Lesson Plan Technology and Livelihood Education I. Objectives

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Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education


At the end of the lesson 80% of the students will be able to:
a. Give the meaning of proper nutrition;
b. Identify different foods need for proper health; and
c. Appreciate the importance of good nutrition.


Subject Matter:
A. Title: Importance of Proper Nutrition
B. Reference: www.internet.com.ph
C. Materials: laptop, projector, visual aids, pictures



Teachers Activity
A. Classroom Routine
Good morning class!
Opening Prayer
Let us pray first

Okay, now please pick up the mess

under your chair.
Checking of Attendance
Now be ready for the checking of
Mr. Secretary, is there any absent
from the class?
B. Review/ Recall
Let us review our previous
Very good!

Students Activity

Good morning maam!

(one student will lead the prayer)

Dear Jesus Father of All,
Thank you for today.
Thank you for ways in which
you provide for all of us. For
Your protection and love, we
thank you. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds on what we
are about to learn. Inspire us by
Your Holy Spirit as we listen and
write. Guide us by Your eternal
lights as we discover more
about the world.
We ask all of this in the name
of Jesus Christ. Amen.

(students will pick up the mess/

pieces of paper under the chair)

(students will answer)

None maam.

(students answer all the questions)

C. Motivation
Now class, get your partner then go
at the front and describe if he/she is
healthy. Then say all the things that
you think the reason why he/she is a
healthy person.
(students will go to the front and
describe their partner)
Okay thank you class, you may seat
Now, what your classmates have
done a while ago is something to do
with our lesson for today.
D. Analysis
<Presentation of lesson>
Class our lesson for today is all
about the Importance of Proper
There are three important elements
of good nutrition.
The first one is Nutrition.
Class. Who have any ideas what
nutrition is?

(student raise his/her hand and

give an idea)

Very good. In addition to that

nutrition is eating the right kind and
amount of food at the right time.
Another element is Food.
Of course, it is the substance that
sustains life.
And the last is Health.
Class, health is not only a means
freedom from disease or physical
pain but it is also the complete
fitness of the body.
Again class what are the three
important elements of good
Mind you class, nutrition, health,
and food are closely related to each
other. To have optimum health, one
must observe good nutrition which

(read the nutrition, food, and


can be attained by eating nutritious

Do you understand class?
Yes maam.
Now lets proceed to the qualities of
food that we need to eat.
First, the food must be nutritious.
Why do you think it is important that
is nutritious?

Maam because it is needed by the


Exactly, nutritious food contains

essential needed by our body.
The second is the food must have
satiety value.
What do we mean by satiety?
(students were going to answer)
Okay, satiety means of having too
much. This means that food must
satisfy our appetite and give feeling
of fullness.
Let us go to the next quality which is
the food must be platable. The
flavor, aroma, color, and texture of
food satisfy your taste.
Class in choosing your food what
are the things you considered
before getting it?
(call two students)
(students were going to answer)
Okay very well said.
Thank you.
Lets move on to the fourth quality
which is it should prepared with
utmost care considering sanitary
conditions and aesthetical value.
Meaning class, it should be clean,
presentable and it satisfies the taste
of the eater.
Another is it should free from toxic
The food must not contain
substances harmful to health.

And last, it must be offer variety and

planned with the budget of the
It means it should enough to the
budget of the family, because if its
not, they cant afford nutritious
Example is the malunggay
pandesal it is affordable yet
Do you have any question before
we move on?

None maam.

Now we will go on to the

characteristics of a healthy
The activity that was done a while
ago that you describe if your
classmate is healthy that was under
in this topic.
Now lets enumerate the six
characteristics of a healthy
1. Has a bright eyes and clear
Class, what if the person has
poor eye sight what do you think
is the problem?
2. Has soft and unblemished
Meaning the color of the skin is
not pale. It should not rough.
That person who is working
under the sun is prone to skin
cancer. Because of too much
exposing in sunlight, the natural
nutrients of the skin are slowly
faded away.
Next is,
3. Has a shiny hair.
Remember this class, not all
shiny hair was considered as

(student will answer)

Sign of aging.
Lack of vitamins which is needed
by the body.

healthy; some other is produce

by a chemical that can damage
the natural beauty of hair.
Understand class?

Yes maam.

Okay, next characteristic please

4. has the right height and weight
appropriate to age and sex.
Who wants to read number five?

(student will raise his/her hand and


5. Free from sickness, physical

and mental abnormality.
Simply saying a person has a
strong immune system.
6. Is attractive in appearance.
Means good posture and good
E. Generalization
Why do you think proper nutrition (student will share their ideas on
are important to every individual? they have learned in the lesson)
F. Application
Now class, I will group you into
two groups.
I will show you an image then
you to identify when I start to ask
if that image shows healthy or

(when they get it,

students will participate)

(show example to make students



A. Identify if it is about Nutrition,

Health, and Food. Write N for
nutrition, F for food and H for health.
Answer on the blank before the
___ 1. Freedom from disease or
physical pain.
___ 2. Eating the right kind of food
at the right time.


___ 3. Complete fitness of the body.

___ 4. Any substance that sustain
___ 5. It nourishes the body when it
B. True or False. Write T if true and
F if false.
___ 1. Chemical substances can
make our hair shiny.
___ 2. Unhealthy person eliminates
waste regularly.
___ 3. Healthy person has pinkish
gums not pale.
___ 4. Positive outlook in life is one
of the examples of healthy person.
___ 5. Healthy person has bright





<Motivation> Prepare role play that

can show the important reason why
our body needs essential nutrients.
1. Make a list of ways on how you
can promote proper nutrition in your
own family; and
2. Write what kind of food (name of
specific food) you are going to eat
with them.

Namuco, Rinalyn D.

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