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Fate of the Earth

The Global Environment Crisis


Every Eco-system has a carrying capacity or limit on the amount of life it can
sustain. The earth is one vast complex eco-system, which is rapidly
deteriorating by several interrelated and accelerating environmental

The Population explosion

The greenhouse effect

Ozone layer depletion



Air and water pollution

Species extinction

Food shortages

Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse effect
increasing amount of heat
trapped in the atmosphere
by an ever growing amount
of gases and chemicals
poured into the air from
industrial sources / cars /
aero planes etc. The result
could be global warming.


During the time of Jesus (PBUH), the

world population increased from
roughly 200 million to 1 Billion.
Then, during the 18th and 19th
centuries, humans proliferated,
encouraged by the interrelated
agricultural, industrial, technological
and medical revolutions.

By 1900, the worlds population was 1.6

billion, by 1950 2.5 billion, by 1970 3.6
billion, and by 1999 it surpassed 6
billion !

Pg. 488 (A top ten list: The worlds

most populous countries)

(Pg. 490) Life expectancy

Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

Pg. 493 & 495 (Table)

Ozone Layer Depletion

When CFCs and HCFCs reach

the stratosphere, the
ultraviolet radiation from the
sun causes them to break
apart and release chlorine
atoms which react
withozone, starting chemical
cycles ofozonedestruction
layer. One chlorine atom can
break apart more than


Desertificationis a type of land

degradation in which a relatively
dry land region becomes
increasingly arid, typically losing
its bodies of water as well as
vegetation and wildlife.

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