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You can search through the full text of this book on the web at ittp//books.google.com4 patgll sor gl alll pats 01 A eeskt Noho AoW Tool Bar (Cea Th ety mill Cea eg bit E bt it legs le SP AMOS abbr HEV ABS AE dar plo pE PO te SALLE AUISFPE Buh eda Rectangular Marquee 6s ite SPA Se bee uSuie bus ube Jif sa SUAU'Elliptical Marquee Toole ESereSpte tse Tool LM Pyle Fe Ure PHU tut Erie Poa uipe AP leu SUsUiSingle Row Marquee Toole tretUeriea WJ srse teed ty = uSUsUISingle Colum Marquee Took-teif Row (7th BSE SUASIA (V) Move Tool BS Pale L fire SL life aS Bint Paiple nS tdsptde block Histroy Brush Tool }——>Paint Bucket }——>Dodge Tool |—>Type Tool |__»Custom Shape Tool |—>EyeDropper Tool [+—>Zoon Tool +>Set Background Color Edit in Standard Mode<——.__>)] +> Edit in Quick Mask Mode Standrad Screen Mode<—— 5 = (+|—»Full Screen Mode | Edit in ImageReady matgll yor lL all pus West Netw Sew (k) Slice Tool eo Psbit COMED LUM se he a SUIT atte a SUIS STELLAR UALR esp ile tr ebgs (j ) Healing Tools Loe Mijttee telf Cs2 22 Kt tobod neh it Heals Epa itie Nuke be Met E Inbnb a pele uSplolut BALI tet {s ) Clone Stamp Tool Agha SURAT E Lire bre sa SII FL Gia mbit erg dyer dd toe cenl ge peve UAhiy ek dipvutn Uae eI (s ) Pattern Stamp Tool Uae ndbhe teeth bopetiia ui Fedral Board, Su-f Fedral Board Steel JbutrietuniAsupar AEb ce Ciegigmcrnet wai Me cme, HRA the till - (b ) Brush Tool ele uSu'e Brush Toole uf IL ee Latte tA iputadey rts tee hgl Pexttzi edule Api tE Sah tE SE fe She Jiin5jPencil Toole Vim te Color Ue Ketek LP UWE Sian Li Suda tele, al Ss Pi HEL hole WE, ROL AL AKT bg ARG Li $s KoA t Foreground Color Took AB farin el ( y ) History Brush Tool Chistory Brush Jagat LAIL Po ttt Preseli PP Eg Shan Fogo S i gE Sheth Seed ube EASE Ie aS tore prt Se ub Se ip brte tnt Ge ptZ Js iar History Brush Took Zé het tur Eb tigi etn Tis eo Ligng Ly ihertnt ergs tous tere thn seen UL Seu S Khe ten Mega ( E ) Eraser Tool (86.7¢-Eraser Tool Write A UAIL pe tut U'Background Eraser Too te tcabt Lie ui Sa ririrrislslie loess Transparent 25,4, ately lnd glint, 7A itn Ste JF Beh he aS its Ab AL ilo te Se bye b irre tet Evia ul yiMagic Eraser Tool entitAuus Go teLu sil LLGELEF Opacity (Tint AL ye dye Siple LL bh ht OIL Nhe LOI AAR IL { G ) Gradint Tool MIELE SAM pars S SE Lae CSA Lifh a SIE Heer EP LS KLIS Ee rLiptii~feuSJaAiPaint Bucket Toot bag Zaale pes matgll yor lL all pus nA Beak! 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