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Babylyn C. Patea

You know youre an angel that God sent to me
He answered my prayers to have you
Youre a shooting star for me
Now and then I really cant live without you

Thought I already found the missing part of me

Every breath I take the only reason is you
I felt so happy like I almost die with you
Youre always living inside of me

You said that you love me

That youre not going to leave me
But now your non existences almost kill me
When are you coming back to me?

As we read the poem this has a total of twelve lines. So each stanza has four lines
and when it has four lines it is called as quatrain. Therefore there are three quatrains in
this poem.
Narrative poetry gives a verbal representation, in verse, of a sequence of
connected events; it propels characters through a plot. It is always told by a narrator.

Narrative poems might tell of a love story (like Tennyson's Maud), the story of a
father and son (like Wordsworth's Michael) or the deeds of a hero or heroine (like Walter
Scott's Lay of the Last Minstrel).
Sub-categories of narrative poetry:
Epics usually operate on a large scale, both in length and topic, such as the
founding of a nation (Virgils Aeneid) or the beginning of world history
(Milton's Paradise Lost), they tend to use an elevated style of language and supernatural
beings take part in the action.
The mock-epic makes use of epic conventions, like the elevated style and the
assumption that the topic is of great importance, to deal with completely insignificant
occurrences. A famous example is Pope's The Rape of the Lock, which tells the story of a
young beauty whose suitor secretly cuts off a lock of her hair.
This poem is a ballad which is a song, originally transmitted orally, which tells a
story. It is an important form of folk poetry which was adapted for literary uses from the
sixteenth century onwards. The ballad stanza is usually a four-line stanza, alternating
tetrameter and trimeter.


There are many reasons why you might choose to use rhyme:
It is to give pleasure. Rhyme, done well, is pleasing to the ear. It adds a musical

element to the poem, and creates a feeling of "rightness," of pieces fitting together. It also
makes a poem easier to memorize, since the rhyme echoes in the reader's mind afterward,
like a melody. It is to deepen meaning. Rhyming two or more words draws attention to
them and connects them in the reader's mind and to strengthen form. In many traditional
forms, a regular pattern of rhymes are at the ends of the lines. This means that even if the
poem is being read out loud, listeners can easily hear where the lines end, can hear the
shape of the poem.
So ABAB is a classic, often-used rhyme scheme with interlocking rhymes. Its
sometimes called alternate rhyme. To write in the ABAB rhyme scheme: Rhyme line 1
with line 3 then Rhyme line 2 with line 4. This ABAB rhyme scheme is built into the
famous poetic form called the Shakespearean sonnet.

Next is ABBA which is a rhyming pair sandwiched inside of another rhyming

pair. This schemes also known as enclosed rhyme. The AABA rhyme scheme is found in
the poetic form called the Petrarchan sonnet.
Lastly is AAAA. This ones tough to pull off. To relieve monotony, you might try
making some of the lines much shorter than the othersvarying line length will make it
sound less predictable.
Here is the rhyme scheme of this poem:
You know youre an angel that God sent to me

He answered my prayers to have you

Youre a shooting star for me

I really cannot live without you

Thought I already found the missing part of me

I wanted to spend my life with you

I felt so happy like I almost die with you

Youre always living inside of me

You have told me that you love me

That you are not going to leave me

But now your nonexistence almost kill me

Had you forgotten me?


In the first line it has two unstressed syllables which is followed by one stressed
syllable and it contains four numbers of feet per line as a representation of UU/ l UU/ l
UU/ l U/ l that can be called as Anapestic Tetrameter. Then, second line has one stressed
syllable that is followed by two unstressed syllables and has three numbers of feet per

line which called as Dactylic Trimeter - /UU l /UU l UU/. The third line has one
unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable and has four numbers of feet per
line that called as Iambic Tetrameter U/ l U/ l U/l U/ .
In the fourth line it has two unstressed followed by one stressed syllable and has three
numbers of feet per line which called as Anapestic Trimeter UU/ l UU/ l UU/. Next, the
fifth line has the same rhythm and meter of the first line. Then, the sixth line also has two
unstressed syllables which is followed by one stressed syllable and has three numbers of
feet per line which called as Anapestic Trimeter- UU/l UU /l UU/. The seventh line has
one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables and has four numbers of feet
per line that called as Iambic Tetrameter U/ l U/ l U/l U/ .
In the eight lines it has one stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables and
has three numbers of feet per line which called as Dactylic Trimeter- /UU l /UU l /UU.
The ninth line has one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable and has four
numbers of feet per line that called as Trochaic Tetrameter- /U l /U l /U l /U. The tenth
line has the same rhythm and meter of the sixth line.

The eleventh line has the same rhythm and meter of the seventh line has one
unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable and has four numbers of feet per
line that called as Dactylic Tetrameter- /UU l /UU l /UU l /UU. And last but not the least
is the twelfth line has one stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable and has
three numbers of feet per line which called as Iambic Trimeter- U/ l U/ l U/.
The first line You know youre an angel that God sent to me and the third line
Youre a shooting star for me are metaphors because metaphor is a literary technique
which is a direct comparison of two completely unlike objects or concepts that merge as
one. So in the first line, the two unlike concepts that being compared are the second
person you and an angel, while in the third line the two unlike concepts that being
compared are the second person you and shooting star.
In the fourth line Now and then I really cant live without you is hyperbole for
the reason that hyperbole is a literary technique that has the expression of full of
exaggeration because a person can live without the one they love for once they already
live without them. Another hyperbole is the fifth line which is Thought I already found

the missing part of me it is because if a person has a missing part of him/her (parts of the
body or body organs) then how can he/she live? Then, the sixth line which is Every
breath I take the only reason is you. So this is an exaggerated expression because a
person is living for many reasons. And the other hyperboles are the seventh line I felt so
happy like I almost die with you, the eight line which is Youre always living inside of
me, and second to the last line which is But now your non existences almost kill me.

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