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During thls semester MERI demonstrated the following sk with her writing: Contains paragraphs + Uses avarity of vocabulary. + Corrects speling. Uses simple sentences correctly ‘+ Is able to eather wring, ‘reas for future leaning to develop em riting ar ‘+ Bemore aware of punctuation suchas apt eters fll stope and commas, ‘+ Beaware of using complex sentences to enhance her writing 1 Beaware of adding more detalto enhance sentences uring this semester @amintns demonstrated the following skis with her writing:= + Contains paragraphs Uses variety of vocabulary and punctuation, + Comets speling, + Uses complex sentences cortety, + Is ble to edit her wtng + Uses deta to enhance her writing ‘Areas for future leaning to develop Gaining are: ‘+ Bemore consistent wlth punctuation when edting her wring. “+ Be aware that sentences dort ahvay have to be complex. 1+ Be aware of using diferent structure to enhance her wring uring this semester gummy has demonstrated the flowing sks with hi wri ‘Contains paragraphs + Contains series of events 10 for fture learning to develon mp reting ae 1+ be more aware ofcezecting pein. + Corrét and consstert use of punctuation such capital letters, commas ful tops ahd taking marks During this semesters demonstrated the following sis with hs viting: Contains paragraphs + Uses variety of vozbulry + Corrects speling. + Is ble to edit his wating ‘Uses a varity of pustuation such 2s commas, fll tops, quotation mars and exclamation mats reas fo future learn to develop Writing are 1 Bemore aware of using capita eters + Beaware of sentence structure in order torenance his wn, uring this semester elas demonstrate the following sls with her writing + Contains paragraphs. Uses a varity of vocabulary + Corrects speing Uses capita letters ne ful stops, 1+ rable to ether wating ‘Areas for future learning to develop iliaipwrting a + Be more aware of using consistent punctuation such ful stops, quotation marks and 1+ Be aware of sentence structure to enhance her wrt, During tis semester ABN has demonstrated the folowing sls with his writing + conta paragraphs ‘+ Uses variety of vocabulary and punctuation to enhance his wring. + coneets seling 1 Uses simple sentences correty. 1+ Is able to et his wetng. ‘Areas for future leaning to develop és writing ate + be more aware of frisng of sentences + Be aware ofcorrety using complex sentences to enhance hi wring

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