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August 2015

Contact Information
Phone: 512-841-1166
7th grade code: au8leks
8th grade code: 9cpghm

English Class Syllabus

Course Description: English class and English teachers exist to help you, because
people who can speak and write well are more successful in their lives. In this class you
will learn how to compose poems, read books, write essays, and give speeches. You will
learn the skills you need to share your thoughts, ideas, emotions, and opinions with the

Materials Needed
A spiral or composition notebook
A pencil or pen, your own pencil sharpener, and an eraser
A 3-ring binder with dividers
Folder with brads
1 package of notebook paper
You must bring your materials to class every day. Your binder, dividers, and spiral
will stay in the classroom, and you are expected to bring the other materials with you to
class daily. I sell mechanical pencils for .25 cents if you forget yours, or you can borrow
one from a friend.
If for some reason you cannot obtain the supplies, see me after class or after
school. I can help you with this.
I have high expectations for you, because I know you can do it.
You need to come to class ready to learn. Arrive with materials in your hand,
personal conversations paused, and bathroom business done. During class you should
remain in your seat unless told otherwise.
You need to take yourself seriously. Follow directions and do your homework. If
you ever have a question or need extra help, please talk to me or write me a note. My
door is always open to you.
You need to allow others to learn. Remember that you are not the only one using
our school property, so treat it with care. Keep your hands and objects to yourself. Also, I
do not tolerate name-calling or fighting in my class. We were just playing is not an
acceptable excuse. Our class will be a community where all students feel safe, so please
respect and help your fellow students.

There will be times when you do not know the answer to a question. This is OK!
In school, we learn we are not supposed to know everything; otherwise we wouldnt be

Consequences for misbehavior:

Private conversation
Phone call home
Visit the AP
50% In-class work and homework
40% Quizzes and exams
10% Effort and participation
Other Policies:
Homework: Students will be required to read for 20 minutes every night. They may read
magazines, comics, books, or articles on the internet that interest them. They will also be
asked to finish any work they do not complete in class. Often, students will be assigned
specific activities to be turned in the next day.
Tutorials: Tutorials are available after school by appointment.
Absences: The student will have an opportunity to make up the missed assignment(s)
which must be completed in the same amount of days as days missed. YOU are
responsible for asking for the missed work.
Bathroom: Ask to go during group work or independent work time, not during silent
reading or when Mrs. Lewis is teaching.

***Parent Homework due August 29, 2014: Please send me an email with
your name, your childs name, and the best way to contact you. My email is ***
Looking forward to a great year,
Mrs. Lewis

Parents and Guardians, please sign and return.


Las Expectativas de la Clase de Ingls de la Seora Lewis

Tengo altas expectativas para ti, porque s que puedes hacerlo.

Consecuencias del mal comportamiento

Conversacin privada con la maestra
Padre llamada
Conferencia con el Subdirector de la Escuela

50% Trabajos de diario. 40% pruebas y exmenes. 10% participacin.

Una libreta espiral o una libreta composicin
Un lpiz o bolgrafo todos los das, una sacapunta, y una goma
Un carpeta de anillas, dos pulgadas
Un carpeta con clavitos
Uno paquete de papel de cuaderno
Usted necesita traer su material de clase cada da. Me vender lpices para 25 centavos si
los ha olvidado.
Si por alguna razn no puedes comprar los suministros, hablar conmigo. Estar encantado
de ayudarle con esto.

Otras polticas
Cuarto de bao. No se le permitir ir durante la lectura o tiempo de enseanza. Si tienes
necesidades mdicas, dime por favor.

Tutoriales. Tendr tutoriales despus de escuela si tienes que hacer la tarea o necesitan ayuda

Ausencias. Necesitars solicitar materiales y completar el trabajo que hicimos cuando estabs
ausentes. Vengas a tutoriales si no entiendes las asignaciones.

Padres y Tutores, por favor firma and devuelve.


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