Maria Beatriz Castro Cabal Questionnaire Dated 3/30/2006 & Response

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ae GaN) DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY : 7) WASHINGTON. D.C. 20220 SE MAR 3.0 205 nox. SE Coo iii OCT Dear'Ms. Castro Cabal: This responds to your request of October 10, 2005, submitted to the Office of Foreign Assets Control. ("OPAC") for the reexamination of your listing by OFAC as a Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker (*SDNT") pursuant to Executive Order 12978 of October 21, 1995 ("Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions With Significant Narcotics Traffickers") . In order for OFAC to properly evaluate your petition, you should provide your own detailed narrative responses to the following requests for information, in a signed original statement submitted with documentation in support of the answers given Original statements and documents prepared in Spanish should be accompanied by English translations. Personal Identifying Data. Please provide the following: a) Full name (last name, first name, middle name) ; b) Any alternate names or aliases; ¢) Date of birth and place of birth; 4) Current residence address and phone number; e) Alternate residence addresses and phone numbers; £) Passport numbers, places and dates of issue, expirations; g) U.S. visa numbers, types, places/dates of issue, expirations; hh) U.S. resident alien numbers or asylum document numbers; Please describe fully your current 2. Current_Employmen: employment and all other employment concurrent or subsequent to your employment and/or association with Copservir Ltda. and Contactel Comunicaciones 5.A., the dates of such employment, the names, addresses, phone numbers, and fax numbers of those employers, and the names and titles of the owners, officers, directors, and other senior mazagers for these companies. Loor @.&R-o00E66 All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6) & (b(7)(C) Employment.’ Please describe the nature and title of each position you have held or any other association you have had with Copservir Ltda. and Contactel Comunicaciones S.A., or any of their predecessors, and other entities owned or controlled by on afta) iated with and/or ox any other entities or individuals on the SONT list (a copy of the current SDNT list is enclosed), If associated with or employed by additional SONTs, provide the length of time and specific dates of employment and describe each position, your duties in each position, the salaries and other benefits (such as stock shares) received in each position, and the date and conditions of separation or retirement from the company. If you held a written employment contract, a copy should be provided. If you had some other type of association with these SDNT entities or individuals, please provide an explanation. What is your relationship with the following entities and individuals since 1995? If you have terminated your relationship with any of the entities or individuals listed below, please provide documentary evidence of such termination 1coRG £R- 000867 Ail redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (0)(6) & (0\7)(C) y- bb. aa. ce. ff. gg. aL 33 eles ul. mn. Copservir Ltda. (a.k.a Cooperativa Multiactiva de Bmpleados de Distribuidores de Drogas Copservir Ltda.; £.k.a, Distribuidora de Drogas la Rebaia 5.A.; £.k.a, Distribuidora de Drogas 1a Rebaja principal $.A.; £.k.a- Drogas 1a Rebaja) nn. Distribuidora de Drogas La Rebaja Barranquilla S.A. oo. Distribuidora de Drogas la Rebaja Bogota 5.A. pp. Distribuidora de Drogas 1a Rebaja Bucaramanga S.A. ag. Distribuidora de Drogas 1a Rebaja Cali S.A. rr. Distribuidora de Drogas 1a Rebaja Neiva S.A. Be. Distribuidora de Drogas 1a Rebaja Pasto S.A. tt. Distribuidora de Drogas 1a Rebaja Pereira S.A. uu. Laboratorios Blanco Pharna S.A. (a.k.a Blanco Pharma S.A.) vy. Alfa Pharma ‘S.A. Inversiones Geele Ltda. xx. Distribuidora de Drogas Condor Ltda. yy. Farmatodo S.A. zz. Distribuidora Myramirez $.A. aaa, Cointercos S.A. (f.k.a. Laboratorios Blaimar; a.k.a, Cia, Interamericana de Cosmeticos $.A.; £.k.a, Laboratorios Blaimar de Colombia $.A.) bbb, Contactel Comunicaciones §.A. coc. Inversiones y Construcciones Atlas Ltda. ddd. Credirebaja 8.A. eee. Distribuidora Sanar de Colombia 3.A. £££. Prospectiva E.U. (a.k.a. Prospectiva Empresa Unipersonal) Look a 4 R- 000888 10 All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b){6) & (o7(C) red Accounts and Assets. Please provide the name and complete addrees of any individual or entaty for which or in which you have held any type of shared accounts, property or other assets with individuals acting for or on behalf of or eotities owned on controlled by or otherwise affiliated with and/or or any other entities or individuals on the SONT list, along with the identities of all shareholders, officers, directors or other senior managera in such firms and a description of the nature and extent of the holdings. Stock Ownership. Was any stock in Copservir Ltda. or Contacte! Comunicaciones $.A., or any of their predecessors, ever held in your name? If so, please explain the circumstances under which this occurred and the nature of any transfers of stock out of your name and to whom thie stock was transferred. U.S. Accounts and Assets. Please detail any interest you hold in any financial accounts in the United states, including names and addresses of financial. institutions, types of accounts, account numbers, and your reasons for choosing the particular U.S. financial institutions at which you have held individual, joint, business or charge accounts. Property Interests. Do you hold any interest in real property in the United States? Please detail Travel to U.S. Have you traveled to the United states since 1995 and engaged in any transactions not incident to cravel- related expenses and your personal maintenance while in the united States? If 90, please list dates, places traveled, purpose of travel, and addresses utilized during stays Additional Information: Previde any additional information you deem appropriate, which could assist OFAC in the review of your appeal. If OFAC does not receive a response from you within the next 90 days, we will assume that you do not wieh te proceed. Your case will be closed, and your petition for removal from the SDNT list will be denied. We may pose additional questions and documentary requests as we 4 Lcor a8 R- 000859 proceed. Thank you for your cooperation in thie matter. Please direct any questions to the Office of Foreion Assets Control, Designation Investigations Office of Foreign Assets Control U.S. Department of the Treasury ATIN: Designation investigations 1500 Penneylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.c. 20220 Sincerely, ine Aegistant Director Designation Investigations Office of Foreign Assets Control Ericlosure LooR 08 - 000860 ‘All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions, Ms. (©)(8) & (oX7\(C) unless otherwise Jennifer Houghton noted Chief International Programs Division Office of Foreign Assets Controi DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY WASHINGTON, D.C. 20220 REFERENCE: Reply to FAC No, Coc) I reply to the letter on reference which is dated on March 30th, 2006 and related with the request for information required for the procedure of reexamination of the list about the Executive Order ("SDNT”) 12978 of October 2ist, 1995. 1. Personal Information a. Fullname: MARIA BEATRIZ CASTRO CABAL. b. Any alternate names or aliases: None d. Current residence address and phone number: i rr Valle — Telephone: e. Alternate residence addresses and phone numbers: i Cali valle Colombia. Telephone:| f. Passport numbers, places and dates of issue, expirations: Passport CC- type SY Place of issue: Cali - valle. Date of issue: AMEE Date of expiration: g. US. visa numbers, types, places/dates of issue, expirations: I have never applied for an American visa and I have never had one. h. U.S. resident alien numbers or asylum document numbers: None. Loc 0 4 couse All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6) & (0)(7(C) 2. Current Employment: Nowadays and since the [IAIN 1 2m Copservir is 2 cooperative with central office in the city of Bogoté located In the Calle 13 No. 39-10. Telephone: 0913351700. Copservir is a company with more than 4000 associated and with branches in four cities of the country: Bogoté, Barranquilla, Cali and Bucaramanga 3. Employment and Association with SDNT Entities: I have never been employee nor associated with the individuals or people mentioned in this issue and neither with people in the list SDNT, I have worked in the positions below. COMPANY / BRANCH | ~ POSITIONS DATE OF | ENTAILMENT ‘COPSERVIR Ltd. Cali COPSERVIR Ltd. Head office. Cali The promotion in each of these positions is the result of the performance I have had, 4. My relationship with the people provided in the list - point 4 — (document which was enclosed for you replying my request). From the list of people and entities, I only have had relationships with: a. The individuals: Locr a &R-n0ose2 ‘All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions} (b)(6) & (bN7(C) All of them are and were workmates of Copservir Ltd, and our relationship is related to the work. Nowadays i work as 5 tiitstsisiCSY b, My relationship with the entities in the list has been: Uurrent Job. + Copservir Lid - Credirebaja: my relationship with this company is only commercial due to Lown a credit card offered by this entity to buy medicines. = CONTACTEL COMUNICACIONES S. A.: My relationship with the company was the result of my work in it as SII (1 enclose the certificate of Camara de comercio*) Nowadays that company is sold off and it does not work anymore. 5. Shared Accounts and Assets: None. I have not had any sort of share, property, accounts in common with people preceding for or in representation other companies which belong or are controlled by ae... ca ere company or person in the list SDNT. 6. Property of Shares: I have not been partner; shareholder and I have not had any share which belongs to me with any individuals and companies described in your list. In Copservir Ltd. I do not have any shares because it is a Cooperative, In Copservir Ltd., I have contributions and their nature is originated as part in my obligations as an associated. I pay my contributions every fifteen days from my salary. I have never received transfers of contributions, Twas never a share holder and I did not have any shares in Copservir or any company mentioned in this list. YEntity which ie in charge of supervising and controlling the eae Lcer aa R-ovases ‘All redactions on this page made pursuant to exemptions (b)(6) & (6)(7)(C) 7 US. Accounts and Assets: T do not have any accounts or assets in the United States. I have never had any financial accounts or goods in that country. I have never visited that country, 8 Property Interests: I do not have any real assets in the United States because I do not have any property in that country. I have never visited that country. 9 Travel to US. I have never traveled to United States; I have never applied for a visa for that country. 10 Additional Information: I enclose an authentic photocopy of the certification of my labour relationship with Copservir Ltd. Certificate of Camara de comercio related to Contacte! comunicaciones S.A. Sincerely, hase MARIA BEATRIZ CASTRO CABAL Cali = Valle del cauca - Colombia Locr a & R-0086e SERB CO NIT. 830.011.670-3 his page made Joursuant to (b)(6) & (b}(7\ CERTIFICAMOS Que la Sra, MARIA BEATRIZ CASTRO CABAL, identificada con la cédula de civ ‘a para esta Cooperativa desde el dia (Contrato Termino Indefinido Actualmente desempefia el cargo de con una asignacion salarial mensual de Se expide la presente certificacién a leg Diez y seis (16) dias del mes de Enero del afio Dos mil seis (2006) ‘SUCURSAL GALL ‘SUCURSAL BARRANQUILA SUCURSAL BOGOTA SUCURSAL BUCARAWANGA ale dg a 12) 130 ‘Carers No, 7823 Cale 13 No. 99.50 Cones tong to verge Cotas Gordes Pance BEX (8) 968 ss. BBE (eae re Pax. 2 pax 12) Se1ab0o 8 3014 -865.4020 ox: (5) 358 0828 Fer (1) Fax: (7) 842 3908682 2000 ax (2) 859 3078-886 30 36 Cad LINEA DE SERVICIO AL CLIENTE 016000 - 939 900 jeopeervincom LocR @ 4 R-000865 ‘Alf redaciions on this page made 5 e moe 4234257 pursuant to b(8) & b(7 KC) CoC ke3 464857 REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / EL SUSCRITO SECRETARIO E LA CAMARA DE COMERCIO DE CALI CERTIFICA NOMBRE : CONT: MATRICULA, CERTIFICA QUE 20R ESCRITURA NRO. 2027 DEL 04 DE JUNTO DE 2001 _ NOTARIA NOVENA DE CALI , INSCRTTA EN LA CAMARA DE COMERCIO EL 2 DE JUNIO DE 2001 BAJO EL NRO, 3999 DEL LIBRO IX ,SE CONSTITOYO LA SCCTEDAD DENOMINADA CONTACTEL COMUNICACIONES S.A CERTIFICA QUE_POR ESCRITURA NRO. 4,934 DEL 17 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2003 NOTARIA NOVENA DE cALT TINSCRITA EN LA CAMARA OE COMERCTO EL 18 DE DICTEMBRE DE 2603 SAJO EL WRO. @783 DEL LIBRO. IX ,LA SOCTEDRD FUE DECLARADA DISUELTA Y EN ESTADO DE LIQUIOACTON CERTIFICA DOCUMENTO: ESCRITURA No. 4.934.DEL 17 DE DICIEMBRE Of 2003 ORIGEN: NOTARIA NOVENA BE.CALI INSCRIPCION: 18 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2003 Wo. 8783 DEL LIBRO Ix FUE(RON) NoMaRADO(S) - TDADOR, PRINCT PAL CERTIFICA QUE_POR ACTA NRO. 005 OGL 23 DE DICTEMBRE OE 2003 ASAMSLEA GENERAL DE Acctowsstas PINSCRITA EN LA CAMARA DE COMERCIO EL 24 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2003 BAJO EL NRO. 0974 DEL JE LIQUIDADA, CERTIFICA QUE POR LO ANTERIOR FUE CANCELADA SU MATRICULA MERCANTIL NRO. 563219 MATRICULA(S) CORRESPONDIENTE(S} A SU(S) ESTABLECTMIENTOS DE COMERCIO NRO: 2 4 Yo1arsy ).:863220 ~ CERTIFICA QUE EN EL REGISTRO MERCANTIL, QUE LLEVA LA CAMARA DE COMERCTO CONSTA QUE DESDE su CONSTITUTION EL 20 "DE JUNYO DE 2001 HASTA .LA FECHA APARECEN LAS SIGUIEN" INSCRLECIONES EN CUANTO A NOMBRAMIENTO DE REPRESENTANTES LEGALES: Que OR ESCRITURA PUBLICA xR0,_ 207) ‘DE CoNSTITUCTON CTTADA FUEROM_NoWNARDOS: yARIA Cacho CA, Co a i 5) GUE POR RSCRTTURA FOBLECA WhO. 4934, OEL 17 OE OTCIEMRE Of 2002, THSCRITA EN LA BLE BP coneseto Se Te OF orerauaae DE 2003 AIO Ei MRD. 8749" DEL: CER ES wot 1: PT: coo L:C0r5AC08. Locka & R-o086s CERTIFICA QUE NO FIGURAN OTRAS’ INSCRIPCIONES QUE MODIFIQUEN TOTAL © PARCIALMENTE EL PRESENTE CEATEFICADO. LOS ACTOS Y DOCUMENTOS REGISTRADGS QUEDAN EN FIRME CINCO [5} OAS WABILES DESPUES DE LA FECHA DE SU INSCRIPCION, SIEMPRE Y CUANOO DENTRO DE DICHO TERNINO NO SEAN OBJETO oF RECURSOS EN LA VIA GUBERNATIVA. RDO EN CALT EL SECRETARIO Loor 0 400087

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