey sal Know you done it yt, they ave yout hank for sing then ZOE: Do sau think they woud live hereon wh era? S°CLOSKY: Why not? Wel ie ot our les, ad eon er woes 208: But Fm nt aslee SCLOSEY. No, you were PA buy you i yom outa Tin worth OE: Let me pel SECLOSEY: Stopt (nce SCUDDER) SCUDDER: Lecter pet! AECLOSKY: Ent “SCUDDER: Traded! Whoever si oe, Lays vou were the dene hit eater ecaed wife et epee the North to che Sou rCLOSKY: ating hand to back of ack) Wot! a Sobor. Toe your hand down ~ ake it wa. CUCLOSRY tower han See never gets int company ike yous, alwys start wi ret ee i dfn = Serer trtoge erharsett rset toms Toren Booed eso ra on io ins aah ents tears ecm ey Renee Ser mieten etwiesetses cde aoa nt 7 ‘SCUDDER. Hoid on, Jacob, ' coming to tht; te ye, Pm such «fo! Ba et oe ane ada adit as MCLOSKY: What then? : i ORE ET ay mourn gus ts SCUDDER: Let her pass! (Takes owt hie knife, Exit ZOE to house.) MICLOSKY: Would you now? Why don't you do st ee ‘AECLOSEY: Is that you, Mr. Overseer? (Examiner paper.) ‘SCUDDER: ‘Cos P's skeered to try! T newer led man in ay Bf secon tine ea Sibi Sores aunans taal _ peng ane a tonmas arom Se one aoa sce mas ot _ a armen re So a ae Tce eet staat tr One esr stacia riawartoxsPaveeine sme atte on cairns uenieas set tae on a ee Sar erty wbo connie dl ests i sr Tanners ra eh teem mctoe ne ai ta it Teien rie SSSTETENEN tte neon eee ego co, Zoe he dager Tue Psst = EDDER: Yes me nd Co. ~ ve done bata You were senior parte ia the suc {reckon you got he Big ek SECLOSEY: What dye teat SCUDDER: Let me proceed by fusion, (St) Look thar Pons wt i ee 7) Dve at tat ie? I callie on anda atv eve, bsde Eons cruper; yar ats jer Ot creeper ins tony earn end {Sond te ee soehing the eth yal bout rots ing on fs le ‘rerrunning ts ranches, lf at the ve oak withers end i ox Do ou know what the nope ound Bere all hat set? They alte Vane ‘aging the Gale (Str) SCLOSKY Me. Seudde, Ive lstened to rest many of your isioukons, nd ‘Sos like ro come to an unerstandlng what thy mea, I'y00 wa =| SCUDDER: No, I'm the shun rtor at oh you ever ey Ig ave bess 00 well brought up to stand an see my body abureds take good eae yall, Tam tel yu, SCCLOSKY Becus Theard that You had tadaoed my share, Cetra pon ith oi ‘ame on The Oeroroon ‘se if vou do, Job, civeaton be dared I'm on you ke «plate, and shea im draved out limps, vo howe) PECLOSEY: Fai or foul, Ti have ne = take at howe with You! (Opens desk) Plenty of ‘em; bil of ers asount with Bank, What's ths? Judgment 40,000, Tbodents spina Peyton uy asthe judgment under walsh thie ete fe mow aterd £27 up pape and examines i) Yes, Tabodeatn pint Peon, 1908, To this desk he Tage tne to acy ape Twant~ thihould bei Read) "The les pape of ey tach ‘spired February dh, 1861”, Why, Jaden, wna You nwyecencegs = Snow that wi judamett stood aunt you we een om your dines Zot our eld by «quadroon sae, and You dn fresher coo ae ‘so, ste’s mine! This old Liverpool debt = tat may tee on ihe ee seo tte if don’ ome by this mall Had on! telethon, {25tes hat' i Int me only hea of that ets and Tenens ol be old before they can recover it. That boy andthe fnan hate gon So \3: Maing forthe posts th ele om the way ay uu; yee oh ‘ake mr actos the vam, and before tay en reach the ede Pee ‘seg tam bg, Neer letter shall show ti al ha (Cate Pete, ou old tokey-uszard,sdale my mare Then Tancredo Pe ‘perm ber purchest, Town tat Ostoroon, (tend wth he hand ee 465 sonard the house end table) acti Tis Whar? ode boxer ond bales scrteredebout~ a comes on stand, SCUD. DORN GEORGE, and PAUL acovred, DORA bene photseiphen be “DDER who ir arantine photographic spperstu: GEORGE and PAUL ool SCCODER. fost urn ECCDDER: Ths he, (Put his heed under the derkening pron JIt's such a Fant ance |i this ot of hing, and thr ld econ hero Sty Tm afd it wont operate. Thats about righ Now tet a {he Iso ts thot she war gine ohare afoot dro? ego: four pats ready, in age we mth fit show One of tha ie Paste witha seleeloing gu that Tv laventee hope wale than os of my notions. Now fx youre Ate You eanot Ba: Rese SDDER: Fie ~ one, two thos. Tehe ou watch) [ASE Novis cooking Laws mussey, {Yel ll ide, af I war at lottery, SELBDER' Se! (Throws down apron) Tats enough (Widows te heed your face ete his way ~ the Your “Ie seek hee IF 2 Fac tne eal gt cd wea pope pending seme oa SEBS foe td Beton e prope eae whee See ee "SCUDDER: (ze rom) Ct out, You cu Acutt ' sect PAUL) What what 0 doing thers you Youn msn? Aa ou Nowa nom ying og a, M's Scam ei! Loaly rie cei fn etnomvine nagar SCUDDER: You tun sentg ound he a store, UR PD 2 (Extn 00m.) AUL! Togo foc a do es ny, Ci, wo’ Ike oar ss TACT ou ts Gc Sat Seater on of) © SCUDDER: (entering fom room) Job had none of them eters os pasion. eh Sees rans agen ion Seater) ons ttn rm “GEORGE: (looking) Yes, very Snet en _SGonen: Te pet ct ne, Yon secu wh sateen ena a hata Soin atae eeterastr on ast [orp i Sonar ao tToosahNG a may ‘oun Te sen sel TEESE it peat cea Yo dere's a man from Noo Aleens reel et neyo teste i es Sprpatead tea erence wee Sterraaimsrtatiggee ieee Stent pene homes ite oe Sia che ey TED tl ew ‘seriy oe 108 ot tomtom von i ms er lth ed ee) tox: Yao sae oe. — ‘BORA: bi cou ot soit fol a on err made ov te You, “derstand, [mean tht George Haowe Lom an hates; ny fortune would telesteths str= fom debe. ‘ok: Os Tel 1 bs taken posesion~Tesebonne = ‘The Oetoroon ue DORA Ee non ony 1 om oma I ol ct in, ath do Tove, nero bi aw Rp ya 208 hats pe donet Soka Yori 252 pi gong Aon on the re ain “aoa forrest phen ew wrt ea he non ne a ie bjs, ad tat sash ont cama %Bo: Xa, Fou want 0 Mit you OF Mist Za, why you ek i ido or i 205: Lisen tome, Ive one who is hr, an he loves me Geo. Ist ouside ‘001 ihrer sg agony tor om a spo 1 rather se ber Gnd then hs 2255: Hs sid so~then Tose op and soe from the house, and san down tothe yu But 5 col, Has, seat srr tertied mt” Srowatse met bop Sentbleadeth Tebulénot doit. Tha, a kel thre, weeping fo coer, ak ited beside me, Fehr rom and Hed, Desh mat hee aa = 8d Tdued not ake it, Okt l'm ara foe yt Tam ore seas Divo: Dis 220%: $21 came here co You;to you, my own dear mse; o You, who often ‘shen oun when a hy dye ag ea sot Al ge m het a mae roe a ee $y ro eb aera Youca eet ne a a do _____ ltt me die without pain, Le BDO“ a6 for youn tng ts you ZOE. on! soo sot sume Yoel no Btoo. Sop GE, Tae Sl retire Teeboe ear ae ey SESE aaa he cane a SB Miss Zoe por depen, xi) AED OH SS! Eteunr) poe ew Sas ft ey a TL Bsh 2? Gi at sop eke “aie AN oe at “rae ay egg an ele 5 ha uate pen 2 Sedu te wae Tod oe ‘bce emp sy eae Siem ite in a acer eh si soto cheng eae ‘ferent wh an i Sie tone ata vee aa ed at aw ore a 2 ot hr unre to unig ted naam Selif Stoneham eed i i Ast Veen 3 i (Get i cance and rows off. WAHINOTEE pads canoe on, ess our end nds tal pas of eter Rim) SCENE 3. Cuda swamp. Bnter SCUDDER and PETE. SCUDDER: Come on, Fos we sant reach the ste Yefore mis [PETE: Neber mind, we tng good neve it wos" ope fr de keene SCUDDER: Tea mals we're bad to wale becase rome lanedvrmin ols ou dugout Tia itt sight a fe PETE: Pvp ated eway tui SCUDDER: No; etching ne was cut with ke, ‘PETE: Say, Mr Souder, pve we po arta by de guactr and aie deer ‘oe donde cule wi sande post tse howe ke i's! scion wien he ook London uta. SCUDDER: Hell, Pete, neve: beard of at ata. PETE: Tel you, sa ~ sh! SCUDDER: Whst? PETE: War dt? cry out arin th swamp = dasa! SCUDDER: Sout. Something forcing ts way trough the undersowt i comet ‘his way =I ler a bea ru runway aan: (Draws pisroL M'CLOSRY rushes on an falls a SCUDDER fet) Stan af what are ye? PETE! Bar Cloak. [MICLOSKY: Saree seve! Ian go no farts heard voices. SCUDDER: Who's after you! MICLOSKY: I dont know, Hut fe is dest In some form, bmn, or wie bea or ght has Gecked me trough ight 1 ad followed. Hak! ‘hart comes it comes = dont you hear Tootstp onthe leas? ‘SCUDDER: Your cine ta riven you mad WLOSKY: Die ear it neter~ ante ~aht (QWAINOTEE rashes om nd at M'CLOSKY.) SCUDDER: Te Inana! by thunder PETE: You dead man, Ma's Clos - you got to lies dt, MPCLOSKY: No no. If mus, ve me upto te tse me fom he tomahawk, You awe wile moun; y0U'l Dot eve one of Your sa Sloss be butchered by the seaskia? SCUDDER: Hold a no, Jacob; wee gt to Sure on tat = et ur ook ant tthe thing. Hee we are om te serge of easton. ala our se, 1 iil but Nate har sald that where the te an st fot, ‘theved an atthe sack en sal up ks an tan aroun. But ws? Soire pay fr that pomnson nah? No in Kind = tht yin protein, Tebearane, teen alam good ha how the ett he cerns ‘etwoen the Csi and the sage, Now, hat have you Gone to shoe {hem the ditinction” for, dar a sf am Bad ot CLOSE: For what Travers, lat me be ted. SCUDDER: You hare teen tied honest ted and convicted, Providence hs ‘hose Your eseaoner Than ierfre PETE! Oh ole Souder don't eae as ‘whe good Chistian sho do, ‘Clocky ke dat = don't se =n: The Oscoroon ea TDDER: Ds hear tha, cob? This old lg, the grander ofthe boy you “rdered, penis fo You dont tat go through You? Dye eit Goon, ue waked up de Chsin hae, and ead ow repos Pre outesnge 10 ICLOSRY ) Take tht and defen youl (Evie SCUDDER and PETE - WAFNOTEE Joser M'CLOSKY ~ Fe MECLOBRY rf = WAHNOTEE ow n= Seams SCENE 4 Periurat Terrebonne Enter 208. Muse 258: My hone, my tome! Tm see 700 0 more, Tote le Rowers can ie, tI camot, Tomorrow hey boom the sea wtb here now, and shal te colt. Okt my fev my happy es why hast bun vo Sg? (Err MRS PEYTON end DORA) “ DORA: Zoe where have you bent ERE P: eit quite unety about 08 255 Tse teen othe ae quer [auppot T abl g before long an wished cogs SEALS pins ote a oo a DOR But how pus te looky and te ember 20E: Dol" (Ener GEORGE) A be shes, eto a0 $0067 two Rad word —ao hard they might esk isha bean, mihte® they? GEORGE: Gh, Zoe can you se a this moment? 220E: You se how ealy {have become fone to my fates wl ba with ‘you, Youn nt fret poor Zo! but her tage il pat eva Hee "Sous ther obsued your happnss wille~you wl av each fhe ou 1 both too good not to fln Your Seat Buighnes wilt amonot 0. Dora Fence made you weep thse were he oly tens eed a= tosh Wil You forge ne? DORA. Forzve you (ses her) ‘ZOE: fee You do, Goong GEORGE: Zoe, ou te pe Zoe! fhe fun es, hat all tle water, (DORA gtr re) Fhave retort eae ~ You pou iin the a? (DORA ete f ake) Nona $58~ George (GEORGE pour content of pl na.) Nase oe Gora, der Geore, do youtove met GEORGE: Do you doubt act 208: No: (Drinks) DORA: Zoe ial poses woul by Your feedom,I woud sll ie it 2CE I fe! Thad but one Master on earthy and he has ven ne ny eon! ‘ZORA. Alas but te deed that teed You we bot lw 205 Seana no but am nw the olan - wee hi DRGE: Zoe You ae sffering— your ps ae white ~ your heks ae Hed, ‘us be ging is late. Frew, Doe ening) STE: ousfe) Whara as wha Mas Geos? serene Act, sane 16 (GEORGE: they come “nce SCUDDER) SCUDDER: Stand round snd let me pass ~room has! fel o bg wih, ‘eation u're enough Yo Bad me, Me. Poston, George Peyton, ‘Tene i your rw that etal W'Clogey = ut be BOC, Tos = elle he boy, sul, toro tier om the mba ~ the er fron {Lveroal you know =e set ie fo the hed hat was Row te easbost ‘Rs. - What eye ean? SCUDDER: Read ~red tha. (Gies eter.) ‘GEORGE: Explain yours “Ginter SUNNYSIDE) SUNNYSIDE: lit ue? SCUDDER: Every word of, Squire Here, you tli, sine you know i IT ms toy Ta bust. ‘uns. P Read, Gore, Tezeboane yous ‘Ginter PETE, DIDO, SOLON, MINNIE and GRACE) PETE: Whar she nar sb Zoe? SCUDDER: What's the mater! PETE: Dost ax me, Whar deg aay. SCUDDER: Hore she = Zoe! = oaer abe fat. PETE, No po. Tis a feat “aber ying, ashe got pion from olé Dido ew, cs meri’ GronGe! Zoe! ‘SCUDDER, Zoe! sheet no iin arn ny in, Look hee 00%" ies you know) arya mater fo hurt you now; You Wil fp hee slong 3 ‘youve mind to, oly doe look so DORA ir eye hav hanged colour PETE: Dets whet hers pine todo, 1s going up dr, whar dees tne GEORGE: She revives, 1208: (on sofa) Gnorgs- where ~ where — GEORGE: Os, Zoe! what hare you one? : 1208! Last let ovrberd You weeping your room, and yous, 4 sccher dead tans" [GEORGE Hae I then prompted you tots? ZOE: No; bs floved you ny co ot bear my fate: and then I stood bernee= Jour het sod hers, When Tam dead se wll ot be aus of your lve fo Jno no we wil tad between Lift oe 20~ (GEORGE yes he ead) ~ {tine loak a ou, hat your fase may be the ast Tse ofthis wri. Ch! ‘Gress you nay, when lish, cttes your love for the Ontoroos, (Dit. [GEORGE tower her hed ont. Kncele Ger form pense.) (Daren ron of house ana age ight fret. ~ Dra fas end ir over PAUL grove = MCLOSRY dead on ~ WAENOTEE ending teumphanty over im.) APPENDIX C_ The ending of The Qctoroon ‘The ory ofthe ending of Th Oetoroon tanga. It as been to rex tha the ‘unhappy? ending wa ed tthe Winter Garda in New Yorkin 183 ft died end, tetefor,prompllyeeplaced othe Adelphi sn London whe= Bovsiwut brought the ply thes in 186), The evidenes eater, thatthe Sem ‘York audience thought theft ac it wea, but that Bouciault rained is Confidence int despite the approbation ofthe Ads avdene, forthe fs {hee weno the Landon ua twa nly fr suentous press ampsig ha Faded fo change the hers of London tasregoers that Bouieal rewrote i fet compowe bythe PUD and etd by th Author’ as he ang obsess = {oui the ste for melodramatic roprows. The rewrites contusion has bee 0s ‘hough an Mused London News teiew of 4 December 1851 deserbes i {loy rom we learn tat the fourth at ended with Zoe's escape in cane. {nto wih MPCoary leaps to escape his enseationrs, For the Rh at "The cuties, dnooverng tha rtf and his unfortoat av nthe Cancbrae, with the aun dawning over the Atakapas ~ besuifal scene, ‘The ufian bse, but be hae verord his apie by tying her wit « {ope ta pot, and when he awakes proceeds barbarousy to compe het ‘aring with in all the dangers of his ight. Ultimate is chased though the Red Cedar Swamp tothe Peat Roe, where be raisins his poston from a ocky ledge against is salut, bing possess hr Se ofa gun with x charpy, unl he is brought down by shot from (George Peyon; Salem Souder, by a ae! of elf satis, having occ Soned him ta expo Bs body vo Peyton's em, The fr Ostoron is hus fet atlberty; andthe pec conchoden with a eclarton that in unothet find Zoe sd Peyton wil sla nwa ion and ve for the bsp es ofeach other, i ‘The wounded Scudder ures to many Dor Sunnyside, “This isnot the verson we hae i he two Eopsh acting editions (Lacy’s 963 and jek 391. The play le thareredved to fou acs, perfunctory eoneladed, fom he pint which Wahnote xsses to NC jst after sentence of dex dhs been psd on Clty Te uni hat we wil ve know the prece ‘provenance ofthe copy from whic thus two ating editions were sup. For fein tis worth, the eonlusin ofthe fouract version is printed Below, but pled Ir he full awrenes at was ot what wa acted atthe Adelphi andi proba fat by Bout a all 1 reprenns the only pind text avalble to most Eng Th thes during the cay theta ie of The Otoroon At the very less ‘ye something about te consis under which provncl and amater theses peated in alneteent-entuy England. sppinite ns a “Tending of The Ostoron : “he text conaues fm he pot ndetd op. 164 4 dec oped par of red ~ and MICLOSKCY emeres am the WARNOTEE. (coming fo MCLOSKY) Uehl Gpertre he tev contac wows En Re ese ScEDDER: Tu nga, oy tod! : Soon WALINOTER clone nto i) PETE = WCLOSRY) You's dead man, te; yous gto bie dt | aecLosty: tal Ive ste hem something reeber how tay wee? SSCLOSRY" Nol It mat ds me ep to thea, bt eo fh ose ‘es M Gin. Made ny way to on no the eto he he ane ‘est of te srapejou tes waite man, youl aotane one tyoerowa | ow the ond beeen ce bfre n= ad ths Tosi et sod to be butchered by the scalplng i ofthe resin. SCUDDER: Hold on now, ecb, we've gt fo fig Chat ott uslook sight ‘he hing Here we are on the confae of ciizaton n't ours, Saute, aahu Netr har sid tat where the ite man seein foot he By WAHNOTEE, who unc confronts hn) ‘eSchan andthe back man shall prs and ta ound. Now, what €o_ | MCLOSRY: You was't de fol! Se pay fr tat ponsson? In oth? No- in Kad thet min peoeeion and (Thru ot Roe“ WAKNOTEE, wit ir omahenk, sks the ke iszesane. in pondonst hail hem goods stow the ctu te tur of Ms hand, N'CLOSKY star Sock. WAHNOTEE throws ‘tence between the Chan an the Saves. Now what hee You done to | ‘tar, and crest CLOSKY seer! tne, who etd hm at ‘25m em she srncion? for dn te i La fad out | Ieper am a ols forthe tomate, hi LCLOSRY For wna ve done ote be te ‘olen soul end fiht takes place ending with the Pum SCUDDER On, you nave bees fly snd Homer id and convcted: Prone | |NABNOTEE who drugs A'CLOSEY clng the ground, 80s 1 8 Poche chosen Your ekeconar “I shan nteree 4 je andres hie opetely: GEORGE enter, bearing ZOE ins [PETE Gest a has Seudder don eae Marr Cosy ike dat donee | fms cil he character rah on noire inrearing ~The team “ast nats good Chan would do, a "este blows up ~ pond Table, ahd CDDER Dive har a, Jacob? ~ ol gsr, ce grands ofthe bor you | ‘CURTAIN ced, pens for you~ don't that go tuoubh Ye-d'¥e eel? Goon, | Bece. you've woke up the Cherten hay and the ad as eponde 3 ‘EaHNOTEE:(pecng hr hand on WCLOSKY's hod) Wahnotet i SSEDDER: No npn we Gel uses Here not revenge; tint You he ha ine, "the white man, whore le he ifende. : TTS Amey with hn! put his down Seba ll we ahi faer LOSE: Fy agent one oti you mer sae “if Tad ye one by one in ne rman Cap yea 4 "phragm of Dis way, Ma's Clk, take a, (Bxt th 4 SICLOSKY ond JACKSON to steamer) ‘OUCHE: Oi ita him qlee here come the, (Enter MRS, CLAIBORNE) : Saat we oon ar, Captain Z ‘Yeh me'um, we've aly sot s~Take my hand, ma'am tostenty you | coun 0 sua ad WEE of ‘SeEMp mist son clear of (Hands Aer to tema.) [TTS: Good aight a's - good night ODER! Now to brine, 5 (PETE wppeat on deck) a FETE: Ob! lov st, Dat deb, Closky ~he tore hs rom de gentlemen ~ knock Sonn = tke avay ny igh, and towed on turpentine bates de | on te! CA ur ofc shi slr bllings loud shouts: hatch inthe |

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