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AP US History






Manifest Destiny and Its Legacy


Terms and Names: Define each term with complete sentences, using your own words

The Caroline
The Creole
54 40
Capt. Robert Gray
Manifest Destiny

F. 49th Parallel
G. General Zachary Taylor
H. Bear Flag Republic
I. Gen. Winfield Scott
J. Wilmot Proviso

Short Answer: Carefully answer each question in paragraph form, using

information from the text. It is best if you can put it in your own words.
1. Discuss Tylers ascent to the presidency. Discuss his use of the veto of the
bank and tariff bills and how Whigs and Democrats reacted to them.
2. Discuss how incidents in New York, the Bahamas, and Maine strained the
relations of the U.S. and Britain. How were these situations worked out?
3. Why were the British interested in developing strong relations with an
independent Texas?
4. How did Tyler proceed to bring Texas into the Union? How did Whigs
react? How did Mexico react?
5. What was Oregon Fever? Explain the settling patterns of American
and the British in Oregon
6. Describe the major issues for the Whigs and Democrats in the election
of 1844. How were candidates Clay and Polk pictured in the public
eye? What was the vote outcome?

Describe Polks personal qualities. What were the four points on his
to do list? What happened?

8. Manifest Destiny and what two other situations pushed Polk to ask
Congress to declare war on Mexico? Did Polk stretch the truth? How
did a young Lincoln react?
9. What was Mexicos view of the Bully to the North?
10. Describe the details of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in
1848. What were the reactions of various groups to the treaty,
including the Senate?

11. Discuss the long-term positive and negative consequences of the war.
Why is it said the the start of the Mexican war was the start of the Civil
12. Who were the original Californios? How did their descendants get
along with the Spanish missions, after Mexicos independence? How
did the Mexican War affect them?

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