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Detailed Lesson Plan


At the end of a 60 minutes discussion, the students should be able to:
1. Identify the different nail diseases.
2. Participate actively in class discussion.
3. Use knowledge in identifying the different nail diseases in everyday care
of nails.


Subject Matter:
Area: Home Economics
Topic: Nail Diseases

Instructional Materials: Laptop, Projector, Cartolina containing pictures of nail

diseases and its causes.
Reference(s): K to 12 BEC TLE Teachers Guide Learning Competency I p.15;
Learning Module Nail Diseases, p.99-100
Values: Students may realize the essence of taking good care of their nails.


Learning Activities
Teachers Activity

Students Activity

1. Prayer
Class, please all stand, and let us
In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Our Father who are in Heaven, Holy
be your name, youre Kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in
Give us today our daily bread and
forgive us our sins as we forgive those
who sins against us, Do not bring us to
the test but deliver us from evil, Amen.

In the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Our Father who are in Heaven, Holy
be your name, youre Kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in
Give us today our daily bread and
forgive us our sins as we forgive those
who sins against us, Do not bring us to
the test but deliver us from evil, Amen.

2. Greeting
Good Morning class.
Good Morning, Maam.
Before you take your sit, kindly pick
pieces of papers and candy wrappers
under your chair.

Okay Maam.

3. Checking of Attendance
Mr. Secretary, do we have any
absentees for today?
Very Good!

None Maam.

4. Checking of Assignment
Class, do we have an assignment?
Okay, we will check that later.

5. Review

Yes Maam.
Okay Maam.

Who can give a recapitulation of what

we did last time?
Very Good! What else?

What are the five shapes of the nail?

Excellent class! You learned a lot.

Keep it up.

Maam we identify the nail structures.

Maam we also discussed the different
shapes of the nail.

Oval nail
Round nail
Stiletto/ pointed nail
Square nail
Alright Maam.

A. Activity
Class, do you know the song I Have
Two Hands?

Yes Maam.

Okay, thats good. We are going to

sing that song. Are you ready?

Yes Maam.

In the count of three, we are going to

sing that song all together. Is that clear?

Yes Maam.

One, Two, Three, sing it.

I have two hands, the left and the right
Hold them up high so clean and bright
Clap them softly one two three
Clean little hands are good to see

I have two hands, the left and the right

Hold them up high so clean and bright
Clap them softly one two three

Clean little hands are good to see

Very well sang class.

B. Analysis
After you sing that song, what did
you feel?

I feel so happy Maam

What do you think is the message of

the song?

Maam, the lyrics of the song want

to convey that a clean hand is
good to see.
The lyrics of the song, want to tell
us that we should clean our hands
as always. It means we have to
take care of our hands.

Very Good class. All of your answers

are correct.

Yes Maam/ No Maam

And what part of your hand is more

sensitive to dirt? Is it your palm or your
finger nails?

Maam our fingernails.

Exactly! Do you think it is important

that we take care of our fingernails?
How did you say so?

Very well said. And how did you take

care of your fingernails?

So, how often did you trim your nails?

Thats good, you need to trim your

nails for at least once a week. So your
nails will not be prone to dirt.

C. Abstraction
Our lesson for today is about Nail

Yes Maam.
Because if our fingernails are dirty we
might get sick.

- Maam by washing it with soap

and water
- Maam, by trimming my nails.

Once a week
Twice a week

What do you think are the causes

of nail diseases? Anyone?

Very Good! Now, let me discuss the

different Nail Diseases.
1. Onychomycosis
It is an infectious disease caused by a
vegetable parasite.
For you to easily understand it, I will
give you a scenario on which you may
have this kind of disease.
For example, Anna loves gardening. She
has a vegetable garden in their backyard.
There, she planted some of her favorite
vegetables such as squash and eggplant.
And now, she is planning to plant
ampalaya. Upon planting, Anna didnt
notice that there is a vegetable parasite
that enters to her nails. And then, after
gardening she neglect to wash and clean
her nails. With this, she might have
Onychomycosis, a kind of disease which
is cause by a vegetable parasite.

2. Onychia
Is a term applicable to chronic
inflammation of the nail fold and nail
bed (matrix). It results from the
introduction of microscopic
pathogen through small wounds.
Mario is chopping a lumber when
suddenly a small piece of wood enters on
his nail. He was afraid to remove that
small piece of wood in his nail, because
he is thinking that when he removes it,
there is a possibility that it will bleeds. So
what he did is he let the small piece of
wood stock in his nail. A day after that
incident, Mario notice that his nail is
inflamed. And when he told his friend
about it, his friend told him that he has
Onychia. A disease which is due to
inflammation of the nail fold and nail bed.

3. Onychocryptosis

Maam, the primary cause of nail

disease is improper care of the

It is referred to ingrown nails which

affect the fingers and toenails. It is
marked by nail growth into surrounding
tissues and may cause infection.
Incorrect trimming a shaping of nails
are often responsible for ingrown nails.
Class, Who among you here already
visited a Nail Salon?
Maam. (raising his hand)
What did you do in a Nail Salon?
How often did you do manicuring?
Okay. Did you know class that too
much cleaning of your nails is not good?
Because there is a possibility that your
nails will be injured. There will be space
in the side of your nails on which ingrown
may be stock.
Have you experience to have ingrown?

Manicure and Pedicure

Once a month

How does it feel to have ingrown?

Yes Maam.

And what did you do to ease the pain?

It is really painful, Maam.

Okay. But class, I want you to know that

if you need to clean your nails, you have
to do it carefully. You need to ensure that
your nails will be trimmed properly.
Because incorrect trimming of the nails
will result to Onychocryptosis.
4. Onychoptosis
It is the periodic shedding of one or
more nails, either in the whole or in
part. This condition maybe a symptom
of a more alarm disease such as
syphilis or can result from fever, trauma
systematic upset or adverse reaction to
If someone is taking drugs, he might
have Onychoptosis. At first, the nail
becomes color brown. And after several
days, the nail started to shed. It starts
from one nail and there is a possibility
that the nails near in the infected nail will
be infected too.
It refers to the detachment of the nail
from the nail bed, starting at its distal

Clean the nails and remove the ingrown.

and/ or lateral attachment. The most

common cause of onycholysis is
This is somewhat similar to
Onychoptosis. Its just that Onycholysis is
the detachment of nail from the nail bed
while the Onychoptosis refers only to
periodic shedding of the nail.

or claw nails
It pertains to extreme thickening
curvature of the nails.
The nail which has this kind of disease
is more like a nail of a bird. This nail
disease is caused by keeping your nails

What do you think will be the remedies to

diagnose and treat nail diseases?
Maam, it is said that prevention is better
than cure, so we should have in mind that
cleaning our fingernails regularly is really
important to avoid having nail diseases.
Very well said. It is really essential to
clean your hands as well as your
fingernails regularly.

D. Application
(Group Activity)
In this time, I will group you into
three (3). Please count.
Okay, all group one please stand.
Group 2
Group 3

Before you proceed to your respective

group, let me tell you what you need to

(The students will count one (1) to three

(Group one members will stand)
(Group two members will stand)
(Group three members will stand)

Each group will create a song about

the topic that we discussed. It can be
ways on how you can prevent nail
diseases or the result of improper care of
your nails.
The criteria for your activity are the
Presentation- 4 points
Content - 3 points
Cooperation - 3 points
Is that clear?
You may now proceed with your group.


Yes Maam.
(students will go to their respective


Direction: Identify the following description of the different nail diseases. Write
the letter of the correct answer.

Which of the following diseases is cause of a vegetable parasite?

Treating cuts
None of the above

2. What is the cause of having claw nails or Onychogryphosis?

a. Detachment of the nail from the nail bed
b. Infected by a vegetable parasite
c. Having an extreme thickening curvature of the nails
d. Having a chronic inflammation of the nail fold and nail bed (matrix)
. 3. What do you call to a disease which is a cause of detachment of the nail from the
nail bed?
a. Onychia
b. Onychocryptosis
c. Onychogryphosis
d. Onycholysis

4. What do you call to the nail disease which is cause by incorrect trimming of the
a. Onychia
b. Onychocryptosis
c. Onychogryphosis
d. Onychoptosis
5. Which of the following is NOT a nail disease?
a. Onychocryptosis
b. Onychomycosis
c. Both A & B
d. None of the above


Search on the internet the basic nail designs. Practice the designs on your
Bring at least two colors of nail polish.
Prepared by:
May Ann B. Cuenca
FS Student

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