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There is a guy who works at Lipa City as a salesman of a mall. He has the baby
face looks therefore he is like a teenager. He is warm hearted man who is always
prepared to help in any situation and to any person.
There was a time when he was on his way to his work. Before crossing the lane he
first took a selfie afterwards he saw a hit and run accident so he immediately crossed to
help the poor old granny, he rent a tricycle to get her in the hospital, and report the crime
to the law enforcement by a proof he gave his captured picture of the car with its plate
number. He cannot leave the poor old granny so he decided to wait for the victims
family. He did not leave her until her family came. Before he took his steps he said to the
son of the victim that everything is going to be alright Sir. Then, he took his way into
his work.
David James lives with his brother who is John Peter that is graduating in college,
taking up Bachelor of Science and Information Technology. David James is the eldest
between them. That is why he is the one whos supporting and helping John Peter in his
study. Their family is at Quezon Province that unfortunately died on a car accident five
years ago. The two boys have a deal that when John Peter graduated and has already his
work and good salary he will support and help David James to study in college because
David James has a dream to become a professional businessman.
Its already ten p.m., Saturday evening when David James got awakened and his
drowsiness got lost. Therefore, he went to the night market where still many people are
up and where he can find his favourite food which is pork barbecue. While he is walking

he recalls their conversation of his brother earlier while they are drinking petite amount
of alcohol:
How old are you now kuya?Im twenty four, why did you ask?So you have
NGSB until now Kuya?Come on just point it out JP. Kuya DJ youre getting old and
still you have no girlfriend since birth. You know what Kuya? I might marry first
before you, ahahahaha...just kidding.Sure but you better finished first your study JP,
Deep inside his affected to what his brother told him about. He is single until now
because he made a promise of himself that he would not have a girlfriend until John Peter
is not graduated. He still think about it then suddenly he stops walking and he picked up a
phone (SKK Mobile K30 unit) from his position. He wonders who the owner of that
phone is. The phone vibrates low battery. He do not know where he can find the owner
of that phone so he wait for five minutes taking a chance that the owner will come back
to find that phone. Too bad, the phone shut down and the owner did not come. Therefore
he just eat pork barbecue to satisfy his starvation.
When he came home he charged the battery of the phone. Then, he got an idea of
texting all of the contacts from the phonebook of the phone: Good evening. I just have
found a phone (SKK Mobile K30 unit), this Saturday evening in the night market of Lipa.
Your number is saved in its phonebook that is why I texted you. Do you know who the
owner of that phone I have found? After sending the group message he takes his sleep.
A week after, none of the contacts replied to his message. He thought that the
phone is not important any more with the owner. His brother gave him an idea: Kuya I

think this is the time you learned some moves from me. Just try to text all of the contacts
of girls from the phonebook of that phone. Whatever you said JP, can you just go now?
Im sure that your girlfriend is already waiting for you. But David James said.
Whatever, eh what if this is the sign that you will meet your fate?John Peter answered.
David James got curious that ends by sending a group message for all of the
contacts of girls from the phonebook: Good morning. Can you be my text mate?, then
some of them replied. Some of them are married, some of them are single mothers, some
of them are gays, some of them are lesbians and some of them are single but did not
match for him. After three weeks without any expectation a girl text him:
Im sorry, who are you again?I am David James but you can call me DJ for
short, how about you Miss?Claire. So are you working?What a beautiful name, (he
said in his mind). Yes Iam working. How about you Claire, are you working? No
Im just taking my vacation because I got confined in the hospital for three weeks.Are
you alright now Claire? Yap, better than good I guess. So how old are you DJ?
Im twenty four, and your age is? Im only twenty two kuyaPlease dont call me
I am just kidding you DJ, alright then from now on I wont call you
kuya.Thanks Claire. Yes! Now I have a chance (he said in his mind).So where
do you live DJ? Actually I am from Quezon Province but because of my work and my
brothers study, we are now here at Lipa Ciy so how about you? Currently, Im here at
Laguna.Ah Laguna is not that far from here you know?Yes, anyway I better get
going because I need to attend my checked up schedule with the doctor, thanks for your

time DJ.I understand, but can I text you at any time Claire?Yah sure its up to you
DJ.Last favor, can I get your email address?
you, keep safe as always ClaireYoure welcome DJ, may you do the same
After that David James is always texting her, checking out if shes doing fine and
if they are both in the mood their conversation last until two a. m. in the morning. Claire
is a boyish girl, not in looks but in her attitude. Yet, she is charming and pretty the way
she dress especially when there is an occasion. She finishes a two year course of Hotel
and Restaurant Management. Her parents were already separated since she was in high
school and they both have their own family. That is why she uses to be independent but
because of the accident her mother is taking care of her until now, its been a long time
when she felt that love and care of a mother.
Claire was running hurriedly that Saturday evening in the night market of Lipa for
the reason of running away from her foolish boyfriend that she caught in the act who was
kissing another girl and who was following her by his motor bicycle that night. After
Claire passed by in the night market she lost him but she was not safe to the tricycle that
all of a sudden crossed in front of her. She bumped into the tricycle. The force was too
strong as a result her right leg was broke that she cannot move any muscle of it and she
really got many injuries. Fortunately, the driver did not run away and called for an
ambulance because of Claires critical condition that is why she got confined in the
hospital for three weeks.
They are both getting to know each other which are through phone and facebook
message and call. Claire, do you know the owner of the phone that I have told you?

Honestly Im the owner of that phone; I only used it when Im in a public place. Do you
still remember the story of my accident? Yes...ah so you left that phone while youre
running from him? Yup, exactly DJ You know what? I think youre my fate Claire.
Im sorry DJ I dont want to hurt you I cannot love someone if Im still wrecked.
Months later, Claires injuries were already healed except for her right leg and her
broken heart. David James is so upset because even his trying his best to make her happy
by pickup lines, jokes, singing love songs and playing guitar, still Claire cannot move on
with her ex boyfriend. But as a respect he waited for her until she finally told him that she
is really over with her ex boyfriend. David James makes his step right away to court her
by calling her:
I am already falling in love with you Claire. I am very sincere to my feelings
with you; can I come to your house for I can formally meet you and your family in
person?If you are really sincere then yes you can come?Thanks for that permission
Claire. You do not know how much you made me happy right now and I think its going to
be forever.(She blushed).
Every weekend David James is visiting Claire in Laguna to have bonding
moments with her and her family. That girl seemed to respond to some chord in his being,
to that sort of ideal of love which one cherishes in the depths of the heart, that bursting
out. As time goes by David James and Claire status become in a relationship. After three
years, John Peter has an opportunity to work on abroad while David James is in his third
year in college and Claire is already backed in her work. Before John Peter fly to Korea

for his big break, he wants to have his bonding moments with Isabel, David James and
Kuya DJ let us all go out of town before I fly to Korea. Ok, so where do you
plan to go? In Baguio Are you sure? Of course, so dont worry I got this. I
forgot to tell you, JP she is going to work in Dubai. She is already fixing her papers and
requirements for that. Thats it! I have an idea kuya. Dont make fun of me now JP,
seriously. No, I swear kuya you will thank me for this. Alright so what is it JP?
You are going to have your marriage proposal with her in Baguio. But how am I
going to do that? Leave it to me kuya, just trust me.
John Peter tells his girlfriend and his kuya DJ every detail of his plan for the
marriage proposal of Claire. All is settled so they travelled to Baguio. Without knowing
of David James and Claire, John Peter only reserved for two rooms. The one room is for
him and for Isabel and the other one is for his kuya DJ and ate Claire. It is already nine
p.m. in the evening when they arrived in the Hotel where they have reservation. After
checking in:
Good night ate Claire, good night Kuya said by John Peter and with Isabel they
took their way upstairs while laughing. Meaning to say we are sleeping in one room, in
one bed huh Daddy? I guess so, what are you worried of? None at all. So what are
we going to do now?Edi lets just make a baby. What? No wedding no loving nu.
How about loving before wedding? Your just tired Daddy, come on lets just take a
rest and sleep, she said while making her way upstairs, Ok Mommy, whatever you say.
Then he followed her with disappointment on his face.

On their next day in Baguio they went to the different tourist

spots like Burnham Park, Baguio Cathedral, Wright Park, and Baguio
City Public Market. On their second night they went to a haunted house
for a ghost haunting. As one of the boys, Claire first come in, they only
have flashlight to light their way. John Peter and Isabel check out the
first floor while Claire and David James go upstairs creeeeeeeak...
creeeeeeeak... creeeeeeeak the sounds of their steps are really
creepy. David James opens the door of a room with a scary sound
cccllllcccckkkkkkk. Daddy did you know the story of this house?
According to the rumours the whole family in this house had been
massacred when it was World War II.
Out of a sudden, aaaaaah! Claire felt frightened. Her heart beats faster when
she heard John Peter shouted Kuya DJ ate Claire help, Isabel. They rapidly go down
stairs but its really dark: JP? Isabel? Where are you? Claire thought that David James
is at her back all that time but when she looks around she did not see him. Daddy, the
three of you, is this joke? This is not funny ok? Where are you guys?
Then she heard another scream aaaaaaaah again from Isabel which is coming
from a room. Claire found that room and when she opened the door the fluorescent light
up Surprise! She is speechless; the room is garnish of beautiful things with a banner of
WILL YOU MARRY ME? She becomes more speechless when David James kneels
down in front of her and takes her hand: Will you marry me Claire? I have almost
died on heart attack and now youre asking me to marry you? Are you kidding? Yes, I

will marry you Mr. David James A. Delmundo . (After putting the ring on her finger
they kiss passionately.)



David James A. Delmundo (DJ)

He is the main character of the story. He is a salesman of a mall. He has the baby face
looks therefore he is like a teenager. He is warm hearted man who is always prepared to
help in any situation and to any person.

John Peter (JP)

He is the brother of David James. He is the one who planned for the marriage
proposal of his brother David James and Claire.


Claire is a boyish girl, not in looks but in her attitude. Yet, she is charming and pretty
the way she dress especially when there is an occasion.


She is the loving girlfriend of John Peter who helps him to prepare and make possible
the marriage proposal for Claire.

This story has started at City of Lipa where the main character and his brother
live. Then in Laguna, where is the present address of Claire. And the most important
setting is in Baguio where the marriage proposal has happened. So this story has happend
in the twenty first century.
There is man who is working and living at Lipa City. He is warm hearted man
who is always prepared to help in any situation and to any person. There was a time when
he was on his way to his work. Before crossing the lane he first took a selfie afterwards
he saw a hit and run accident so he immediately crossed to help the poor old granny, he
rent a tricycle to get her in the hospital, and report the crime to the law enforcement by a
proof he gave his captured picture of the car with its plate number. He cannot leave the
poor old granny so he decided to wait for the victims family. He did not leave her until
her family came.
John Peter often teases his Kuya DJ about his love life because David James has
NGSB or no girlfriend since birth even he is now at the age of twenty four. Then he is
likely offended by his brother when John Peter jokes him that he might marry before him.
Because he is the one who supports and helps John Peter in his study and they have a deal
that when John Peter graduated and has already his work and good salary he will support
and help David James to study in college because David James has a dream to become a
professional businessman.

When David James found the phone then he got an idea of texting all of the
contacts from the phonebook of the phone: Good evening. I just have found a phone
(SKK Mobile K30 unit), this Saturday evening in the night market of Lipa. Your number
is saved in its phonebook that is why I texted you. Do you know who the owner of that
phone I have found?Then, A week after, none of the contacts replied to his message. He
thought that the phone is not important any more with the owner. Subsequently, his
brother gave him an idea of texting all of the contacts of girls for a chance that he might
find his fate.
David James got curious that ends by sending a group message for all of the
contacts of girls from the phonebook with a message of Good morning. Can you be my
text mate?, then some of them replied. Some of them are married, some of them are
single mothers, some of them are gays, some of them are lesbians and some of them are
single but did not match for him. After three weeks without any expectation a girl text
him and this is Claire is actually the owner of the phone which she has lost from the
accident. So they become friends at first then after knowing each other they become
lovers. After three years, John Peter has an opportunity to work on abroad while David
James is in his third year in college and Claire is already backed in her work but suddenly
Claire decided to work in Dubai.

The out of town plan of John Peter become a marriage proposal plan for Claire.
So they went in Baguio. On their next day in Baguio they went to the different tourist. On
their second night they went to a haunted house for a ghost haunting where young
couples planed the surprise marriage proposal for their Ate Claire. She is speechless; the
room is garnish of beautiful things with a banner of WILL YOU MARRY ME
CLAIRE? She becomes more speechless when David James kneels down in front of her
and takes her hand and asks her Will you marry me Claire?Then she answered yes.
Followed by putting the ring on her finger and then they kiss passionately.
David James and Claire believe in forever therefore no matter what trials they will
endure in life they will never give up as long as they have each other even if they are not
together. They give their words that they will wait until the right time has come.
The point of view used in the story was the third person point of view. The
narrator used the pronoun he and she.

Onomatopoeia has been used in the story. This literary technique has two types
which are the lexical and non lexical onomatopoeia. Lexical onomatopoeia can be spell
as symbolically while nonlexical onomatopoeia has no structure and actually hard to
pronounce, The nonlexical that is used in this story are creeeeeeeak... creeeeeeeak...
creeeeeeeak which is the sounds of their steps and door of a room with a scary sound
The phone symbolizes their fate. By just an accident their path has cross and they
meet. A girl who is moving on and a man who is finding way to meet his fate.

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