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The Learners Development Profile

Name of the Learner

Brent Leonard A. Chanliongco


Timbugan National High School

Date of Home Visit

September 17, 2015

Date of Birth:

May 08, 2001


Grade/Year Level:

Grade 9


Family Profile
Number of Siblings:

Birth Order:



Lenie A. Chanliongco
Canteen helper


College undergraduate


Bernard E. Chanliongco







College undergraduate


Physical Development
His very healthy and strong but when he was a child according to his
father he got sick as often. When he was a child he was fun of eating vegetables but
at the present time it became slight. But his parents do not let them use or do not
usually let them eat junk foods. To prove it I observed him when he is buying his
snacks, so as what did his parent said that they do not let them use to eat junk

foods because the learner only bought biscuits and some healthy snacks. Therefore
the learner is aware in his health.

Social Development
The learner is a shy type, his not that really friendly but then his not a
loner and sometimes his blithe and sweet most especially with his family. His father
said that when he was a child his playmates were his cousins. His father does not let
him play outside just inside the house with his cousins to avoid harm and accident.
But now as a teen ager he allowed his son to go out with his friends only if he asked
their permission. For example, when he is going to play basketball with his friends
he tells his family where he is going. The learner also follows the rules of his parents
when his going out with his friends that he is not allowed to stay late outside, his
allowed to go if they are many, and if he tell them where he is going. Like when he
is going to do a group project in his classmates house? So his father is going to ask
his classmates what are their address.
Emotional-Moral Development
His parents provide a nurturing environment for him by guiding him.
They are not tolerating his bad attitudes and they always advice him that he should
always bring up his dreams and make it come true. When the learner feels down
they asked him what is the problem then if he released it they give some advice and
they always remind him that if he has a problem he should tell them as soon as
possible before its too late. So his parents give some advice when his not
successful to something and guides him by telling that he should always have trust
in his self. He should not be shy because he can do it. They also tell their own
experienced or own struggle when they are at his age then they compared that his
children now are more fortunate than them. His father adds that they discipline
their children just like the other parents whom used the iron hand if just needed but
if not they just talk to them and tell them that they should not do that again and
they must learn their lesson. His father said that they have no rules in the house as
long as they help in the house hold chores, helping to their small business (mini
store) and keeping good attitudes. Even though, they have no rules, sometimes

their children talk back in a bad manner so their father got lose his temper therefore
he use his iron hand for them to learn.
Cognitive Development
The learners interest is to play basketball. His also good in school
because his always present in the class and never been absent. He has the
knowledge and his industrious in doing school activities like outputs, assignments
and projects. Yes, he has difficulty in math subject but still his trying his best of what
h can do. According to his father they monitored his performance by his grading
card so after quarter they see what his grades and if its getting low they tell him to
study harder because its for his own sake. His father adds that he impose some
rules at home to help their children develop good study habits like they are not
allowed to go always with their peer groups, they are not allowed to drink alcohol
nor to smoke and everything that might ruined their study it is not allowed for
example, watching television. So they should first do their home work and study
before anything else.
As result of my interview, I knew think that the style of parenting
experienced by the learner is Authoritative because the parents achieve a good
blend with their children. Yes they are firm yet they are loving parents. They have a
clear and reasonable expectations and limits for their children. They treat their
children with respect and warmth but they do not tolerate their bad behaviors so
they make them understand the consequences of their bad attitude or their
negative behaviours.
Bringing to a close, there are some family factors that contribute to
the development and over-all adjustment of the learner in school. These family
factors are the parents do not fight as often in front of their children, the parents
talk to their children and ask them if what are they problems, they discipline them
but not threatened them and they still have their bonding moments. For additions,
the communication between the home-school has an effect on the learner and

these are the way the learner behaves, the way the learner communicate with
his/her peer groups or classmates, the way he/she treat the people around him/her,
and the ability of self- control, self-esteem, and independence.
As a future educator, to establish good home-school collaboration I
would need more patience because its not that easy. Not all of the parents are open
minded and understanding, as far as I know most of them are strict and blameful.
But some of them are understanding and kind.
I can work well with the parents by having a give and take
relationship with them if they would work with me and trust my abilities to help not
only them but also their children for letting them to have a better future.
The parents can help me if they would response immediately
especially when it comes with their children. They have to give some feedback to
resolve the problem as soon as possible.

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